Mei Qiduo looks at the shivering woman kneeling below. She looks at her fingernails leisurely, without any worry. On the contrary, the people below are nervous and sweat is all over their forehead.

The woman kneeling below quietly raised her eyes to the man sitting above. Her eyes were full of obsession and admiration. It was the first time she saw such a beautiful man. Suddenly I felt a cool wind blowing towards me.

"Is it good?" Meiqiduo said in a gloomy tone, looking at the woman's eyes like hell Shura.

The woman trembled all over her body and quickly took back her eyes. She regretted that she had agreed to slander people like Shura because of that little silver. Just now, she seemed to have died once.

Mei Qiduo took back her momentum and returned to her indifferent appearance. She asked, "I robbed your husband?" Very indifferent, but incomparable indifference.

The woman trembled all over and begged for mercy: "please forgive me, girl. I don't know Taishan. I hope you will forgive me this time." She was really afraid. Although she regretted the money, it was still important to save her life now. She was planning at that time. After all, the man promised himself.

"Are you thinking that the person behind you will save you?" Mei Qiduo said what she thought in her heart. She looked at her contemptuously, with a sneer smile on her lips.

The woman suddenly raised her head, eyes full of surprise at Mei Qiduo, she actually thought of things in her heart.

Meiqiduo disdains in her eyes. She knows what she wants at a glance. Moreover, she is still useful to this person. "Now there are two ways in front of you. The first way is that you don't say anything and defend the person behind you." Mei Qi duodun, see the following people look move, heart sneer, even if don't say oneself also have a way to let you speak.

It's just that it won't be that easy by then.

"These two ways are for you to do me a favor, and I'll save your life." Mei Qiduo's white fingers knocked on the table, waiting for the people below to answer.

The woman below heard Mei Qiduo's words, but she still didn't speak. Mei Qiduo didn't seem to be in a hurry. She was very leisurely knocking on the table. It was very quiet around. She only heard the sound of stones turning books occasionally and Mei Qiduo knocking on the table.

The woman's forehead overflowed with sweat, and she scolded the people behind her countless times. At the beginning, she said that Mei Qiduo was just a village girl, and most of the women had a good reputation. Anyway, she was a rogue. She could not only get a sum of money, but also have a husband. Why didn't she do it? I didn't expect that Mei Qiduo was such a powerful man.

Time goes by little, but Mei Qiduo is still not in a hurry. For Mei Qiduo, the other party is not in a hurry. Now he has enough patience to wait. Once he runs out of patience, he will not be so easy to talk.

The woman below finally looked relaxed, looked up at Mei Qiduo and asked, "will you really spare me?" Tone is very suspicious, she felt plum seven flower body that strong evil spirit, is not at ease, in case he helped her, she still won't let him go?

"That's all you have." Mei seven flower light say, the facial expression doesn't have a change. The woman heard Mei Qiduo say so and bit her lips. She felt that no one was pleading for her now. Now she seemed to have only one way to choose. She nodded difficultly and said, "OK, I'll help you."

The corners of Mei Qiduo's mouth tilted slightly. "In that case, please help me ask out the person who gave you the silver."

The woman heard her nod, and then Mei Qiduo motioned to manager Xu. They let her go and watched the woman go out. When the woman was about to go out, she heard Mei Qiduo's words and felt cold behind her.

"If you don't do what I say, it's not that easy."

The tone was cold and full of chill.

The woman stood at the door for a moment, then walked out of the unknown house. Mei Qiduo's eyes were faint and cruel, and the corners of her mouth also had a cruel smile. She wanted to see who the person behind her was. After all, she couldn't treat others badly if they gave her such a good gift.

Shopkeeper Xu saw Mei Qiduo and let the woman go. He was a little worried, "Duo, let her go like this." According to his idea, naturally, this kind of people will be let go, and we must teach them a lesson, otherwise, what will we do next time we continue to slander them?

Mei Qi duo raised a cruel smile at the corner of her mouth and asked, "Uncle Xu, when did you see me talking so well?" Even if you don't need her, you'll know who's behind the scenes, but using women just saves you trouble.

Shopkeeper Xu immediately realized that Mei Qiduo's eyes were full of unspeakable looks. For a time, there was some complexity in his heart. On the one hand, he actually let the people who slander him go and said he was willing to discuss, but it was hard to say that he was soft hearted. On the other hand, when he heard Mei Qiduo say this, he felt that being a woman was so thoughtful, very unusual, and a pity, Unfortunately Mei Qiduo is not a man.

Mei Qiduo didn't go to see shopkeeper Xu's look. She just looked at her fingernails lightly. The look on her face was not clear. But free Mei knew that her bloodthirsty breath was ready to move.

Just waiting to wake up slowly.

