Mei Qiduo sees that Yu qiujie's figure has disappeared in the hall of fumanlou. She shrinks her smile and sees that Wang Xiaocui is obsessed with looking at the stone. Her eyes flicker slightly. She hasn't settled an account with Wang Xiaocui. Even though she knows that she was instigated by Yu qiujie, she always makes herself unhappy.

It's better to let her father have a good education these days, otherwise it will be so simple next time.

"Miss Wang, I've finished eating, so I'll leave first. Stone, let's go." Meiqiduo light said, and then looked at the stone.

Stone quickly got up, he would have wanted to go, if not for her, he did not want to see such a woman, it is disgusting.

As soon as Wang Xiaocui heard this, she quickly stood up and pulled the stone's sleeve. "No, brother stone wants to accompany me here."

Mei Qiduo heard such words, slightly pick eyebrows, eyes full of displeasure, "Miss Wang, it's not too early, or go back early." Mei Qiduo said coldly.

"You are in charge of who you are and what I do." Wang Xiaocui hears that Mei Qiduo doesn't let the stone stay. Instead, she talks to herself like this. Wang Xiaocui is not afraid of anyone except her father.

Seeing the slight coldness in Mei Qiduo's eyes, a touch of fear will rise in my heart, but I'm just pressed in my heart. Then I go to Mei Qiduo's side and want to teach her a lesson. When I just go to Mei Qiduo's side, I see Mei Qiduo's dark eyes are like a vortex of darkness, which attracts this heart.

The dark eyes looked at Wang Xiaocui, and suddenly a voice like spring breeze sounded in Wang Xiaocui's ear, "what you have to do now is to go back to the house, you need to have a good rest."

"Yes, now I need a good rest." Wang Xiaocui replied, "back to the house."

The servant girl had doubts in her eyes, but when she saw that Mei Qiduo didn't do anything to her own young lady, but with her understanding of the young lady, she shouldn't have dealt with this matter so simply. However, when she heard Mei Qiduo's words like this, she was very suspicious for a moment, and her eyes were also full of doubts and fear.

Mei seven naturally see the doubts in the eyes of the servant girl, light say: "take your young lady back to the mansion." I didn't say anything more, but the cold in my eyes was amazing.

The servant girl was surprised. She was just a village girl, but she was as cold as the master. She was even colder than the master. She was afraid, so she could only say, "I'll take the young lady back to the house when I know." Although I don't know what she has done to the young lady, she is very scared at the moment and just wants to leave here as soon as possible.

He helped Wang Xiaocui out of the box. As soon as he got to the door, he heard Mei Qiduo's voice, and the maid trembled.

"Remember to settle the bill." Mei Qiduo said faintly.

"Yes." The servant girl's voice trembled and said, then she left the box quickly, as if someone wanted her life at the back.

"What did you do?" Stone asked, I just can see clearly, originally that young lady but want to go over to start, how suddenly become like this, if plum seven don't move some hands and feet, I can't believe.

"Nothing, just let her sleep for a while." It's just a deep sleep of consciousness. In modern times, this is hypnosis. In ancient times, if it's not very convenient to use, it will be said as a magic method if you're not careful. What's more, you can't use such a simple and rough method. You generally won't use it. Today is the first time to use it.

"Really?" The stone's smiling eyes look at Mei Qiduo, but she can see clearly. When she looks at Wang Xiaocui, the darkness in her eyes is like a whirlpool.

"Not to mention that. There is a good play tonight. It's a pity that I can't watch it. It's a pity." Mei Qi duo's tone is full of pity. It's a pity that her masterpiece can only be appreciated by them, but she can't appreciate it. It's a pity to think about it.

"You gave something to Qiu Jie." Stone words are full of affirmation, but I have been looking at her, think of just a moment, she actually for Qiu Jie under things, how mysterious she is, every time I think I have enough to know her, she always constantly refresh their understanding of her.

It seems that she is like a very mysterious book. Every page is full of surprises.

"Yes, it's my latest masterpiece these days." It's a pity. I don't know what effect it will have without one material. I can't see the effect of that material myself. It's a pity.

The stone didn't speak, but he saw with his own eyes that Mei Qiduo's eyes were full of evil Qi. With a full of schadenfreude and unspeakable evil charm, he still didn't offend at will, otherwise he didn't know how unlucky he was.

Meiqiduo seems to feel the stone's mind, sneer, said: "stone, don't worry, I won't prescribe medicine to you." It's just a small thing to take medicine. If you don't want to waste your time and energy, you will do it yourself.

