In the nameless neighborhood, Mei Qiduo sat on the soft collapse, looked at the eight people in line, then pointed to the four girls and said, "from today on, you change your name, from left to right, followed by spring rain, xialan, autumn frost and winter snow."

Xiaohong, the youngest, was renamed Dongxue, while the original Chuntao was renamed xialan, because the new name was very elegant, which made the four girls very happy, so they knelt down to thank Mei Qiduo for her name.

The other four people also made a decision in Mei Qiduo's heart.

"Xue Wan, when you come to me, you should put away a little careful thinking in your heart. I like your intelligence, but remember, don't be smart here. My ugly words are in front, and there is only one chance here, otherwise..." Mei Qiduo's momentum has been fully opened, vicious and cold before she finished her words.

Xue Wan was surprised. In fact, he looked down on Mei Qiduo in his heart. He thought about how capable a woman could be. He used to be in charge of a rich family. But after what happened just now, what he thought in his heart seemed to be clearly seen by her, and he had to be convinced. Moreover, he was also a smart man. What did Mei Qiduo like about him, Naturally, it was clear in his heart.

"Please don't worry. Xue Wan will work for him wholeheartedly and dare not have two hearts."

Meiqiduo didn't take care of him any more. She just looked at the two mammies and said faintly, "our family is not a big family, but it also needs you. You two should follow my mother first. She is soft tempered and kind-hearted. There are some things that need to be mentioned more by you. Don't let others bully her."

The two women knelt down on the ground, "thank you for your trust. You will live up to your expectations."

Both of them came from rich families. After going through those things, they naturally didn't ask for rich people, because they were both upright people. Now they met Mei Qiduo and thought that Mei Qiduo asked them to serve the old lady. This is also very attractive to them. They must repay them.

"As for Uncle Li, because there are not many fields at home, you don't need to take care of them for the time being. After spring, you have something to do."

Uncle Li heard Mei Qiduo say this, indicating that he would do well and would not disappoint Mei Qiduo.

Mei Qiduo asked them to go out and wait first. When the afternoon came, Mei Qiduo was taking them back.

"Boss, do you need anyone else?" Manager Xu sees Mei Qiduo so straightforward and arranges them. He looks up at the stone and seems to be asking if he wants to match the stone with a boy or something.

"No, listen to your boss." Stone said, it seems that did not put Mei seven don't buy him a small Si things in mind, put a wave of hands to indicate Xu shopkeeper can go out.

"Wait a minute. Today I'm mainly here to teach cooks. I'll follow you to the kitchen and tell you about today's dishes." Mei Qiduo didn't forget the purpose that she came here today. She stood up and followed manager Xu to the kitchen

This month, Mei Qiduo prepared a dish of duck blood vermicelli, Dongpo meat, boiled fish and cold cucumber. They are all essential dishes on the table.

Mei Qiduo is very serious in the kitchen teaching, every dish steps also need to pay attention to the place, the explanation is very detailed, although say so, but Mei Qiduo still let them remember the things that one by one write down.

"Cucumber must choose the freshest, and then..." Mei Qiduo has said the last dish, and the other three dishes are ready for the table. "Finally, put vinegar, ginger, garlic... Understand?"

"This is a little bit unfamiliar." Master Zhao blushed and said that although Mei Qiduo explained it in detail, there were still some places that he was not proficient in.

"It's OK. You'll know after a while. I'll write the detailed recipe to shopkeeper Xu later." Mei Qiduo washed her hands and went out. It's only a matter of time. Soon after that, they should be very skilled in cooking these dishes.

Shopkeeper Xu sees Mei Qiduo come out and greets him. He has already smelled the fragrance outside the kitchen. He thinks that the restaurant business will be better in the future, and his face is full of smile. "I've worked hard for my boss. I've bought all the things he ordered to buy. Do you still have those left behind? I'm ordering people to buy it. "

"No, I believe in shopkeeper Xu. Let's stop here today. I'll come back after Chinese New Year." Mei Qiduo rubbed her forehead. There are a lot of things today, and people have arranged it, so it's bad for silver.

When the workshop opens, it will be a stable input. There will be no problem of silver.

"OK, I'll let Qingyun take my master home." Shopkeeper Xu quickly orders Qingyun, and suddenly thinks of what the master asked him to do before he left. "Master, this is the five hundred taels of silver note that the master asked me to give you. He says that Quan Dang thanks his master for saving Ling Wang's life."