Although there are many cold winters in Chengfu Wang's family, it's just like cold winter in a certain part of Wang's family.

"What did you say? It's a mess. " Wang Xiaocui said angrily, because she was so angry that her beautiful facial features were extremely ferocious, and her expression was sinister. I didn't expect that Mei Qiduo was just a village girl, and she didn't fall for it.

Wang Xiaocui's servant girl is very scared when she sees her family like this. Since the young lady was kidnapped last time, she has become a different person. First, she was forbidden by the master, and then, when she heard some rumors, she was going to return a village girl named Mei Qiduo.

She really couldn't figure out why she had to argue with a village girl for her noble status? But she did not dare to say these words, and still said cautiously, "Miss, will that man betray us?"

Wang Xiaocui gave a cold hum and said: "hum, no, if you betray us, there is no reason why Mei Qiduo won't go to your house to make a mess."

The maid didn't dare to say anything. She could only ask in a low voice, "does that young lady want to see her? She said she has something important to tell you."

"Something important?" Wang Xiaocui pondered for a while, originally wanted to refuse, but suddenly thought that since Mei Qiduo went to the town, it means that brother Shitou would follow her to the town. She thought of Shitou's elegant and cold face, his blue eyes and the gentle look in his eyes.

"Tell her I'll see you in fumanlou in three days."

"Yes, miss."

Mei Qiduo is about to go home when she receives the information from shopkeeper Xu. She hears that the person behind her is actually the king's family. Mei Qiduo's eyes are clear. She looks at the stone and gnashes her teeth secretly. It must be because of the man beside her. Otherwise, how could she get into such a mess.

"Duo'er, the man said that three days later, the Miss Wang came to Fuman building to meet her." Shopkeeper Xu has some doubts about how this duo'er has a problem with Miss Wang's family. Although he doesn't like Master Wang himself, he has to say that Wang's family still has great power in the city.

"In three days' time, I should be well prepared." Mei Qiduo's mouth showed a smile of unknown meaning, and her eyes were full of cold light. She didn't expect that the girl of the Wang family was so cruel that she really surprised herself. It seems that this ancient woman is really not easy to provoke.

Shopkeeper Xu is very puzzled. Hearing Mei Qiduo's tone, he seems to know someone. But as far as he knows, Mei Qiduo doesn't know Miss Wang at all. Just want to continue to ask, see meiqiduo meaning unknown smile, did not ask the words.

Although I only know Mei Qiduo for half a year, shopkeeper Xu knows Mei Qiduo's temper more or less. No matter how many questions you ask, she won't answer. On the contrary, she will be very disgusted.

"Uncle Xu, I'll come back to town in three days." Then he entered the carriage.

Three days later, there must be a good play. I'm looking forward to it. Mei Qiduo leans on the carriage. When she lifts the curtain, she just sees that the curtain of the carriage opposite her is blown up by the wind, revealing the side face of a woman.

Mei Qiduo's eyes shrink, the corners of her mouth bend slightly, and her heart is clear.

It was her.

Three days later, Mei Qiduo arrived at fumanlou in a carriage very early. Originally, she didn't plan to bring the stone with her, but this person was too rogue, so she took him with her.

After knowing that it was the Wangs in Chengfu, Mei Qiduo didn't give stone a good face these three days. Stone was very helpless. He had already forgotten who miss Wang was. How could this matter be blamed on him, but he couldn't say anything more.

I can only be humble and make amends these days.

When shopkeeper Xu saw that his face was covered with helpless stones, he staggered his eyes for fear that he would accidentally laugh and damage his royal highness Ling's face. Although the master said that the LORD had not recovered his memory, if he recovered his memory one day, would he not suffer?

"Uncle Xu, is Miss Wang here?" Mei Qiduo sat in the unknown house, looked at the crowd outside the window and asked, but she has prepared a big gift for Miss Wang. Don't disappoint herself at that time.

"Yes, it's in the box on the second floor." Shopkeeper Xu said with a smile. Although she hated the Miss Wang family very much, she ordered several famous dishes as soon as she came. How could the silver givers not be welcome.

"That's good." His eyes flickered slightly. He began to layout since three days ago. I don't know if he will be disappointed there“ Uncle Xu, how are you doing what I told you? "

"It's all done, but I don't understand why I want miss Yu to know that Miss Wang is here?" Manager Xu has been looking for someone to do something since he received Mei Qiduo's letter yesterday. Although he couldn't figure it out, he still did it according to Mei Qiduo's request.

Mei Qiduo smiles, his eyes are mysterious and mysterious, and says, "you'll soon know." Then he saw the carriage parked in fumanlou and the people coming out of the carriage. The corners of his mouth were still smiling, but his eyes were cold.

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