Four people are standing on the second floor of Fuman building, and two are ladies. In addition, the appearance of the stone is very attractive, which naturally attracts the eyes of many people in the lobby.

Isn't this the right place to start? Since both of them like men, I will give them a dozen men.

Mei Qiduo's eyes are deep. When she looks at Yu qiujie and Wang Xiaocui, her eyes are full of coldness. Especially when she sees Yu qiujie, her eyes are even colder. Wang Xiaocui just listens to others' provocation. She just gives her a lesson. Is it just Yu qiujie?

Since she repeatedly shot, he did not return some, is not rude

Yu qiujie suddenly feels that she has a cold look at herself. When she looks around, she really can't find that kind of look. Her uneasiness suddenly expands, and her eyes slightly squint at Mei Qiduo. But at this time, Mei Qiduo talks with Wang Xiaocui with a smile on her face.

Do you feel wrong?

Yu qiujie frowns slightly. She feels that she should leave this place at this time. But when she sees stone smiling at Wang Xiaocui with a gentle face, she is unwilling. She tells herself that she should leave as soon as possible, but she is still unwilling.

Quietly looked at the stone handsome face, blue eyes now full of gentle smile, looking at Mei Qiduo and Wang Xiaocui, the corners of the mouth is also with this gentle smile, let him originally is elegant face more admirable.

But seeing their appearance at this time, Yu qiujie didn't pay any attention to herself. Yu qiujie bit her lips. Her eyes were full of shadows. When she looked up, she looked soft. "Miss Wang and miss Mei, why don't we go in and have dinner together." Eyes quietly looking at the stone standing next to me, thinking that if Mei Qiduo agreed, then the stone would not refuse.

"Well, I'm just hungry. It's said that there are delicious dishes in fumanlou today. " Mei seven eyebrows and eyes slightly a pick, say words is like greedy cat in general.

Wang Xiaocui chuckled and said in her heart that Mei Qiduo really only knows how to eat, but she is so convenient to do things by herself. She quickly said, "what sister Yu said is that sister Mei, let's go to dinner together." The tone is naive and lovely, full of coquettishness, just hearing such words is like not familiar with the world.

People around the lobby heard Wang Xiaocui's voice, and they were all looking at her. Some people's eyes were full of appreciation and admiration.

It's just that Yu qiujie and Mei Qiduo both know Wang Xiaocui's character and disdain her, but they still don't show it on their faces. They are all smiling. One person's face is full of sarcastic smile, and the other is excited about doing something wrong.

Two people have tacit understanding of the stone's expression to ignore.

A few people approached the box that Wang Xiaocui had ordered before. Wang Xiaocui had already ordered the dishes, just because it was all cold just now.

Mei Qiduo's eyes are shining. Looking at the dishes on the table, she worries about them. These are all the new dishes that she taught Fu manlou a few days ago. Now they're just coming out. It's said that shopkeeper Xu has a big heart. He ordered three Liang silver for one dish. At this time, Wang Xiaocui ordered five dishes in one breath and moved her chopsticks a little.

If you don't kill people properly, you will be sorry for Wang Xiaocui, a rich man. I believe that as a city lady, there should be no shortage of silver. Just take it as a relief for her poor man. The more Mei Qiduo thought about it, the more reasonable she felt.

"This dish is already cold, Miss Wang. I think we'd better do it next time." Mei Qiduo frowned slightly and said, I really want to eat with you, but this dish is cold, so I'd better take it next time.

When Wang Xiaocui heard Mei Qiduo say this, she didn't react for a moment. When she did, she saw Mei Qiduo go towards the door. She was a little flustered for a moment and quickly said, "you can order whatever you like, and these dishes will be withdrawn."

The maid was very embarrassed when she heard what Wang Xiaocui said. She came out with more than 20 taels of silver this time. According to the truth, it's OK to order ordinary dishes. But the lady ordered the signature dish of fumanlou. This dish is three taels of silver, and the lady's one order is five dishes. Now they are all withdrawn. If the silver is not enough, what should we do?

I was about to remind my young lady, but suddenly I felt a cold look at myself. For a moment, my throat was blocked. I couldn't say anything. I could only watch the waiter return all the dishes.

Mei Qiduo faintly took back her eyes, and her eyes were full of smiles. "Sister Wang is really forthright. Stone and I like to be friends with such people." You don't have to pay your own bill for a meal. Isn't that a friend?

Wang Xiaocui automatically ignores Mei Qiduo and looks at the stone with shame. Her eyes are full of admiration“ I also like to be friends with brother stone Finish saying the blush of full face, a face coquettish quietly looked at a stone, have hurriedly move own eye.

