"Ladies and gentlemen, we are looking for someone in our workshop today. Those who come here have a two-day probation period. If they can't get started soon after two days, I don't need you here." Mei Qiduo sat on the chair and looked at the reaction of the people below. Then she said slowly, "since you come here to work, you should act according to my rules. If you break my rules, I'm sorry, then you can only leave."

In the crowd heard Mei Qiduo say so, some people really do not want to, although they are called by Aunt Fu, but at this time to see Mei Qiduo speak to themselves, some people's heart is very uncomfortable.

"Ouch, they are all from the same village. What rules do you need to say?" One of the women who once mocked Mei Qiduo said, looking at Mei Qiduo with a bad eye.

"Xue Wan, kick out the man who just spoke." Mei Qiduo said faintly, her eyes full of cold. Looking at the old lady just now, she said: "my temple is too small to accommodate your Buddha. Of course, you won't care about the salary of 100 Wen a day."

The woman heard Mei Qiduo say so, her face turned green, and just about to say something, she heard the people below say.

"Mrs. cow, be quiet."

"That is, you don't want this 100 Wen a day, but we still want it." Li Shi, Li Zheng's daughter-in-law, said, looking at Mrs. Niu's eyes full of helplessness, but his old man told himself that the girl of the Mei family has great ability now, otherwise how dare she work hard with a hundred Wen a day's salary, so that her son won't have to worry about his daughter-in-law's money.

When Mrs. Niu heard Li's saying this, she was even more angry. Who said she didn't want the 100 Wen salary? But seeing the sarcastic look in Mei Qiduo's eyes, she said in a sharp tone: "who wants the 100 Wen salary? Don't go to work in vain without it." Then he left angrily.

Mei Qiduo didn't pay any attention to this person. "Now I'll tell you the rules. First, you must pay attention to the hygiene when you work in the workshop. This is for some rich people. It must be clean. Second, when you go to work, you can't quarrel over small things. Once you find out, you can drive out immediately. Third, hands and feet must be clean. You can't take anything from the workshop. If you find it, report it to the official immediately. Fourth, it's not the people in the workshop. You can't bring them into the workshop. "

Meiqiduo didn't look at their reaction, but said to herself that they had better hear it. If they didn't listen to it and commit a crime, no one could protect them.

"Dor, I want to ask, it's really 100 Wen a day." A sister-in-law boldly asked. When Aunt Fu followed her, she was very suspicious. What does 100 Wen a day mean? This month is three liang of silver, and she needs to take things.

Mei Qiduo said with a smile: "of course, if someone does well, there will be a reward of one or two silver each month. If someone doesn't do well, there will also be a punishment. Ten sausages a month and twenty for the festival."

Managers, with appropriate rewards, will make them work harder.

When they heard Mei Qiduo say this, they didn't say anything. Their faces were full of smiles. They had three Liang silver a month, and they still had something to take. In this way, they didn't need more than ten Liang silver a year. After that, they didn't have to worry about a good life.

"Xue Wan, mark the names of these people and ask them to come here at this time tomorrow morning." After Mei Qiduo finished his command, he took the man away, because he still had some important things to do.

"All right." Xue Wan came to everyone with paper and pen and wrote down their names.

Mei Qiduo takes people back to the room and sees aunt Fu and Mei Xiaolan talking in the room. Seeing Mei Qiduo coming in, she asks how the people in the workshop are.

"Those people are very good. They've worked very hard for my aunt." Mei Qiduo didn't say anything about Niu Niangzi, just didn't want aunt Fu to feel guilty.

Sure enough, uncle Fu was relieved to hear Mei Qiduo say so. He said with a smile on his face, "that's good. I'm afraid that duo'er is not satisfied."

Mei Qiduo suddenly thought that although the workshop has started to work today, because the pork has not yet been found, she thought that she had talked with aunt Fu before and asked, "aunt Fu, I asked you to keep the pig before, but you didn't sell it." Mei Qiduo's eyes are full of expectations. If she sells it, she still needs to buy it. That's a bit of a loss.

"No, it's reserved for you. My mother's family also has several houses, all of which are reserved for you." Aunt Fu saw the expectation in Mei Qiduo's eyes and said with a smile.

"That's great. I'll take as much as my aunt." Mei Qiduo thought that she had 500 Liang silver, which should be enough. When the dividend arrived at the new year, there would be no need to worry. Moreover, when this batch of sausage came out, there would be no need to worry about the silver.

When Mei Xiaolan and aunt Fu heard Mei Qiduo say this, they all said with a smile: "this child, will get married, just like a child." Then the two people went on to discuss what kind of person Mei Qiduo should marry. Mei Qiduo heard the two people's conversation nearby, and her heart was full of helplessness.

Xue Wan came in with the roster and respectfully handed it to Mei Qiduo. "Master, the workshop has been finished. Please have a look."

