After waiting for everyone to go out, Mei Xiaolan still didn't let Mei Qiduo go. She still asked Mei Qiduo, "duo'er, we don't have a large population. Why spend that money to buy people?"

Mei Qiduo is helpless in her heart. She knows that her mother is a baozi character. If she doesn't explain it, she may be uneasy. She says with a smile: "mother, you can rest assured. If you buy me back, I will use it naturally. You can rest assured." Mei Qiduo didn't have much patience. At this time, the explanation was just because she didn't want to see the worry in Mei Qiduo's eyes.

"But..." Mei Xiaolan was still a little worried.

"Niang, I'm so tired today. I'll go back to sleep first." Mei Qiduo seems to feel that Mei Xiaolan still wants to ask, so she immediately interrupts her and runs away. When I came to the door, I turned back and said, "Mom, they let you arrange a place to live." With that, they quickly went out for fear that Mei Xiaolan would pull her to talk again.

"This child..." Mei Xiaolan smiles helplessly, looking at Mei Qiduo's eyes full of doting. Looking at a few people outside, Mei Xiaolan still sighed in her heart. Among them, she was just like a child. She sold herself and was also pitiful. "Come in."

Eight people heard Mei Xiaolan say so, went in, knelt down again, said: "please old lady command.

"You don't want to call me old lady. Dor's child should have arranged for you to do something. Now our family has only two yards. I'm a little aggrieved by you. When it's time to build it, you can live more comfortably." Mei Xiaolan looked at the four girls and sighed in her heart.

"Thank you, madam." When they heard Mei Xiaolan say this, they were worried about it and quickly gave thanks.

Finally, Xue Wan and Uncle Li lived in the side room on the other side of the stone. The two parenting mothers came to live together with Mei Xiaolan, and the four servant girls lived together for the time being, so they decided for the time being.

After a few thanks, Mei Xiaolan came into the room with her own baggage. Looking at the four girls, Mei Xiaolan sighed. Thinking that they must not have had a good meal, she went to the kitchen to prepare a good meal. After all, only when she was full could she have the strength to work.

Mother Qin, who had finished cleaning up soon, followed Mei Xiaolan to the kitchen. When she saw Mei Xiaolan preparing to cook herself, she stopped her.

"I'll do it, ma'am." Mother Qin quickly stopped and was surprised. She really didn't expect that the old lady was cooking herself.

"Don't call me madam, just call me Xiaolan." Mei Xiaolan had no head, and the movement in her hand still didn't stop. She had a dispute in her heart and thought about what to do today“ How about making steamed bread with white flour for dinner today? "

When she heard this, she was surprised, "white flour steamed bun?" It's so delicious.

"Yes, DOR likes to eat more. She can't get used to some coarse food, and you've just come here. You must have something good." Mei Xiaolan said with a smile that her daughter is very picky about what she eats. Mei Qiduo's craft is also very good, but she is lazy.

"Yes." Mother Qin felt warm in her heart. She thought that the Mei family must be a kind family. She would repay the Mei family well in the future.

In the front yard, the smell from the kitchen has constantly stimulated people's taste buds. They eat very badly when they are in the hands of people's teeth, ranging from one month to March and April. How long have they not smelled such delicious food.

When it was dark, the last dish in the kitchen was finished. When Mei Xiaolan and mammy Qin came out with the dish, they rushed up to take it. With a look of shame in their hearts, this was the meal made by the lady herself.

"Dinner." Mei Xiaolan said with a quick smile, "please call dor over."


When Mei Qiduo came out, he saw that everyone was sitting on the table and didn't care at all. "Today is a family dinner. There's no need to divide seats. You can eat today and you'll be full." Mei Qiduo waved her hand and then moved her chopsticks.

After dinner, everyone went back to their room alone. Since today, everyone has a worry in their heart. Such an owner is worthy of their good service.

A good night's sleep. For people who haven't slept for a long time, the cold winter morning is very difficult. When they think of it, they are reluctant to give up, but they all get up and sit with their own guys, sweeping the floor, cooking and cooking.

Xialan has already got the water. He breaks it for meiqiduo.

"Boss, wash up."

"Well." Mei Qiduo walked slowly to the basin and washed her face with cold water to make herself sober. Then she took the clothes prepared by Xia LAN“ How was your sleep last night? What's wrong with it? "

"No, I sleep well. I haven't slept well for a long time." Inside the room is floor heating, warm all over, without a trace of discomfort.

"That's to say, the master is good to the maidservant. The maidservant is not used to it." Qiushuang replied with a smile.

"That's good. You work hard and won't suffer any more in the future." Mei Qiduo's voice is very soft, just like the spring breeze, which makes the eyes of the two girls moist. She quickly nods and says yes.

