When shopkeeper Xu came in, he didn't know why. He felt the light pleasure in the room, not the embarrassment at the beginning. Although the two didn't talk to each other, shopkeeper Xu still felt the unusual atmosphere between them.

However, shopkeeper Xu was very clever and didn't say it.

"Shopkeeper, Mrs. Xu is coming." Qingyun came in, followed by a woman with meticulously combed hair.

"Oh, Hello, shopkeeper Xu is looking for me, but I want to buy someone? In my hand, I happen to be a little girl who has been sold by dozens of new big families. It's all transferred. It's guaranteed to satisfy shopkeeper Xu. " As soon as I walked into the restaurant and saw shopkeeper Xu, I hadn't heard of Mrs. Xu's mouth. The rouge on her face was almost falling off, and she said that she was excited to spend. Her fingers were cocked with orchid fingers of various shapes.

Is this the pattern of trafficking in human beings in ancient times? Mei Qiduo thought to herself.

Shopkeeper Xu seems to have been used to it for a long time. He nodded his head expressionless and looked at Mrs. Xu, motionless like a Buddha.

"Ha ha, Mrs. Xu, I'm joking. It's not me this time, it's this girl." With that, he pointed to Mei Qiduo.

Mrs. Xu's extremely shrewd eyes turned to Mei Qiduo. Seeing a well-dressed and pretty girl, she quickly stepped forward and said with a smile, "it's this little lady. I don't know when you want to have someone or what kind of person you want, so that she can give you a good introduction. It's guaranteed to be the best and the price is the most reasonable, I'll never give you a penny. "

Mei Qi nodded. Mei Qi duo said to the smiling shopkeeper Xu, "now bring the people here. I'll choose a few."

"Well, hold on, girl." The smile on Mrs. Xu's face is deeper. Even the wrinkles on her face stretch a lot. She turns around and says a lucky word to shopkeeper Xu. She turns around and goes out.

Mei Qiduo asked with a smile: "manager Xu, this is the most famous person in the town."

Shopkeeper Xu nodded, "it's not. Although she talks all day long, if she really doesn't have the ability, how can she become the person appointed by the government? If she really doesn't have the ability, who dares to do it?"

Mei Qiduo also felt that what he said was quite reasonable. He nodded slightly, and then he could not help sighing in his heart. In ancient times, even buying and selling people needed the approval of the government.

While they were chatting, Mrs. Xu came in with a smile on her face. "This girl, people are waiting in the backyard. Now, Mrs. Xu will take you to see if there is anyone you want."

"Well!" Nodding, Mei Qiduo stood up and went to the backyard with Mrs. Xu from the restaurant.

The backyard of the restaurant is very big. After all, some of the staff in the restaurant live here. There are four yards in front and back. Shopkeeper Xu lives in the first yard, while the others in the back are cooks, guys and sundries. It looks very spacious.

The original quiet backyard is still quiet, and it doesn't seem noisy because of the arrival of Mei Qiduo. It's just that there are many people standing in the original spacious yard, men and women, old and young, standing in two rows. Everyone's eyes are looking around anxiously, with expectation and fear in their eyes. They don't know what kind of masters the people who come to choose this time will be.

This time, Mei Qiduo mainly wants to buy a literate steward. Although the workshop has uncle Fu, uncle Fu is illiterate after all, so it's necessary to buy a literate steward, and then buy a woman who knows the rules of some big families, mainly for the baozi girl in the family. Thinking that Mei Xiaolan won't be bullied if she goes out by herself in the future. Or she won't be at ease.

It's just this short distance. All kinds of flattery and flattery from Mrs. Xu make Mei Qiduo's head a little big. Even manager Xu praises her eloquence. It's really extraordinary.

"Mrs. Xu, just be quiet. I'm thinking about how many people I want to buy." Mei Qiduo interrupted her.

Originally, Mrs. Xu must be happy to hear Mei Qiduo's words, but she also heard that many people would definitely buy Mei Qiduo. Her smile did not break. She immediately nodded and said yes.

When Mei Qiduo came to the backyard, he saw twenty or thirty people standing there. The look on each person's face was numb. It seemed that he could see through life and death without any look.

However, when people saw Mei Qiduo, their eyes were stained with different colors, with expectation and fear. It seemed that Mei Qiduo was the one who saved them.

Mrs. Xu pointed to a group of people in front of her and said to Mei Qiduo, "look, girl, these are the people in the hands of Mrs. Xu. Just pick them."

