Nameless Junei, Mei Qiduo holding Lanhao, is quickly writing a few recipes.

A steamed bun, a duck stewed with sausage, a rice stewed with sausage, and the best one is fried miscellaneous vegetables with sausage. Although the rice stewed with sausage is not an authentic dish, it is because of its unique taste, so Mei Qiduo thinks that they will like it. If they are not used to it, they can change it. Are you afraid they can't find a dish after thousands of years of Chinese food?

After Mei Qiduo finished writing, he looked up and saw the stone that had been resting on the concubine's couch. He turned his lips. He was really free. He was working hard here, but he was free. Although thinking so, Mei Qiduo still didn't wake stone. She took the recipe to the first floor to find shopkeeper Xu and master Zhao.

It's morning, so the shop is not very busy, and it's not a restaurant now. So master Zhao and some of his apprentices are dialing beans in the kitchen. When they see Mei Qiduo and shopkeeper Xu coming in, they still have a few pieces of paper in their hands, and the smile on their faces suddenly opens.

"Master, you're here. What's new this time?" Master Zhao quickly stood up and asked with a smile.

"Yes, master Zhao, today I'll make you a look. Today's four dishes are more difficult, so you'll watch them later and have a good mastery." Now it's just ready to eat by itself. Mei Qiduo thinks that these are what she wants to eat. Now that she's done, she can't lose herself.

Master Zhao is very happy. Since Mei Qiduo came, the business of fumanlou has been getting better and better. It has been crowded for a long time. It still looks as cold as before. Moreover, the master gave them another raise this year. He said he did well and will continue to raise the monthly money.

Every time Mei Qiduo brings a new dish, it makes Fu Man Lou earn a lot of money. The former manager of Baifu restaurant has also quietly found himself. Although the silver is better than Fu Man Lou's, he is not a shallow person. When his cooking skills were not good, manager Xu didn't drive him away. Now because Mei Qiduo's cooking skills are good, I can't be that ungrateful person.

Mei Qiduo is very careful in cooking, but her hand speed is not slow. What she needs is her eyesight and experience. After all, cooking is not the same as others. The fire can't wait.

With four new dishes coming out of the pot, master Zhao saw a staple food, which was made of sausage and rice. The color was also very pleasing.

"Boss, this... This is not a dish."

"Well, it's not. It's a staple food, but because the taste is very unique, if any guests like it, you can make it. That's to say, just make a remark at the end of the menu." Mei Qiduo said this, her hands kept moving, and then made a duck blood fan, "master Zhao, practice first, and come to me if you have any problems."

"Oh, yes." Master Zhao didn't say anything earlier. Although it wasn't a dish, he was very greedy when smelling the fragrance. His appearance was also very pleasing, so there was no doubt about it.

Mei Qiduo left the kitchen with these dishes, went up to the second floor, approached the nameless Junei, and saw that the stone had woken up and was looking at himself with a smile. Mei Qiduo's face was slightly red.

"Do you want to eat?" Mei Qiduo put the dish on the table, then sat down on the chair and asked.

"Well, I haven't eaten your cooking for a long time." The stone stretched out his body. Although he was wearing ordinary clothes, he seemed to be like Ling Wang of the bright moon. He had incomparable noble spirit and elegance. The Royal elegance seemed to be engraved in his bones.

Mei Qiduo rolled his eyes very indecently, "I don't have that time." She could hear what he was complaining about. Her career had just started. She didn't want to cook for her all day. Besides, if he wanted to, there were some people who would cook for him.

Stone did not seem to hear her words in general, continue to say: "Oh, really like to eat every day." Finish saying to return full of expectation of looking at plum seven flower, can't say of the elegant demeanor of peerless generation

Hum, it's really an old fox. It's also a fox even if it's amnesia. Mei Qiduo said in her heart. She turned around and didn't want to see his cold and elegant face. Otherwise, what if she was confused by beauty again.

Stone saw Mei Qiduo without any reaction, so he didn't say anything. He sat down and saw the dishes on the table and knew that these were her new dishes today. When he saw the sausage stewed rice, he was stunned. He saw someone cooking with staple food for the first time. He tasted it with chopsticks and found that the taste was very good.

"Isn't this a staple food?" Asked the stone.

"Well." Mei Qiduo doesn't have too many explanations. You can eat what you like and pull it if you don't.

Stone did not see Meiqi at this time, the corners of her mouth raised a smile, at this time, she was like a kitten who has been blowing hair, look very cute, eyes full of doting look, tone with a smile said: "as long as you do, it is toxic, I also love to eat." Sweet words don't need to be learned at all. Open your mouth and come.

Mei Qiduo said to herself that if she really gave you poison, she didn't know how Zhu Yuxuan would treat herself. Mei Qiduo quickly changed the topic, worked hard and jokingly said: "you said I would swallow the fumanlou, and your cousin would be angry to death."

