Five years later, Mei Qiduo gradually began to get busy, because she had to prepare for the renovation of more than 100 mu of land in Houshan, and build a house. Mei Qiduo was ready to hire long-term workers. After all, she needed to solve the problem of accommodation.

Today, Mei Qiduo, who is usually very lazy, seldom works hard for a while, which makes everyone feel that Mei Qiduo is very abnormal today.

"Master, are you not feeling well today?" Autumn frost looked at a face of excited plum seven flowers, very careful mouth asked.

"What's the matter?" Mei Qiduo asked.

"No, I just think my boss got up very early today."

Mei Qiduo just smiles and doesn't speak. She just walks out of the room after washing.

Mei Xiaolan is very surprised to see Mei Qiduo come in early today. Mei Qiduo has not got up so early for half a month since she was born. It seems that she has something to do today.

Can't help joking: "Duo Er, how early did you get up today?"

Mei Qi duo can't help but roll a white eye. She just gets up early. As for this, does everyone say it once?


Mei Qiduo finished in a concise way, and then sat down to have breakfast.

Mei Xiaolan naturally heard the displeasure in Mei Qiduo's tone and said helplessly, "only silver can wake you up!" It's full of jokes.

Of course, only silver can wake her up, otherwise who would get up so early in winter?

Mei Qiduo thought to herself. Of course, she didn't dare to say such words in front of Mei Xiaolan, otherwise Mei Xiaolan would nag.

Seeing Mei Qiduo like this, Mei Xiaolan smiled helplessly, "mother Qin, you can heat up the dessert and let her take it to the road." After a few months of getting used to it, Mei Xiaolan gradually got used to being served.

"All right." Mother Qin replied with a smile.

Because mother Qin has done it in a large family and knows some prescriptions for raising her body. Originally, she was not going to say it, but when she saw the Mei family mother and daughter like this, she naturally often made some things for the Mei family mother and daughter.

Mei Qiduo also knows that the ancient formula for raising the body is very precious. She is also very grateful to see mother Qin. Although the body seems to have been raised well, she still fell a little sick before.

Although this prescription can't cure, it's OK to take care of yourself.

"Mother, I'm going." Meiqiduo with Xue Wan and stone on the carriage, ready to go to the town.

When Mei Qiduo arrived at fumanlou, he felt that some of the guys looked at him in the wrong way. Mei Qiduo frowned slightly, but her face still didn't show up, but her eyes were slightly unhappy.

Mei Qiduo lay on her side by the window with a faint face. She looked at the people who came and went below. The corners of her mouth had an unknown meaning. She turned around and gave a faint look at shopkeeper Xu and Qingyun.

They saw Mei Qiduo's light eyes, but it seemed that they could see through people. They were sweating behind them and prayed that Mei Qiduo would not ask.

Maybe no one heard their prayers.

"Come on, what's going on?" Mei Qi duo light voice spreads, oneself is not blind, their that kind of strange eyes oneself but see clearly.

Shopkeeper Xu wiped the sweat on his forehead. It was early spring, and the cold had not completely gone down. But at this time, he felt as if it was June. He quickly said, "duo'er, there are people in the city and town who say that you are robbing other people's husband."

Mei Qi duo's eyebrows and eyes slightly picked, and her eyes were very surprised. She didn't know that she was only a year old, and she had become a man who robbed her husband. She wanted to know who the man was.

"Then this quilt won't be the one next to me." Meiqiduo said with a smile, and the tone was full of teasing. Suddenly see Xu manager and Qingyun slightly changed face, smile stiff in the face, won't be guessed right.

"Is it really him?" Does the man next to you still need to rob? It was her.

"Yes." Shopkeeper Xu raised his eyes and quietly looked at Mei Qiduo. He had heard such a rumor a few days ago, but he didn't take it seriously. Just two days ago, Qingyun faltered and said to himself that duo'er had been rumored, so he took it seriously. The second time, he went to investigate it carefully, it was just a bunch of nonsense.

Ling Wang needs duo'er to rob it! It's like duo'er ticking his finger. Ling Wang may have passed by himself.

"Ha ha..." Mei Qiduo was in a good mood and laughed. She looked up at the quiet man beside her. "Someone said that she took you away." His voice was full of schadenfreude, but his eyes were full of unhappiness, as if his things had been robbed.

