It's only half a day. The fact that Mei's family wants to build a sausage workshop has spread all over Liushu village. It's said that one day is 50 coppers, and it may take ten days and a half months. When people in the village hear this, they are looking forward to it. One day is 50 Wen, and ten days and a half months is enough for one family to eat for at least half a year.

Of course, this matter also spread to the village head's family and the strong family.

"Hum, that little slut wants to build a workshop. That Slut killed my jade. Now she married a scoundrel, and now she is living so well. It's not fair. It's not fair."

The village head's daughter-in-law has been locked in the house by Lai Da since Lai Yu's last marriage. She has been having nightmares for several months, sometimes sober and sometimes confused. Now she is sober.

Hearing that her daughter-in-law was discussing this matter, she immediately felt like a knife in her heart. She wanted to go out and kill Mei Qiduo at this time. If it weren't for Mei Qiduo, her jade wouldn't suffer like this, and that damn Lai Da didn't take revenge for his daughter. It's really a coward.

If someone sees the look of the village head's daughter-in-law now, it seems like a madman, and his eyes are full of deep hatred.

As a result, some people went to Mei Qiduo's home after lunch. Along the way, they saw many young Chinese characters walking towards Mei Qiduo's home.

When you see Mei Qiduo, some people don't sigh. It's only a few months. There are so many servants in the house, and some of them are very beautiful girls, which is really enviable.

"Are you here to work? It's not far behind. You can see it from the side. " Xialan saw two people coming over and smiled gently.

The crowd turned to xialan, then walked over and saw Mei Qiduo standing next to the house. There were many people around. Their eyes were full of envy. I didn't expect that the girl of the Mei family was so powerful. It seems that the girl of the Mei family is very powerful.

"Elder brothers, this month is not busy with farming. We need to build a workshop here today. Thank you for your help." After that, Xue Wan said, "there are more people, and we will finish soon. You can write down the names of these people."

"Yes, master." Xue Wan stood behind Mei Qiduo with paper and pen and said respectfully. Then he said to everyone, "don't panic. Line up and say your names." Although I mentioned the names in my notes, I pointed out to them where the workshop needed to be built and told them how to build the workshop.

At noon that day, Mei Qiduo's house was crowded with people, at least 40 or 50 people. Although there were so many people who started to build from the wall, it was still troublesome because Mei Qiduo required a high quality workshop.

This is a relatively large workshop, because meiqiduo's requirements are very high. Even when the cooking smoke rises at dusk, it only covers half a wall. At this speed, it will take half a month to cover the workshop.

Before they left, Xue Wan stopped them and gave them 25 coppers each. He told them that Mei Qiduo's salary was paid every day. He told them to rest assured that the salary would never be delayed. When they saw that their wages were paid by the day, they thought that they would work well tomorrow.

Because some people in recent years, Mei Qiduo is still not very at ease, so Mei Qiduo would rather trouble a little than let them do something.

In the evening, after dinner, Mei Qiduo went back to her house to look at Xue Wan's project today and some accounts she had left before. Because Mei Qiduo was a killer in her previous life, she was not very clear about this kind of thing. At this time, she had a headache.

Suddenly I felt that my forehead was pressed by both hands, and there was a reassuring breath around me.

"Why did you come in?" Because it's very comfortable to be pressed by that pair of slender hands, it makes the original drowsiness more comfortable, and the speech is also very casual.

"Why can't I come in. You haven't paid any attention to me these days. " Stone help Mei seven flower press forehead to say, the tone is really very aggrieved.

Mei Qiduo sneered and looked back at the stone's more angular face under the oil lamp, because in the yellow light, the cold face suddenly became gentle.

"I find you look good." It's not good, it's very beautiful, but meiqiduo just doesn't want him to be proud, said against his heart.

Stone body forward, kiss plum seven petals, voice mellow said: "I always thought you are like this face." Otherwise, I would not have seen him saved.

I was found that I really brought him back because I saw his face like this. I was not stupid. If a crooked melon cracker wandered in front of his eyes all day, I would have been angry.

Will allow him to be so close at this time.

"Ghosts like it." Meiqiduo said with a smile that she didn't want to see him so proud.

"I like it, very much." Speaking of the end is full of gentle smile.