Mei Qiduo impolitely accepted the silver note. She was short of silver. Zhu Yuxuan did a good job, but she didn't expect that stone's life was worth five hundred Liang. Mei Qiduo suddenly felt Zhu Yuxuan was stingy.

"OK, let's go today and let Qingyun come before the Chinese New Year." Mei Qiduo suddenly said that there is still more than a month to go before Chinese New Year. She can take advantage of this time to get the workshop up.

Manager Xu smelled the speech and his eyes were bright. "OK, I will go." Since Mei Qiduo said so, it must be to let Qingyun get the sausage. Although the master has shares in the sausage, he still has to pay. It's just that Mei Qiduo said that he should have taken more than one point.

Two carriages walk slowly to Liushu village. One is Mei Qiduo and stone, and the other is some people Mei Qiduo bought today. Mei Qiduo and Shitou are also talking. The carriage behind is also talking about Mei's family.

"Mother Qin, will the master beat me?" The youngest Dongxue has a timid fear in her eyes. Because this is her first time selling herself, she is taken in by meiqiduo, so she really doesn't know whether she will be beaten by meiqiduo or not.

"Don't worry, I don't think the master is such a person." Mammy Qin sighed. She was not sure whether the woman with deep eyes would be the same as the previous master. Looking at the temperament of the woman and the man around him, she was not a thing in the pool.

"Don't worry, as long as we serve the master well and don't make mistakes, the master won't beat you." Xia LAN softly comforts a way, but her heart still has no bottom, a good master is really hard to find, and her appearance is so, she is really afraid, she would rather give a small Si do a wife, also don't want to be Lord son's eye.

Xue Wan is full of eyes looking at them, did not speak, just thinking in the heart, the heart that Mei Qiduo is not that kind of person, today I see Mei Qiduo that kind of eyes, his mind is like clearly spread out on the table, let people have no trace of concealment.

Because before they were bought by Mei Qiduo, they all ate and lived together, and they knew each other better. They sighed in their hearts, hoping that they would meet a good master, not the way they used to be, because in Mrs. Xu's place, people really didn't have the slightest expectation.

"Here you are. Get out of the car." The driver said to several people inside. Naturally, he also heard their conversation and didn't say much, because people with clear eyes could see that following Miss Mei was a blessed person.

Several people got out of the car and saw that the courtyard in front of them was green bricks and tiles, which was also very imposing in Liushu village. They were shocked in their eyes. Then they took a look at each other and dropped their eyes.

Mei Xiaolan saw the eight people standing in front of her. She was puzzled and asked, "dor, who are these people?" How to take people home to do.

"I just bought them today. This is my mother." Mei Qiduo just woke up in the car. Now she got off the bus and shivered when the cold wind blew, "Qingyun, thank shopkeeper Xu for me."

"No problem, master. The master asked the shopkeeper to buy this carriage for you. He said it would be more convenient for you." Although Qingyun said so, his eyes were looking at the stone.

Mei Qiduo knows that Zhu Yuxuan is afraid of abusing his cousin, but he is kind-hearted, so he doesn't have to go to the town to make an ox cart every time. It's cold to death to make an ox cart in this weather, "well, I know."

When Qingyun heard Mei Qiduo say this, he knew that he had accepted it and said with a smile: "I'll go first. I came here before Chinese New Year. "

With that, he drove away from Mei's house with his former driver.

Meiqiduo looked at the direction of the carriage, "go in, it's cold outside." I felt very cold when I came down, and now I feel even worse outside.

Mei Xiaolan was puzzled, but when she saw Mei Qiduo's cold appearance, she just couldn't help asking. She went back to the house with Mei Qiduo, and eight people followed in.

Once inside the room, Mei Xiaolan couldn't wait to ask Mei Qiduo, "Duo Er, why do you buy these people? Isn't it a waste of money? " Mei Xiaolan sighs in her heart that she can't spend money at will just because she has a little money now. This is not only buying people, but also buying land.

"Mother, don't worry, it's all useful to me." Then he motioned to them, "this is my mother. You've come to see her. My family has only a relatively simple population and only three masters. Just do your best. " Meiqiduo light said, although the tone is not severe, but with inexplicable dignity.

Eight people hurried forward, then knelt in front of Mei Xiaolan and said in unison, "I've seen the old lady."

"Duo'er, this..." Mei Xiaolan looked at Mei Qiduo very cramped. She didn't know how to deal with it.

Mei Qiduo waved to them and signaled that they could go down first. Mei Qiduo knew that at least Mei Xiaolan had to adapt fully. She couldn't come in a hurry. Let Mei Xiaolan get used to it first.

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