Stone is helpless, sigh in the heart, there is need for her to rob, he automatically followed her, but heard Mei Qiduo said, still want to explain to her, half helpless, half serious said: "where need you to rob, I automatically followed you."

Mei seven flowers smell speech, complexion a red, blame stone one eye.

When shopkeeper Xu heard stone say this, he was used to it and said, "Duo Er, do you want to find out who spread it?" After all, this matter is related to the reputation of the daughter's family. It's better to make it clear.

"No problem." Mei Qiduo waved her hand. She also wanted to see who had spread such a rumor. Since such a rumor had been spread, she would certainly take the next step. Otherwise, it would not be a waste.

"But..." shopkeeper Xu was still a little worried.

"It's OK, Uncle Xu. I have my own sense of propriety." Although Mei Qi duo's face was smiling, the smile in her eyes did not reach the bottom of her eyes. The bottom of her eyes was deep and full of ice.

Hear Mei seven flower oneself all say so, manager Xu also not good to open mouth to say again some what, "if duo Er needs help again, although open mouth with me." After all, shopkeeper Xu also knows that Mei Qiduo is an independent person, and generally her idea will not change because of anyone

"Thank you, Uncle Xu." Mei Qiduo said impolitely, thinking that she came here to provide new dishes, "this time I came here to provide new recipes. I'll go to the kitchen later."

Shopkeeper Xu's eyes shine when he hears that Mei Qiduo offers new dishes every time, which means that the restaurant has to earn money. Since the last four dishes were very popular, shopkeeper Xu just wants Mei Qiduo to be in the restaurant. This time, he is very happy to hear Mei Qiduo say so.

Moreover, the master also said that in the future, every month's new dishes will be tested in his fumanlou for a month, and then spread to other fumanlou, so that the shopkeepers of other fumanlou will flatter him very much every time they see him, hoping that they can be spread there first.

If there had been such treatment before.

"OK, I'll tell them now." Finish saying hurriedly took green cloud to walk out, nameless house inside a time already left plum seven duo and stone two people.

Mei Qiduo looks at the stone with a smile but not a smile. Her eyes are full of teasing. She doesn't know how she became a man who robbed her husband because of him. It's really because the singer is so good-looking. It's really a disaster.

"What's the matter? Look at me like this. " The stone sat and looked at the book. He couldn't stand the look of Mei Qiduo.

Mei Qiduo took back her eyes and said faintly, "why don't you know you're married?" I can't tell happiness from anger.

Sure enough. Stone thought in his heart, although she said in front of manager Xu that she didn't care, now she was left with her. When she was unhappy, she immediately came out. She quickly put down her book, sat down beside Mei Qiduo, and said with slight grievance, "I want to get married, but some people don't want to." Then he looked at Mei Qiduo, his eyes full of grievances.

I've been wronged. I haven't said anything yet?

"Well, it's no use stimulating me." Meiqiduo knew that he was pretending to be poor. Although he was in a better mood, he would not be fooled.

Sure enough, stone heard Mei Qiduo say so, there was no grievance expression on his face, but he still sat beside Mei Qiduo, very close to each other, and both of them could feel each other's breath“ Then you say, how can it be useful. Well The last word is very ambiguous, and the tone is full of sadness.

Mei Qiduo's cheeks and ears are red. She feels the burning breath of the people behind her. Her unhappiness has completely disappeared. Although she still doesn't smile, her eyes are full of joy“ You don't think about it yourself. " I still need to teach him about this. I have no sincerity at all.

"Then I'll match myself. Can miss Mei marry me?" Stone looked at meiqiduo pink ear tip, heart move, tightly close to meiqiduo ear said softly. That light pink, not only let his heart move, more importantly, let him feel incomparable pleasure.

In this life, at this moment, as long as it is you, I will.

Heart a sweet, really didn't think sweet words actually is also so intoxicating, "you are my, talk about how to match." Even if in the heart joyful, but plum seven flowers still can't help but want to follow his words to reverse.

"After that, I'll bother my mother to keep her husband." Stone silk does not mind, still thick skinned said, eyes full of tenderness, seems to overflow out of the general.

"What a shame." Mei Qiduo whispered softly.

The stone didn't speak, just hugged Mei Qiduo tightly, and then whispered in her ear. It was like air. Only they knew the secret that belonged to them.

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