In the early morning of winter, it's full of frost and fog. Everywhere it goes, it's bleak. Mei Qiduo got up very early today and is about to celebrate the new year. So I'm going to the town to buy some new year's goods and go to the town's fumanlou.

"Dor, get up so early." Mei Xiaolan always gets up early. She is a little surprised to see Mei Qiduo get up at this time.

Once meiqiduo gets up early, it means that she has something to do today.

"Well, mother, it's going to be new year's day soon. Go to the town and buy some new year's goods. By the way, go to fumanlou." Mei Qiduo said faintly. After all, since Zhu Yuxuan came last time, he hasn't been to town for nearly half a month. As a partner, he's still lazy.

"Well, go ahead, follow the stone and be safe." Mei Xiaolan looked at Mei Qiduo and said that after all, Mei Qiduo had a daughter's home, and she was still not at ease.

Mei Qiduo heard Mei Xiaolan like this, and his eyes flashed with surprise, "I know." She couldn't help thinking that Mei Xiaolan knew that there was something between her and stone.

Since last time, Mei Qiduo has been trying to escape from the stone these days. On the one hand, she wants to suppress her inner thoughts, on the other hand, she wants to get close to them.

Mei Qiduo has been tortured like this in her mind these days, so she doesn't dare to face the stone.

"Are you avoiding me?" Stone naturally felt that Mei Qiduo could hide himself these days, which made him feel extremely angry.

"No... you think too much." Meiqiduo didn't look at stone's expression at this time, but she knew her expression must be super hypocritical.

How can you hide it from the thoughtful person in front of you?

"What do you think?" Stone sneered that he had been hiding from him for a few years, but he didn't see it. If it wasn't for Mei Xiaolan's words, he might have gone to town alone today.

Mei Qi duo lowered her eyes and turned her lips. You just know. Why do you want to say it.

But she did not dare to say it in front of the stone, with a flattering smile on her face, she said: "I don't think so! I'm just busy these days. "

Stone heart sighed a tone, or don't force her too tight, helplessly said: "remember, you are just busy these days."

Adding to the tone of "these days" is a bit of a gnashing of teeth, and my eyes are full of helplessness.

"Yes, yes."

Mei Qiduo nodded perfunctorily. For her, it can be delayed for a few days. Let's talk about it then.

Stone at a glance to see Mei seven flowers in perfunctory him, but the heart is still full of helpless smile, he is not forced too tight.

When shopkeeper Xu saw Mei Qiduo and stone coming in, he saluted respectfully, "boss, let's listen to you before the master leaves." Shopkeeper Xu really admires Mei Qiduo in his heart. He has watched Mei Qiduo change from a poor woman to the owner of fumanlou with his own eyes. Just because of her calm courage towards the master, he should be respectful.

"Well, I know. By the way, I came here today mainly to give some recipes to the cooks in fumanlou. Besides, you can help me ask the person in the town who has the best teeth. There is a shortage of people in the family." Mei Qi duo nodded, very casually said that today he came to do a few things.

Shopkeeper Xu heard that Mei Qiduo was going to hand in the cook's recipe, and immediately he couldn't see his eyes with a smile, which meant that he had to make money again. He immediately said, "wait a moment, my boss. I'll arrange it now." With that, he walked up to the kitchen.

Soon I heard cheers coming from the kitchen. Since Mei Qiduo said four recipes, fumanlou hasn't changed a new recipe for a long time. I heard that Mei Qiduo came to teach a new recipe this time. Can you stop cheering? In recent months, their wages have increased a lot. If they don't grasp it well, isn't it a fool.

Nobody is in the house.

Shopkeeper Xu respectfully looks at the woman leaning against the window, raises his eyes and quietly looks at the first Prince of Haoyue. He is surprised. He didn't expect that he was really right at the beginning. This man is really king Ling.

"Master, when the master leaves, let me give you the 20% share certificate and the exclusive waist tag of fumanlou." Shopkeeper Xu takes out the things that Zhu Yuxuan asked him to give Mei Qiduo from his arms. But he still thinks that the master is joking, but he didn't expect to write a letter as soon as he went back.

However, when she thought that Miss Mei had saved Ling Wang, she should have got all these. Moreover, Ling Wang seemed to be very unusual to miss Mei. He felt the murderous spirit of Ling Wang at that time, and now he was sweating.

"Well, I see. In addition, 30% of the shares of the workshop will wait until the completion of the workshop to write the following book." Mei Qiduo took the envelope from shopkeeper Xu and nodded his head with a smile. Zhu Yuxuan has a person to cooperate with.

Now that the workshop has cooperated with him, she doesn't want him to get half a share of the winery.

"The master said that the owner of the restaurant could draw money at will." Shopkeeper Xu also glanced at the stone, as if he had something else to say.

"What else did he say?" Mei Qiduo is not blind. Naturally, she sees the hint of shopkeeper Xu.