There is no exception this morning. A few women are still waiting for Mei Qiduo to finish their meal before they go back to eat. Although Mei Xiaolan has a heart to say something, Mei Qiduo refuses. The first time may be grace, but the master and the servant still have to separate. They can't break the rules.

After dinner, Mei Qiduo tidied up and took Xue wan to Uncle Fu's house.

When Mei Qiduo arrived at Uncle Fu's house, uncle Fu and aunt Fu were still having breakfast on the Kang. Seeing Mei Qiduo coming, they quickly got up and asked if Mei Qiduo had eaten.

"Uncle Fu, I came here this time to ask you if anyone would like to come to our house to help. Well, fifty coppers a day. " Mei Qiduo refused, then sat on the Kang and said with Uncle Fu.

"Help what?" Uncle Fu heard Mei Qiduo say so and asked quickly.

"I'm going to open a sausage workshop. I told my uncle last time that I just want the people in the village to build a workshop." Mei Qiduo said faintly. Then he pointed to Xue Wan behind him, "this is the steward I bought yesterday. Uncle, you asked him to go with you." I also want to test Xue Wan's ability to handle affairs. Is it worth trusting.

Uncle Fu took a puff of dry tobacco, "OK, uncle will go right away." Uncle Fu thought that Mei Qiduo had forgotten about the workshop. He didn't expect that Mei Qiduo not only came to him, but also wanted to help the village.

Dor is a good boy.

If Mei Qiduo knew uncle Fu's idea, she would laugh. She let people in the village build houses not to help them, but to let them know her own benefits, because one day she would fall out with the village head. When those people got her own benefits, how could they not say a good word for themselves or help themselves.

Uncle Fu and Xue Wan immediately went to Lizheng's house.

"Quanzi, what's the matter with you in the morning?" Li Zheng Xu Genzi has just finished his breakfast. Now he is sitting outside the yard smoking. He sees uncle Fu walking into his yard with a man.

"Uncle, I have something to do with you." Uncle Fu stepped forward and said.

"All right, come in." Xu Genzi said with a smile, now the whole son is very good. With the girl of the Mei family, the day is past the appointment. Yesterday, everyone was watching. The Mei family bought cars and people, so they want to be landlords.

"Alas." Uncle Fu nodded and followed him into the room.

After entering the room, Xu Genzi asked Uncle Fu to sit down. Then he saw the Chinese characters that had been following uncle Fu. Since he came in, he had been standing behind uncle Fu and didn't sit down. He had plans in his heart. It seems that this Chinese character may be a servant of the Mei family. Today, he was asked to follow Fu Quan. He thought to himself, it seems that the girl of the Mei family is ready to make a big move, Maybe we need to help the village!

"What can I do for you?" Xu Genzi asked with a puff of dry smoke.

"Well, DOR's girl is going to build a workshop. She wants uncle to ask who is free in the village. Fifty copper coins a day." Uncle Fu said Mei Qiduo's meaning, and then looked at Xu Genzi's expression. He thought to himself, is there too many fifty coppers a day.

"Fifty coppers a day?" Xu Genzi was surprised that he went to the town to help more people. The Mei family was not rich.

"Well, because dor said that the workshop that might be built is still very large. It seems that it needs forty or fifty people. Anyway, it will take ten days and a half months." Uncle Fu thought that he wanted to tell duo Er that he was looking for someone, but he thought that Li Zheng was very dignified in the village, and their appeal must not be as good as Li Zheng's.

Behind him, Xue Wan quickly stepped forward two steps, smiling, handed his things and a purse to Xu Genzi's daughter-in-law, and then returned to Uncle Fu's back.

Xu Gen Zi took a look at the purse in his daughter-in-law's hand and then said with a smile, "it's all small things. When you build a workshop, I'll find someone for you."

"Duo'er said that the sooner the better. If uncle finds a good man today, he can go down to duo'er's house and wait." Uncle Fu said with a smile.

"Well, I'll help you this morning. They'll make sure to go to dor's after lunch." Xu Genzi said simply.

"Thank you, uncle." Uncle Fu breathed a sigh of relief. He was afraid that this thing could not be done.

"What's there? It's all in the same village. If you have anything to say in the future, you don't need any silver." Xu Genzi said politely.

Behind him, Xue Wan looked at Li Zheng with a smile and said: "what the master said is really good. Our master asked him to do things because he was absolutely fair. As for money, our master was filial to the master. After all, our master is a younger generation and filial to the elders."

When Xu Genzi heard this, he was very happy. Xue Wan's words virtually exaggerated his image. What he said was that Mei's girl was a younger generation.

"Well, I'll take it. You wait. I'll find it for you this afternoon." As soon as Xu Genzi was happy, he spoke more casually. Looking at Uncle Fu and Xue Wan, they were all smiling.

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