When Yu qiujie walked into fumanlou, her eyes changed slightly, full of resentment. Half a year ago, fumanlou was still ignored, but now it is full of customers.

But now the business of our restaurant is poor, and I don't know why the business of fumanlou is so good.

Thinking of this, Yu qiujie's expression was even more angry. Just for a moment, her expression returned to its original elegant and arrogant appearance.

When Yu qiujie came in, the waiter naturally saw him. Thinking that this man was specially ordered by the shopkeeper, the waiter rushed forward.

"My guest, please come inside!" Shop small 20 minutes of enthusiasm said.

Yu qiujie walks into fumanlou and gives a casual glance in the hall. She frowns slightly and looks unhappy. She uses her eyes to show her servant girl.

"A box." The servant girl takes out silver from the purse and says to the shopkeeper.

"OK, box on the second floor. Please go upstairs, my guest." Cried the bartender.

Yu qiujie nodded lightly, then walked toward the second floor.

At this time, someone said: "isn't that the daughter of the county magistrate's family?"

As the daughter of the county magistrate in the town, Yu qiujie is naturally the object of discussion by the young talents in the town, but we don't know what Yu qiujie looks like. At this time appeared in fumanlou, some people heard that it was the daughter of county magistrate Yu, and there was a lot of discussion.

"Just went up, but Yu's daughter? It's really graceful

"Tut tut... Even Miss Yu's temperament is the best beauty in the city."

"It's really graceful, elegant and noble."

Naturally, Yu qiujie also heard the comments of the following people, and a glimmer of pride flashed in her eyes. Her etiquette and upbringing were all based on the miss of the capital family, which was not comparable to those girls in the city.

Although the heart is proud, but the expression on the face is still the same. When we saw her like this, we had to sigh about her natural temperament.

Yu qiujie heard it. Naturally, Wang Xiaocui sitting in the box also heard it. At this time, she shook hands and punched. Bei's teeth bit her lips hard, and her eyes were full of disdain and shadow.

The first beauty in Chengfu? High quality? How expensive is it? Joke, just a little county magistrate's daughter, was actually said to be the city's first beauty, but I want to see how Miss Yu looks? Does it look like what the following people say?

"Go and invite Miss Yu in."

"Yes, miss."

When Yu qiujie went upstairs, she was just about to pass a box when she saw a man dressed as a servant girl coming out. Yu qiujie saw the servant girl dressed and knew that she was the servant girl of the king's family of Chengfu. Then there must be Miss Wang of Chengfu in the box.

It's clear in my heart, at the same time, my heart is also self mocking, that is, how can a woman like Wang family be worthy of such a handsome man, but her status is a little higher than that of her own. When her father is promoted, the Wang family will not pay attention to her.

Although the heart is thinking like this, Yu qiujie's face is still not obvious, and her elegant face is still with a soft smile.

The servant girl walked up to Yu qiujie and gave a salute. She said, "Miss Yu, my miss, please go in to talk about the past."

Yu qiujie frowned slightly. She certainly didn't want to go. She always felt that something was out of the ordinary. But she glanced at it. Now, there are many pairs of eyes in the lobby. If she refuses at this time, it's hard for others to say.

Besides, the Wang family is still the boss of his father. Although his father's evaluation has been completed, he still can't offend the Wang family. After all, whether his father can be promoted or not depends on Mr. Wang.

Yu qiujie thinks about it in her heart. Even if she doesn't like to have more contact with Miss Wang, she can't refuse at this time. She doesn't like it in her heart and still has a soft smile on her face, "that's disturbing sister Wang."

"Miss Yu, please." The servant girl made a gesture of invitation.

When Yu qiujie walked in, she saw Wang Xiaocui sitting there. She was not surprised to see Wang Xiaocui here. After all, she knew who this person was before.

When Wang Xiaocui saw Yu qiujie, her face was full of surprise. She didn't expect that the person who was in trouble with her was the daughter of the county magistrate. When she saw the gentle smile on Yu qiujie's face, she was very angry. Such a hypocritical woman was said to be the first lady in the city? Sure enough, those people are blind.

"As like as two peas, I did not expect miss miss to be the same as a girl I know." Wang Xiaocui tone is full of sarcasm said, looking at Yu qiujie's eyes full of disdain and ridicule.

Yu qiujie didn't seem to see the irony in Wang Xiaocui's eyes. The smile at the corners of her mouth remained the same, "sister Wang joked." Just the hand in the sleeve clenched tightly.

"My mother gave birth to only one daughter, but she didn't give birth to any messy people." His eyes are full of pride, and he seems to be mocking Yu qiujie's relatives.