"The master also said to let the owner take good care of Lingwang..." shopkeeper Xu swallowed his saliva. In fact, Zhu Yuxuan said a good word, but shopkeeper Xu thought it was better not to say it well.

"Well, I see." Mei seven flowers smile not to smile of saw a stone, this wish Yu Xuan arrive is very care about a stone.

Shopkeeper Xu saw that stone's face was more and more unhappy. He said wisely, "the little one went down first." Then he hurried out.

Because of shopkeeper Xu's going out, the atmosphere was a little quiet for a moment. Mei Qiduo didn't take care of the stone either. When she saw the envelope in her hand, she was very happy.

Stone quietly looked at the woman by the window, thinking that when he first saw her, dry frying was like a bean sprout, but he could see the cunning and ruthlessness in his dark eyes. Although he saved himself, he didn't suffer at all. He not only stripped his clothes, but also took away his jade pendant.

Although I can't remember anything, I subconsciously want to follow this woman. I look at her like a flower, and I find that she has been branded into my heart. There is no bad time in my life. Suddenly someone says that I not only know you, but also you are the king of this dynasty.

He is the most understanding in front of this is full of cunning woman, a little found any trouble, she will not hesitate to get away.

However, how could he let her go? How could he let himself sink the wheel! Like her, he has never been a kind-hearted man.

Therefore, even if the sinking wheel needs two people together.

"You're happy." Stone said softly in Mei Qiduo's ear, and his voice was full of teasing.

Mei Qiduo's ears were frightened by the warm breath. As soon as she was born, she saw the stone's face magnified infinitely in front of her eyes. She could even see his long and curly eyelashes. She couldn't help but be a little jealous. This man is really God's favorite.

"Cough... Just talk. Why are you so close?" Mei Qi duo's white face is suffused with a faint blush, and he hides behind inadvertently, but the stone looks at Mei Qi duo without blinking.

"Meiqiduo, I tell you, you can't escape from me in this life." This is the first time stone called Mei Qiduo's name, and also the first time he spoke to her in such a cruel tone. He was never a gentle person, but his tenderness was only for her.

Mei Qi duo picked eyebrows, which is a threat, but she has never been afraid of threats, voice full of charm, "if I escape, how do you take?" Her face was charming, but her eyes were cold.

The stone smiled and said, "don't worry, I'll tie you to the bed before you escape, so that you can't get down all your life." Finish saying, the lip petal kisses the lips of plum seven flowers.

Then, someone who hears the dirty words from someone who thinks she is very pure and virtuous opens her eyes wide and looks at the face close to her eyes. Her mind is blank and she doesn't know what to do.

I don't know whether I should refuse or respond.

When the stone let go of Mei Qiduo, I saw Mei Qiduo's face. I didn't know how to react to it. I saw that there was smart, cunning and fierce expression on this face. I haven't seen such a lovely expression now. The stone's voice was with an inexplicable smile, "are you Pro stupid?"

Mei Qiduo immediately reacted and pushed away the stone, but found that there was a great difference in strength. She couldn't push it away at all. Mei Qiduo looked like a fried kitten and shouted at him: "have you passed my consent?

Looking at the pink swollen lip, the Blue Phoenix eyes of the stone were dazzling, "I thought you would like it." Then move forward and kiss again.

Mei Qiduo is more fried. Even if she was kiss before, now she still comes, "fenglingjue, you're shameless... Um..." suddenly, the pink lips are blocked again, and then meiqiduo feels that her lips have been sucked hard for several times.

"Don't swear. It's not good for children in the future." It's very dignified.

"Who's going to have a baby?" Mei Qiduo's face was even more red. Her eyes were full of anger. She looked at the stone with discontent in her eyes.

Stone looked at his arms full of blush, eyes full of anger, she did not know how beautiful she is now, how delicate, "I ah! I want you to have a baby for me. " In the last few words, the voice was full of sleepiness.

"...." Mei Qiduo was silent, tears ran in her heart, and then completely conceded defeat.

The stone feels the obedience of the person in his arms. He holds Mei Qiduo tightly in his hands. His voice says with infinite tenderness: "duo'er, no matter who I am, I only want you in my life."

Mei Qi duo secretly glanced at his mouth and said, "I don't want to have anything to do with the officials at all, especially the royal family. It's troublesome." Yes, the royal family is always a problem.

"I don't want to either." Stone is more tightly embrace plum seven flower, breath is more burning in her ear said.

"The royal family is said to be polygamous." Mei Qiduo picked eyebrows and looked at the stone. Her eyes were full of discontent.

Her husband can only have her in his life, otherwise

Stone hears Mei Qiduo's words and laughs. Mei Qiduo seems to feel the vibration of his chest. Then he hears him say happily: "I have no time to worry about you. How can I have time to worry about other people? I'll be with you all my life."

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