Mei Qiduo waved her hand to stop Mrs. Xu's words. Then she sat on the chair in front of her very leisurely. Her deep and quiet eyes swept through the crowd twice.

Although the heart has identified those people, but meiqiduo still did not speak, just very calm drinking tea, because of this, the original quiet backyard seems to only hear the sound of meiqiduo drinking tea.

The person standing in the yard quietly looked up at the woman sitting on the chair. He was shocked. The more calm he was, the more anxious he was.

Finally a cup of tea, Mei Qiduo put down the cup, quietly but very firmly asked: "I promise only loyal to my stand out." Finish saying and not very anxious, just fingers carelessly knock chair, eyes is very casual swept in front of these people, Mei Qiduo is very patient, she is waiting.

Sure enough, some people in the crowd heard Mei Qiduo say this. They looked at each other. Then they quieted down again. Some people bit their lips and then stood up. Seeing Mei Qiduo's calm eyes, he immediately lowered his head and was surprised. There was no expression in his eyes just now. His eyes were full of deep and quiet. It seemed that he could see the sharp heart of the people.

It makes people cold.

Mei Qiduo looked at several people who stood up and nodded in her heart. She was almost the same as the candidate in her heart. She gently walked up to a girl with a drooping head, looked at the withered yellow hair and asked softly, "what's your name?"

"Little... Little red." The little girl timidly looked up at the plum seven flowers, and then immediately went up.

"How old is it?" Xiaohong, it's a very common name.

"Ten... Thirteen."

Mei Qiduo was very surprised. Looking at the little girl so thin, she thought she was seven or eight years old. She really couldn't see that the little girl was thirteen years old. Mei Qiduo nodded, and then went to a very beautiful woman. This woman at least made Mei Qiduo feel very beautiful, with slender eyebrows and eyes, very white skin, long legs and thin waist. Mei Qiduo saw her look without any uneasiness, but she had a cheerful disposition.

"Your name?" Asked Mei Qiduo.

"Back to the girl, maidservant spring peach."

"Well, I see." Mei Qiduo nodded. If she didn't guess wrong, the girl should have been sold by the lady of the last family, and it must be because she is beautiful and is liked by the master. When Mei Qiduo is ready to go to the next one, he hears Chuntao say in a hurry.

"Girl, maidservant is not a restless person, just..." her tone is very urgent, with a trace of unspeakable embarrassment, but there is no resentment in her eyes.

Mei Qiduo waved her hand. She had a good impression of this spring peach. Since she was choosing people, she naturally wanted to choose some good-looking ones. Otherwise, they were all crooked melons and cracked dates. She felt uncomfortable looking at them.

Spring peach see Mei seven flower signal she don't need to say again, don't say what, just respectfully back down.

After that, Mei Qiduo asked several people in a row, all of which were very simple questions. Then she went back to the life and change of Mrs. Xu, pointed to the people she had asked before, and said, "just them."

One of these people has been in charge of a rich family for decades. Because he offended the noble people, he was sold. There are also two parenting mothers. They had been in big families. They were always reminded by Mei Xiaolan's side that they had four servant girls. The last one is a dealer's old style. He has served the land for decades. He thinks he can pay this person when he comes back to the mountain.

Eight people were picked out at once. Mrs. Xu was so happy that she had a deeper smile on her face. Some of them were driven back in succession, which didn't make her happy.

"Girl, are these people enough? If you still need to say it in the future, the woman will promise to satisfy the girl and give you the most reasonable price. " Mrs. Xu said as she took out the deed of sale from her arms and found out the names of these people. "Girl, you see, these four girls are all new comers. Girl is really lucky. In the face of shopkeeper Xu, I don't care for you at all. This one is ten liang of silver, and the rest is five liang of silver. What do you think, girl?"

"Qingyun, take Mrs. Xu to the accounting room to get some silver." Mei Qiduo said“ The money you buy will be deducted from the sausage. Please remember, shopkeeper Xu. "

Shopkeeper Xu was surprised. After all, the master said that the silver in Fu Man Lou could be used by Mei Gu. He really didn't expect Mei Qi duo to say that. He quickly agreed.

Qingyun ordered, "ah, master, I know. Mrs. Xu, you come with me."

Xu's mother-in-law wrinkled with Qingyun happily. The rest of the people stood there waiting for Xu's mother-in-law to come back and take them away. Their eyes were numb again.

"Come with me." Meiqiduo didn't go to see the rest of the people, just said a light, and then turned to the restaurant.

The eight people behind him were silent. They followed Mei Qiduo into the restaurant and then went up to the second floor.

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