The time of the day passed in a flash. When the night came, the lights were bright in every family. The smiles on every face of Mei's family were real and came from their hearts. Everyone wanted to laugh when they saw each other.

Today, Mei Xiaolan has been saying that she cooks. Although mother Qin and mother Tang are blocking her, Mei Xiaolan refuses.

"Madame, let's just come." Looking at Mei Xiaolan, mother Qin insisted on going to the workshop by herself and said helplessly.

"It's all right. When you didn't come, I cooked. Today's Chinese New Year is just a meal. It's no problem." Mei Xiaolan refused that she was not so coquettish, except that she didn't cook in those years, and she has been cooking by herself since then, so there are no messy rules and so on.

Mammy Qin heard Mei Xiaolan say so, but there was something bad in her heart. She could only speed up her hand and let Mei Xiaolan do a little less.

She worked as a parenting mother in a rich family. Mei Qiduo's family is the most humble, but working here is the most relaxing and warm. She eats well here, sleeps well, and doesn't have to worry about offending anyone any more. The old lady has a very mild temper and even has some cowardice, but it's very good for them. Even the master is very good for them, Not only do you have new clothes for the new year, but you have added a lot even months ago.

Moreover, looking at the Mei family, I'm sure it will get better and better. I'm serious about serving the old lady and not being bullied. I'm sure the Mei family will buy people in the future, but if I can watch my boss make a little fortune, I won't treat myself badly with my boss's personality.

Mei Qiduo watched the people walking around and busy. For a moment, he became an idle person. He sighed in his heart. Sure enough, the ancient slavery system was really luxurious. With servants, he didn't have to do any work, just waiting to eat.

"Very idle." Stone went to Mei Qiduo's side and asked softly.

"Hum." Meiqiduo still didn't forget what happened last night, but she was still angry. She thought that she was kissing herself while she was sleeping, and she was still kissing and leaving traces, so she was not angry.

"Angry." Stone tone with a smile said, looking at Mei Qiduo's eyes is full of deep friendship, think of yesterday he also can't help, just kiss her, and think of this half a month she didn't pay attention to himself, in the heart of ruthless, and then in her neck above kiss out traces, didn't expect to be her revenge.

It's mean, but it's very cute.

"You can't come back today." Mei Qiduo secretly glanced around and made sure that no one noticed them, and said quickly.

The faint light in the stone's eyes flickered slightly. If it didn't pass, how could it be? How could it be that she could not wait until she was not busy? How could she not go to the pain of Acacia? Although she met every day, she couldn't say a word or two every day, and she couldn't be alone every time.

Can't get along alone, how can this feeling rise quickly.

Mei Qiduo saw the stone and didn't speak. She thought he went in and said his own words. She was slightly surprised. She thought he was very obedient today. Is there any conspiracy? Mei Xiaolan asked her to say something just now.

"Dor, stone, come to dinner." Mei Xiaolan is very happy. It has not been so lively for a long time. These are all due to duo'er's hard work. Otherwise, there would not be such a scene today.

"Here we are." Mei Qiduo replied, hurriedly approached the table and looked at the rich dinner in front of her eyes. The smile in her eyes gradually overflowed.

Because there are only Mei Qiduo and Mei Xiaolan who have three people to eat. Mei Xiaolan thinks that it's rather cold for them to eat. This new year's festival should be hot and noisy. Instead of letting them eat in the house, she adds a small table in the dining hall to let them sit there to eat.

Several people are grateful when they hear Mei Xiaolan say this. Since ancient times, it is impossible for the master to eat in the same room with his maidservant, but the Mei family has no such rules, but they have to break the rules.

Unexpectedly, the owner agreed.

"Today's new year's Eve is going to be very noisy, so there will be no division of seats today." Mei Qiduo didn't have such a habit. In modern times, she stressed that everyone is equal, but she still needs to frighten some people here.

But sometimes we have to be kind and powerful, which is much more smart than those who only know the dignity.

"Today is new year's Eve. Do a good job. I won't treat you badly." Meiqiduo said to them in a soft voice, but with unquestionable momentum, people can't help believing what meiqiduo said.

"Yes, we will live up to the trust of our boss." Eight people hear Mei Qiduo say so, in the heart is very excited suddenly. Thinking that it's their fortune to follow Mei Qiduo.

The master is kind, and there is nothing bad in the master's home. As long as you don't use any crooked brain, you can work well in the master's home.

Mei Qiduo is very satisfied. She is not a real ancient person, but she knows that no matter what she does, she just wants to be relaxed and satisfied. To give them such a life, she just depends on whether they will grasp it.

Because of the new year, Mei Qiduo gave each person another five liang of silver, saying that since the new year, everyone should be happy, and the silver was rewarded at that time. We will work hard in the new year, and there will be big red envelopes in the coming year.

