On the third day of the lunar new year, there were no visitors until the fifth day of the lunar new year when the God of wealth was sent away. In the past, aunt Fu and uncle Fu would come to visit Mei's family, but others would not. Today, because Mei Qiduo runs a sausage workshop, and all the people in the village are watching Mei Qiduo, there are only three Adobe houses at the beginning of the lunar new year, They also bought servants. People in the village said that the Mei family wanted to make a fortune!

We all think of the amount of treasure Mei Qiduo said at that time. It seems that there must have been treasure at the beginning. Otherwise, where did the money come from to build a house.

Thinking that if Dazhuang hadn't gotten rid of all his treasures, his family would have made a fortune. The more people in the village thought about it, the more they didn't like Dazhuang.

Moreover, the villagers' eyes at the village head's house gradually became different because Lai Yu had such a thing.

Mei Qiduo seldom had a good sleep because of the Chinese New Year. At this time, she just got up and saw many people coming to pay New Year's respects. Mei Xiaolan's eyes were full of smiles, and her face was also a rare smile. Mei Qiduo wanted to frown, but she didn't say anything when she saw the smile on Mei Xiaolan's face.

After thinking about it, I'd better go back to the house and look at the account book. In recent days, because Shi Shi always comes at night, she can't look at the account book at night. Now you can only read the books during the day.

"Boss, shopkeeper Xu is here." Uncle Li's voice came from outside.

Mei Qiduo's eyes are bright. It seems that shopkeeper Xu is sending money to him. He says quickly, "I'll come." I said a few days ago that if only someone would send me money, but I didn't expect that shopkeeper Xu would send me money just a few days later.

When Mei Qiduo goes to the front yard, she sees shopkeeper Xu standing outside the yard with a smile on his face. She sees Mei Qiduo walking out of the company and comes forward quickly.

"Good new year, master." Shopkeeper Xu salutes Mei Qiduo respectfully, but Mei Qiduo evades.

"Shopkeeper Xu, you're welcome. Just call me duo'er." Mei Qiduo now sees that shopkeeper Xu's eyes are full of smiles. He is the one who gives himself silver. Don't entertain him well.

"All right, DOR, I'll give you a present this time." Manager Xu is also a transparent person. When he heard Mei Qiduo say this, he didn't refuse and said with a smile.

Mei Qiduo heard shopkeeper Xu say that, the light in his eyes was even more, and it still didn't appear on the surface. He asked faintly, "I don't know what gift Uncle Xu gave me?" Hope is silver. I'm short of silver recently.

Shopkeeper Xu naturally saw the light in Mei Qiduo's eyes and laughed in his heart, but he was still calm. He took out Zhu Yuxuan's account book and banknote from his arms and said with a smile: "this is the account book that the master asked me to give to duo'er, this is the account book of 80 branches of fumanlou, and the bonus of one year is a gift to duo'er." Then he handed it to Mei Qiduo.

Mei Qiduo took the account book and the bank note, and thought to herself that Zhu Yuxuan was very polite. He said it was a gift for himself, rather than a thank you for saving the stone. Before, he thought he was very stingy. Now, he's good.

"Did your master receive the dividend document I wrote to him?" Mei Qiduo takes the account book and the bank note into her arms. When she comes back to her house, she will have a good look at how much silver Zhu Yuxuan has given her.

Shopkeeper Xu said with a smile: "the master has received it. He also asked dor to tell you to make more sausages. There are still many fumanlou waiting to be used." Shopkeeper Xu thought of the full load of sausages pulled by Qingyun last time. He was secretly proud that he was not a forerunner. Now, in fumanlou, even in the last month, he has enough sausages.

"Well, I see." Mei Qiduo said faintly.

He thought his sausage was modern and could not be made in a day.

"Duo'er, the master asked you to give it to Ling Wang," shopkeeper Xu carefully took out a letter from his arms, and then respectfully handed it to stone. Although he said it to Mei Qiduo, he finally gave it to stone.

Stone is very indifferent to take over, there is no expression on the face, is very indifferent.

When shopkeeper Xu left, Mei Qiduo immediately turned back to her room and quickly took out the account book and the bank note in her arms. Her hand trembled and opened it. When she saw the number above, she suddenly wanted to laugh three times.

One million four hundred thousand taels of silver, which means that I am a rich woman after a year, and this silver is only the bonus of restaurants. When the sausage officially starts to become popular, is my silver still small? Besides, I plan to make wine and dig fish ponds.

Think of these, Mei Qiduo face with a satisfied smile, according to this calculation, he is not far from the first rich.