Yu qiujie's smile on the corner of her mouth made her face very gloomy. Then she returned to her original appearance. "Miss Wang, what's the matter with you coming to me?" The tone is full of impatience, and there is no original smile on her face. She looks at Wang Xiaocui faintly, and her eyes are full of coldness.

Wang Xiaocui looked at her fingernails and said faintly, "it's nothing. I just want to see how the first lady looks? It's not so much. " The eyes seem to be very sorry, but also with infinite irony.

Yu qiujie tightly clenched her handkerchief, for fear that she would tear up Wang Xiaocui's face, but it was hard to bear down, "it's just a rumor. It's not believable. Some people say that Miss Wang is in a gentle mood. Today, I think the rumor is not believable."

Sure enough, when Yu qiujie finished this sentence, her face was blue. As soon as she was about to speak, she heard someone shouting "stone" outside. Suddenly, her eyes were shining as if she saw something. Her eyes were very bright.

Yu qiujie looks at Wang Xiaocui who is sitting next to her. Naturally, she also sees the light in her eyes. At this time, her cheeks are full of blush, and she sneers in her heart. How can a man with high temperament like moonlight like this stupid woman, and what matters can be seen at a glance.

All of a sudden, Yu qiujie felt a meaningful smile on her lips. What if Lord Wang knew that his daughter actually fell in love with a farmer?

Wang Xiaocui can't wait to go out and see if the man called stone is the one she is thinking about. "That's all for today. I have something else to do. I'll leave first."

Wang Xiaocui didn't pay attention to Yu qiujie's face, so she went out with her servant girl. As expected, she saw Mei Qiduo coming towards the second floor with a stone. Wang Xiaocui saw her sweetheart following other women at this time, with a gentle smile on her face.

Wang Xiaocui's eyes are full of jealousy and resentment. She wants identity and identity. Her appearance is better than Mei Qiduo's. I don't know how much, but the stone is smiling at Mei Qiduo so gently. She has never seen such a smile before. At this time, Wang Xiaocui's heart undulating, did not see in qiujie also came out.

Mei Qiduo naturally noticed their eyes and actions, and sneered in her heart. Both of them had saved themselves, but she didn't expect to bring unnecessary trouble to herself. She didn't want to. All this was to blame the man behind her. Mei Qiduo thought of these and glared at the stone.

It's all his fault to provoke peach blossom all the time.

Stone naturally noticed Mei Qiduo's eyes and innocently laughed at Mei Qiduo. His blue eyes were full of tenderness, as if he would support Mei Qiduo unconditionally when he did anything.

Yu qiujie and Wang Xiaocui also see the gentle and doting smile of stone. Both of them are angry, but Wang Xiaocui's face has shown it. Yu qiujie's face suddenly becomes unnatural, and his eyes are full of jealousy.

Mei Qiduo suddenly conjured up a smile of evil. "Stone, you say if I do something right to them, will you be distressed?" After all, is two beauties, is a man will love is not.

"Another joke." Stone is very helpless rubbed rubs Mei Qi duo's hair, to Mei Qi duo's ear light language way.

Since she wants to play, she naturally supports her unconditionally. After all, she has been treated coldly by her these days. If she doesn't cooperate any more, it's estimated that she won't even look at herself.

"Tut tut... Two beauties at least." It's really cold-blooded. Two living beauties are going to be unlucky. They don't have the slightest pity for jade.

The two men's Kung Fu of talking is already in front of Yu qiujie and Wang Xiaocui. Mei Qiduo suddenly makes a very surprised expression. "Oh, it's not Miss Yu and Miss Wang. Long time no see." The tone is full of deep meaning, but the eyes looking at the two people are cold.

Wang Xiaocui naturally when Mei Qiduo is the air, a pair of eyes straight at the stone, the eyes of tenderness almost overflow out, look coy way: "stone brother, do you still remember me?" Looking at him with expectation.

"Miss Wang, long time no see." Stone light way, finish saying then didn't say what.

Yu qiujie's face is very ugly. When she looks at Wang Xiaocui, she looks very evil.

Mei Qiduo is naturally very happy when she hears that. Sure enough, Shi Shi is even darker than herself. She only greets Wang Xiaocui, but not Yu qiujie, which naturally causes Yu qiujie's dissatisfaction with Wang Xiaocui.

"Miss Wang also came to fumanlou for dinner." Mei Qiduo said with a smile on her face, and her eyes were full of smiles. However, Mei Qiduo seems to feel that there is an unusual smell between them. Did something unusual happen to them before they came out.

Mei Qiduo thought of this, a trace of interest flashed in her eyes. If that is the case, she will make good use of it. Otherwise, if she let go of such a good opportunity, she will regret it!

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