The stone school replied, "it doesn't matter. You can do it if you want."

If Zhu Yuxuan hears his cousin say such words, he must jump. Who does he work hard for to run the business? He works hard day and night and is said so. He must sigh that his cousin pays more attention to sex than relatives.

Mei Qiduo is very boring. He is not talking. He is just joking. He wants to see how he reacts. As a result, he says that he wants to swallow a restaurant, but it is not fumanlou, but Baifu restaurant. He wants to make a winery out of it. Baifu restaurant is a good choice. He doesn't have to go to another place.

Just want to think about how to achieve this plan, after all, Yu qiujie still owes himself a thing, he can't not get back.

The most important thing is that she also looks at home very upset.

Just when Mei Qiduo and Shitou were eating in the nameless neighborhood, the Fuman restaurant suddenly became very noisy. Mei Qi duo naturally also heard, slightly frowned, just about to get up and then heard a word.

"Tell Mei Qiduo to come out. She robbed my husband." A very savage voice sounded.

"Girl, you can't talk nonsense. We haven't welcomed guests today. There are guests from there." Shopkeeper Xu looks at the woman standing in front of him with an angry face. His eyes are full of anger. Even his tone is very severe.

The woman standing in front of her eyes was the kind of sharp and mean person. Even the girl dor couldn't compare with her. Ling Wang's eyes disdained to see such a woman, where she came to rob her husband's son-in-law.

"Hum, I saw her go in. How can you, the shopkeeper, protect the shameless Slut The woman immediately cried in front of the door of fumanlou, and even more, she splashed on the ground without any image.

Shopkeeper Xu looked at more and more people around him, and the people around him were pointing. Suddenly, his face was very ugly. He was just about to say something when he was interrupted by a soft voice.

"This girl, you said Mei Qiduo robbed your husband. Why did she rob your husband?" Mei Qiduo asked with a smile on her face, but her eyes were cold, without the slightest smile, full of cold stars.

When the woman heard this, she raised her eyes and saw Mei Qiduo smiling very gently. She didn't cry for a moment. "Mei Qiduo, that little bitch, saw that my husband's son-in-law was very good-looking, so she always found an excuse to find me at my house. In fact, she took the opportunity to find my husband's son-in-law. Today, someone saw her coming here for dinner. I must see that bitch." Then he rushed in.

Mei Qiduo gives shopkeeper Xu a wink. Shopkeeper Xu quickly understands and asks the man in the restaurant to stop the woman.

The corner of the mouth is still like a spring breeze general smile, but the heart is a sneer, do not know who invited this woman, he actually stood in front of her, she did not know. Interesting. I want to see who is watching behind the scenes. Thinking in this way, the smile on Mei Qiduo's face is more gentle, and her tone is also very gentle. Said softly: "according to the girl you say so, that plum seven flowers certainly with you very familiar."

"Of course, I thought she was my best friend before." The woman said confidently.

The smile on Mei Qiduo's face remained unchanged. "Listen to the girl, it's Mei Qiduo's fault. It's just..." Mei Qiduo paused and looked at the woman with disdain in her eyes.

The woman heard the first half of the sentence with a smile on her face, but when she heard the second half of the sentence and looked at Mei Qiduo, her eyes were full of defensive color, "just what? It's reasonable for that little bitch to rob her husband. " Eyes open the boss, hands akimbo, it seems that if meiqiduo say something, will go to the general.

"I'm just curious that Mei Qiduo's husband can be safe and sound. Shouldn't such a person be immersed in a pig cage? Why do girls come to our fumanlou to make trouble? " Mei Qiduo said at the end, her tone was full of cold ice, and her eyes looked at the woman like a dead man without any fluctuation.

The woman shuddered and panicked, "that... Mei Qiduo is more powerful."

"Ha ha..." Mei Qiduo seemed to hear some funny words, and her eyes became colder and colder. "As far as I know, Mei Qiduo is just an ordinary village girl. How can she be more powerful?"

When the people around them heard this, they suddenly understood that someone was trying to harm Mei Qiduo. The poor eyes that originally looked at the woman became full of disdain and suspicion. The woman naturally saw the eyes of the people around her and panicked.

"She..." the woman was even more panicked, and her eyes didn't want to be as straightforward as before. She dodged around with a guilty heart. Looking at Mei Qiduo's eyes full of doubt and panic, he asked, "who are you?"

"I'm the one who robbed your husband, but I'm curious that the girl can't even recognize who robbed your husband." Mei Qiduo's tone is very ironic, and her dark eyes are hesitating. She looks at her coldly like a deep pool.

The woman was surprised and wanted to run away, but she was caught by the man Fu Lou.

"Since you keep saying that I robbed your husband, I'll go to the government and give you justice." Mei Qiduo said faintly. Then he asked the waiter to press the woman into the Fuman building.

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