Mei Qiduo took the register, put it on the table very casually, and said to Xue Wan, "I'm relieved that you can handle your business. In the future, the silver settled by the workshop every month will be handed over to you for safekeeping. Just show me the accounts once a month. Usually, the management of the workshop will be handed over to Uncle Fu, and then you can help. This workshop is one of the most important income of our family, which should be well managed.

Xue Wan heard Mei Qiduo say this and his eyes flashed. It seemed that the owner had to do some other business. He quickly said, "I know."

"You accompany me to buy pork today. Tomorrow is the day when our workshop starts. Don't let them get nothing at that time." Mei Qiduo stood up and said to Xue Wan.

Then she went to Aunt Fu's house with aunt Fu, because Aunt Fu has three pigs in her house, and they are very strong. However, aunt Fu has been serving three pigs well since she heard Mei Qiduo say about the sausage workshop. Now she looks very happy.

"Auntie, I want all these pigs. They look very good. I said 20 Wen a Jin before. It seems that these pigs can be sold at a good price." Mei Qiduo looked at these pigs with luminous eyes, and almost all of them were about to emit compelling light.

These are all money. How many sausages can you make when you buy them back? How much silver will you have at that time.

"Yes, since dor said he wanted pigs, I have been serving them well every day." Uncle Fu also has a smile on his face. Even if Mei Qiduo doesn't give her some, she is willing to. Because of Mei Qiduo's relationship, now everyone in his family is enviable. When Qingshan comes back this year, she tells him not to leave and to marry a daughter-in-law in the village.

Thinking like this, the smile on Aunt Fu's face was more brilliant.

"Aunt, let's weigh it and see how many kilograms there are." Mei Qiduo stood up and waved to Xue Wan.

Soon, the weight of the three pigs had been weighed out, a total of 350 Jin, a jin of 20 Wen, a total of seven Liang silver. Mei Qiduo takes out a ingot of ten Liang silver from her arms and gives it to Aunt Fu. Aunt Fu originally wants to refuse, but Mei Qiduo's words can only be accepted by her.

On this night, the people of Mei's family were not idle all the time. Everyone was cutting meat at home. Because the workshop had just started, Mei Qiduo just killed a pig. Because those women had just started, they would not be very fast, so a pig would be useful tomorrow. After a few days, Mei Qiduo would have to collect a large number of pigs.

As for the butchers who kill pigs, they ask the butchers in the village to help them. A pig costs 50 Wen, which is also very cost-effective. If you have the ability, you should kill at least ten pigs a day.

Because this afternoon, people in the village saw Mei Qiduo go to Aunt Fu's house to collect pigs, and three pigs are seven Liang silver. People in the village didn't kill pigs this year. People who raise more pigs secretly congratulated themselves that there were no pig farmers, thinking that they must raise more pigs next year.

Only Mei Xiaolan and aunt Fu know about the ingredients, so when the meat is cut, aunt Fu will put the specially prepared ingredients in, because tomorrow is the first day. In a few days, she will find some women to cut the meat.

Because that night was very busy, even the stone was also tired by Mei Qiduo. The next morning, Mei Qiduo woke up satisfied. Although she still wanted to sleep, Mei Qiduo still got up. Tell yourself, it's only these two days. It will be fine after these days.

After Mei Qiduo had breakfast, she took Xue Wan and some servant girls to the workshop. Then she saw that all the old women had come, and uncle and aunt Fu had also come.

"Master, do you want to transport things here?" Xue Wan asked.

"Well, bring it here." Mei Qiduo nodded faintly.

Xue Wan had put all the pickled meat on the flat car in class yesterday. It was convenient to push it at this time. When Xue Wan pushed the car to the workshop, he saw that there were a lot of people.

"Aunts, as long as you do a good job, the salary will never treat you badly, because you are the first day, so let aunt Fu tell you how to do it today. My only requirement is that you must be clean, because it's food, so you must be clean, and you can't break the signboard."

"Don't worry, we'll do what dor says."

"That's for sure." That's 100 Wen a day. If the signboard is broken, how can we make money.

"Xialan, take out what you prepared yesterday."

"All right." Xialan quickly put the things in her arms in front of everyone, and then occupied meiqiduo's back again.

Mei Qiduo called for the package. The package immediately had a white apron, a white scarf and sleeves.

"This is our workshop's work clothes. Take them off before you go out and put them on when you enter the workshop. Besides, there are soap horn and water basin beside them. No matter what you do, no matter what you touch, you must wash your hands with Gleditsia sinensis

"Why so much trouble?" Some hear Mei Qiduo say so, some say impatiently.

When Aunt Fu heard this, she quickly said, "it's food. I can't be careless. And it's all for the rich, so we should be more careful. We just wash our hands more. It's nothing. We don't have to leave soap at home. "

Everyone said yes.

Then everyone looked at Mei Qiduo's demonstration and put on work clothes. Then they looked at how aunt Fu made sausage. They looked very carefully, because these people are good workers at home. As long as they look at it seriously, they should be able to get started.

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