After that, they didn't talk. They just stayed quiet, but there was a very warm atmosphere in the air.

All of a sudden, Mei Qiduo thought of a thing. How did he come in? When he thought of it, he asked casually, "how did you come in?"

"The secret." Stone kiss plum seven pink lips, waiting to smile said.

Mei Qiduo turns his mouth secretly. Zhu Yuxuan says that this guy is the best in martial arts, but he has lost his memory. How can he still have martial arts

Mei Qiduo looks at the stone suspiciously. Does this guy have something to hide from himself? Just want to say something, he is interrupted by the stone.

"It's getting late. You have a rest early. I'll go first." Shi Shi kisses Mei Qiduo's lips again. It seems that he is going to get all of them back a few days ago,

"You..." meiqiduo just want to stare at the stone, see the stone is very skilled climb out of the window.

I saw that it was the king of a country, but I really couldn't remember anything. At this time, I became a painting collector and was afraid of the window.

Because of the movement in meiqiduo's room, Dongxue wakes up. She asks, "master, what's the matter?"

"Nothing. I just want to drink water. Let's have a rest early." Mei Qiduo said with a smile.

"Yes." The owner was so happy to drink water. Dongxue thought to herself, but because she was too sleepy, she fell asleep soon.

Mei Qiduo breathed a sigh of relief, because she had been disturbed by the stone for a while. She didn't think about the account book for a while. She blew the light and went to have a rest.

In the twinkling of an eye, half a month later, the workshop in Mei Qiduo's heart was finally built, and she just left for more than 20 days. Mei Qiduo looks at the workshop with a confident smile on her lips.

The workshop has been completed, and its own business empire is about to begin. Today is the first step.

"Thank you for your help. I may need your help in the future." Mei Qiduo said politely, thinking that at the beginning of March, she would dig a fish pond. At that time, many people in the village would come to help.

"Dor, you're welcome. Let me know if there's anything like this in the future." A man said with a smile, just this half a month's time, one person is to earn one or two and a half silver, this year can be a good year.

"That's it, that's it."

All the people around said in a voice, with full smiles on their faces. It's not like they've made a lot of money in the past half a month. It's not a rush to do such a good thing.

Mei Qiduo just looked at her and didn't speak. But there was some unspeakable indifference in her eyes. Some of them remember clearly. In recent years, some people are not sarcastic, but now they all say so.

People's heart is really the most changeable thing.

Since the workshop has been built, the rest is to find someone to make sausages, because meiqiduo had asked aunt Fu to tell her good aunt that she could come to the workshop soon, with 100 copper coins a day, and if it was well done, there were ten sausages a month.

"Aunt Fu, you can let your aunts come to work tomorrow, because you have already agreed with Fu manlou that there will be more work this time." Mei Qiduo said to Aunt Fu.

"That feeling is good. Those women have long asked me when I can go to work. It's too late for them to be happy!" Aunt Fu said with my little aunt on her face. She was very happy. This time she would follow her mother's family, just like dor said.

It's not going to be better.

"Uncle Fu, you will be in charge of this workshop. Let Xue Wan follow you, because this workshop cooperates with others. I hope uncle Fu will take good care of it for me." Mei Qiduo turned to Uncle Fu and said.

Uncle Fu heard Mei Qiduo say so, and said with a smile: "don't worry, I will take good care of it."

Mei Qiduo nodded with a smile. Instead of saying anything, she said to Xue Wan, "you will be in charge of the workshop with Uncle Fu and keep an account. Come to me directly if there is anything important. "

Xue Wan naturally understood the meaning of Mei Qiduo's words and said respectfully: "I will live up to my boss's expectation."

At about six or seven o'clock in the morning, Mei Qiduo woke up, because today was the first time the workshop started, and aunt Fu had already agreed with those aunts yesterday. When Mei Qiduo arrived at the door of the workshop, she saw a group of women standing at the door whispering about something. Seeing Mei Qiduo coming, she quickly stopped her mouth.

Mei Qiduo swept them, and they had a care in their heart. There were calm, shrewd and tricky, but these were not the focus for lack of tolerance. As long as they worked hard in the workshop, they would not say anything, but each of them was only an opportunity in front of her.

Once you make a mistake and don't know how to repent, don't blame her for being rude.

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