After the new year's Eve dinner, Mei Qiduo goes back to her room. Because she still has some accounts to read, she needs to go back to look at the accounts. Mei Qiduo smiles bitterly in her heart. It seems that she is the most miserable person. Everyone else is happy and can only go back to her room to look at the accounts. Such a comparison is really painful.

Looking at this year's accounts, I think about what I will do next year. Next year, I need to dig fish ponds and raise fish and crabs. These must all need silver. Fortunately, the sausage workshop has started now. At that time, this must be a stable input. In addition, I have bought more than 100 mu of land, which will be used after the Spring Festival. At that time, I will hire long-term workers and plant grapes. These are also a sum of money.

Mei Qiduo thinks that she has a lot of things to do, and then these things need silver, and what she needs most now is silver. For a time, Mei Qiduo was decadent. If only someone would send money to him now.

I must thank him.

"What are you thinking?"

"I wish someone would give me money." Mei Qiduo heard someone ask and said what she wanted to say without hesitation. Then she suddenly realized what she had said. She quickly turned around and saw the stone standing by the window, looking at herself with a smile on her face.

"How on earth did you get in?" Mei Qiduo looked at the stone and said angrily. Looking at his smiling face, she seemed to hit it.

"It's all a secret." Stone is still a mysterious face said, and then walked over, tightly hugged Mei Qiduo, smelling the faint fragrance of Mei Qiduo, in the heart of the original anxious mood also gradually settled down.

Mei Qiduo's face is full of displeasure, trying to break free from the shackles of the stone, but the stone is very tight, Mei Qiduo can't struggle to open. Can only let the stone hold tightly.

"Dor, I miss you so much." The sound of stone with infinite thoughts, although every day to see her, but he did not like this tightly, seems to rub into his flesh and blood.

It seems that only such a tight embrace of Petite people, their life is complete in general.

Mei Qiduo's face turned red, and a light sweet feeling suddenly appeared in her heart. Just as she wanted to respond to him, she suddenly thought that the man who hugged her was always a fox, and he was also a fox who had always been an experienced monk. She immediately said in a fierce voice, "what nonsense? Don't we meet every day? You let me go. " I'm still angry, but I can't be angry just because of his sweet words.

"Ha ha... I can't find a flower." Voice with a different kind of confusion, and with a light loss, and then let go of Mei Qiduo, eyes blink also did not blink at Mei Qiduo, the corner of the mouth with a warm smile.

Mei Qiduo looks at the man who is trying his best to be a beautiful man. She sighs again in her heart that heaven is unfair. A man has such a miserable appearance. It's really enviable.

"You put it on me. I haven't finished reading the account book." Mei Qi duo's tone is a little unnatural. She thinks that she is salivating over a person's appearance.

Stone naturally saw Mei Qiduo's eyes flashed by, his smile was softer, and he seemed to drip water again. Looking at the person you love under the light, you have a special taste. Your eyes are swept to the pink lips of Mei Qiduo, and the light in your eyes is dim.

Think of before tasted the lip is very sweet, I don't know whether now according to so.

Stone thought of this and leaned forward to kiss Mei Qiduo's lips. It seemed that he wanted to let all the people in his arms know and let her know his longing for her in this kiss.


Mei Qiduo felt that her lips were tightly absorbed, and felt the burning smell from the stone body. The temperature seemed to melt her heart. Gradually, she began to have difficulty breathing, and the air in the room gradually warmed up.

When the stone let go of Mei Qiduo, he saw that Mei Qiduo's face was full of blush, which was very charming. When the stone saw Mei Qiduo's collar was slightly disordered, and her white neck showed a light pink mark, he was very satisfied. See plum seven tiny swollen lips, still can't help but come forward to kiss again.

"Dor, can I go to your mother in advance?" Stone let go of plum seven, still tightly embrace plum seven, tone with very expect of say.

Mei Qiduo's head was swollen when she was kiss by stone, but when she heard stone say this, she woke up and quickly refused: "No."

The stone frowned slightly, "why not?" The tone was very stiff. Looking at Mei Qiduo, her eyes suddenly became very deep and quiet.

"Because I haven't become the richest man in the country." How can we get married now that our goals have not been achieved.

"How long are you going to let me go?" The stone hears to have no bearing to say so, is very helpless to ask a way, if she has not become the richest person in the whole country all her life, that oneself is not to wait for a lifetime?

Mei Qiduo raised her eyebrows. "Two years, why don't you wait?" If you don't want to, forget it.

"Yes, two years?" Stone some gnash teeth of say. And then kiss the lip of Mei Qiduo again.

Since there are still two years left, I can still ask for some benefits.

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