"Then I should thank you." Stone said helplessly.

"You're welcome, because I'll make you sad myself." Mei Qiduo had a bright smile on her face, which was as cunning as a fox.

The stone rubbed Mei Qiduo's hair, as if only in this way can he get rid of the helplessness in his heart and the gloom of these days.

"Don't rub it. Your hair is in a mess." Mei Qiduo patted the stone's hand, and said with his mouth, he really had no way to take the ancient hair. Before, when there was no servant, he did it at will. But since the clever people used it, he never had such a thing again.

If you mess up, you won't do it yourself.

"I'm really looking forward to the evening." Mei Qiduo said meaningfully, his eyes were distant and full of anger.

Willow town is very quiet at night. Watchmen call for watchmen lazily. Suddenly, a sad female voice cuts through the silence of the night, because the voice is full of fear and fear. It looks very desolate and terrible in the night.

If you listen carefully, it seems that it was handed down from the county magistrate's family in Liushu town. It makes people not think about what happened in this dress. It makes people cry so miserable.

"Cuihong. What are these? Get it out of here. " At this time, Yu qiujie was no longer the gentle and beautiful lady in the daytime. She was dressed in pajamas, and her face was full of panic and fear.

The sharp body is calling a servant girl to drive these things away.

"Young lady, I dare not." The maid Cui red one face frightens looking at Yu qiujie, seem to see what terrible thing general, the eyes is full of frighten, the tone is very tremble to say.

At this time, Yu qiujie's spirit is on the verge of collapse. When she hears the maid say this, her tone is sharp. She shouts to Cuihong, "You cheap maid, you can't do anything. What's the use of raising you? Get rid of these quickly, or you will be sold. The cheaper you sell, the better."

When Cuihong heard Yu qiujie say this, her eyes were filled with despair and resentment, "no, I beg for your life." Finish saying, then kneel down, quickly kowtow beg for mercy.

"Come up quickly and get this thing off me."

At this time, if someone hears Yu qiujie's words, it's hard to imagine that Miss Yu, who has always had a good reputation in Liushu Town, would treat the servant girl like this. At this time, she still looks like a little miss.

Cuihong heard the footsteps approaching, and suddenly her eyes turned. No matter what, she could not escape. She might as well fight for her future. Thinking of this, he immediately shouted, "Miss, I'll be right there. You're waiting."

Then the expression of dying rushed to Yu qiujie, as if he was going to do something to die at this time, but he was stopped before he rushed over.

"Cuihong, what are you going to do? You are going to die." A steward stopped Cuihong and looked at her with pity.

In her heart, Cui Hong was very happy. She looked sad on her face and said in tears: "master, madam, miss is still in it, and..." her face was still in shock, with unspeakable fear and fear.

When Master Yu heard Yu qiujie's sad cry at night, he rushed over. Yu qiujie was still his proud daughter. When he heard something happened to her, he rushed over, "and what?" Asked with a tight frown.

When Cuihong heard the master say this, she looked very embarrassed, but the fear in her eyes still didn't disappear. She seemed to be afraid.

Mrs. Yu next to her saw this emerald red, and her eyes flashed. Then she said anxiously, "at present, nothing is more important than miss." In my heart, I wanted to cure Yu qiujie well. But the master liked this slut, and the master warned himself openly and secretly, so I didn't do it.

Now such a great opportunity to their own in front of nature is a good grasp.

Master Yu is also frowning tightly. At this time, he hears Yu qiujie's miserable cry outside, and says harshly, "say it."

"It's just that the lady's room is full of scorpions. The maidservant looks terrible." Cuihong thinks that when she hears Yu qiujie's cry, there are black scorpions everywhere. She will never forget that scene. It's so strange. Now she thinks of it in a cold sweat.

When they heard this, they all took a cool breath. The scorpions in the room were full of them. They all felt terrible when they thought about it.

Especially Master Yu, heard Cuihong say so, clenched his fist tightly, forced himself to calm down“ Somebody, open the door. " Voice with a trace of people did not notice the tremor.

"Yes." When the servant heard Master Yu say this, he moved forward cautiously, and his eyes were full of fear.

When the door was opened, the people around had already seen countless scorpions rushing out. It was so weird and creepy that everyone quickly approached the torch. When the scorpion met the fire, he quickly fell back and disappeared.

Just for a moment, all scorpions had disappeared, as if they were just people's hallucinations. Only when the servant pulled Yu qiujie out, who had fainted, did he find that all this was true.

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