"You're welcome, Miss Wang." Stone rarely says a word. Looking at Wang Xiaocui's admiring eyes, he is disgusted and wants to throw her out. However, he thinks that Mei Qiduo is angry recently, and now it's just a chance to show himself. He must cooperate with her well to make her happy as soon as possible, and then he can continue to steal incense.

Wang Xiaocui's face was excited, her face was even more red, and her heart was full of sweetness. Although it was just an ordinary sentence, it was the first time that she had spoken since she came in, and she also called her own name.

When Yu qiujie heard the stone talking to Wang Xiaocui, her eyes looked very jealous. Looking at Wang Xiaocui, her eyes were full of jealousy and resentment. If it wasn't for this woman, she would be the most respected woman in the city. But because her father was a county magistrate and her father was a city magistrate, she would be humble in front of her.

The hand in the sleeve tightly clenched the handkerchief in the hand, clearly in the heart the face is angry to death, but the face is still a light smile, the expression in the eyes and is very soft, it seems that the expression just now seems to be misunderstood.

Wang Xiaocui didn't see it, but Mei Qiduo naturally saw it. Her eyes flashed, and she said in her heart that Yu qiujie was really deep-seated. She thought that Wang Xiaocui was frustrated, but the smile on her face remained the same. It seems that if yu qiujie had a high status, she would not know how to die.

It's not that she sympathizes with Wang Xiaocui, but that she has never paid attention to Wang Xiaocui. She's just a spoiled girl. It's just that Yu qiujie has something to do with Lai Yu. Now it's because of this again. A few days ago, she saw her walking in a carriage in front of her. When she thought about something, she naturally understood, This matter is naturally behind Qiu Jie's hands and feet.

Fuman road's action is very fast. Mei Qiduo's dishes have all been ordered. Mei Qiduo's eyes flashed with satisfaction. "Oh, this Fuman restaurant's dishes are better than Baifu restaurant. I don't know how much." Baifu restaurant is owned by Yu family. I told myself when Zhu fox came here last time, and I started to think about Baifu restaurant at that time.

Yu qiujie's face is stiff, and her expression is very sinister. Baifu restaurant is not only her own business, but also an important source of her family's money. However, her income has been declining in the past six months. Now when I hear Mei Qiduo say this, I hate Mei Qiduo for not opening any pot.

"Of course, I don't know who the cook of fumanlou is. He has such a good income." Yu qiujie is very stiff said, eyes looking at the plate of sausage, eyes slightly flashing.

"It's a pity that Baifu restaurant doesn't have sausage." Mei Qiduo pretended to be unintentional and said in a very sad tone.

Yu qiujie heard Mei Qiduo say so, immediately looked up, eyes full of surprise, "you say... This thing is called sausage." The tone was very excited. Suddenly realized that he had some gaffes, quickly said: "I just think this thing has never seen, a moment of curiosity."

Mei Qiduo's smile didn't change. She took a chopstick and said, "naturally, I heard that there is a sausage workshop in Liushu village. It's estimated that fumanlou's sausage was bought from somewhere." Of course, the Dachshund workshop was opened by myself. It can bring a business for me, but I can't get by.

Moreover, I never thought that I would just supply a restaurant in fumanlou. Besides, since the sausage was from her workshop, the price was decided by her, and they had no room to refute it.

Yu qiujie was very excited when she heard Mei Qiduo finish talking. If fumanlou is popular because of sausage, Baifu restaurant is also OK. Thinking of this, Yu qiujie couldn't sit still and wanted to go back and tell her father this information.

It's not that she doesn't believe Mei Qiduo's words, because she knows Mei Qiduo is from Liushu village, so she naturally knows whether there is a sausage workshop in Liushu village.

"One thing suddenly occurred to me and I left first." Yu qiujie stood up and said, ready to leave.

Wang Xiaocui had been looking at Yu qiujie for a long time. At this time, she heard Mei Qiduo say so. Naturally, she was eager for her to leave quickly. She was very impatient and said, "if you have something to do, go back quickly." I'm afraid brother stone will take a fancy to her.

Yu qiujie has something in mind. Naturally, she doesn't care about the impatience in her tone. She gets up and takes her servant girl to go back to her house. But when she gets up, she falls forward and is caught by Mei Qiduo.

"Be careful, Miss Yu." Mei Qiduo said faintly.

Yu qiujie has some shaken to pat own chest, "thank you." Then he went out and didn't think much about why he was nearly wrestling.

Mei Qiduo looks at Yu qiujie's back and shows an unidentified smile at the corner of her mouth. I'm afraid you can't sleep today! After all, I look forward to the newly developed things.

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