"Ha ha ha..."

The more Mei Qiduo thought about it, the more excited he was. The more excited he was, the more difficult he was to restrain himself. He laughed and his voice was very pleasant.

When people outside heard Mei Qiduo's crazy laughter, they were all curious about what happened to Mei Qiduo. Only stone knew that the woman inside must have just got a huge sum of money. I must be very happy now.

In a twinkling of an eye, it's time for the sausage workshop to start. On this day, the outside of the sausage workshop is full of people, some of them came before, and some of them are new. When Mei Qiduo came, she saw a crowd of people, frowning slightly.

"What's the matter?" Mei Qiduo asked Xue Wan in a low voice.

Xue Wan said with a bitter smile: "the boss, it's like this. Some of them didn't come here to work before, but they all want to work here because they have a good salary." Moreover, some people are not very comfortable in the past. They don't have the right to decide this matter. They quarrel here.

Mei Qi duo frowned tightly and looked at the crowd. She was very unhappy. She said harshly, "it's like this on the first day of work. Just after a year, have you forgotten the rules I said?"

The tone is very unhappy, with a chill.

When some people hear Mei Qiduo say this, they naturally remember what Mei Qiduo said on her first day at work. They quickly stop talking. If some unrelated people lose such a good thing, isn't it a loss? And my family tasted that sausage during the Spring Festival. It's really delicious. If I dry it well every month, there will be ten sausages.

There are such good things about where to work.

But some of them are more selective, such as the daughter-in-law of the nephew of the village head.

"Oh, hey, who do I think this is? It's great to open a workshop." A discordant voice sounded.

Mei Qiduo looked coldly at the man who looked like his daughter-in-law. The cold light in her eyes suddenly appeared, and a smile was raised at the corners of her mouth. She was cruel and cold. "It doesn't matter who I am, but just remember, I don't welcome you here. Xue Wan, throw her out to me."

"All right, master." I've long been pleased with this man, but because I can't make decisions without authorization, I've been tolerating it. Now my boss has told him to throw people out. What else can I worry about.

"Mei Qiduo, how dare you..." when the daughter-in-law of Lai's nephew heard Mei Qiduo say this, she was a little flustered for a while, and then said sharply, "I'm from the village head's family, how dare you."

Then he took a look at Mei Qiduo with pride. He was the daughter-in-law of the village head's nephew. Mei Qiduo didn't dare to do anything about himself. He was a member of the village head's family. No matter how fierce he was, Mei Qiduo had to worry about his identity. Before she was satisfied, she heard Mei Qiduo's cruel laughter.

"Ha ha ha..." Mei Qiduo seemed to hear a big joke and looked at the daughter-in-law like a fool, "village head? What do I do has the final say? " The tone was cold, just like the air in this season.

"You little bitch, you wait..."

Mei Qiduo had already been kicked out of the distance before she finished. Mei Qiduo looked down at her, and her voice didn't have any temperature. "I tell you, never challenge my bottom line, otherwise... I'll let you know what life is not like death, go away."

The daughter-in-law was kicked far away by Mei Qiduo. Before she could react, she heard Mei Qiduo's cruel words and left in fright, completely forgetting her high spirit.

Seeing that Mei Qiduo was very relaxed, they kicked Lai's nephew's daughter-in-law out of the way. For a moment, they were afraid. They looked at Mei Qiduo with a look of fear in their eyes.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I have Mei Qiduo's ugly words ahead. Those who want to make trouble in the workshop, or who want to make ideas for the workshop, I will never forgive Mei Qiduo lightly." Mei Qiduo said in a cold voice, and then said to Xue Wan, "Xue Wan, if anyone brings in irrelevant people, today's salary will be deducted, but there is no reward this month. If there is another time, just let her not come. "

Meiqiduo said.

"Yes, master." When Xue Wan heard Mei Qiduo say this, he cheered in his heart. This not only prevented some irrelevant people from coming in, but also got some restless people to settle down, because it was still his own interests to lose at that time.

Hearing Mei Qiduo say this, some people's faces suddenly become very ugly. They think that they can't steal rice this time. Especially when they see Mei Qiduo's ease, they kick Lai's nephew and daughter-in-law away. It's hard to avoid fear.

After thinking about this plum family girl is not so easy to provoke.

Because this morning there was such a small episode, Mei Qiduo is still a little bit not very happy, very upset in the heart, always feel something is about to happen in general, but the specific things Mei Qiduo is unable to say, just the heart is always faint uneasiness.

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