People see that Yu qiujie is swollen and can't see her original face clearly, but her face is red and swollen, just like a ghost, which is terrible.

When Master Yu saw Yu qiujie's appearance, he stepped back. Then he quickly stabilized his body, forced down his fear, and said in a loud voice: "call the doctor quickly, no one is allowed to spread today's things, otherwise..." his eyes were full of gloom, and his tone was fierce, which made people scared.

Everyone's heart jumped and said yes.

Mrs. Yu was very happy in her heart, but her face was still sad. She was worried and asked, "what can I do about this? Who on earth is so vicious. It's such a vicious trick. " All the words imply that Yu qiujie must have acted wrongly to get revenge.

Master Yu frowned tightly. It seemed that his daughter was abandoned. If such a thing happened, his reputation would be destroyed. Moreover, the most important thing is that his gentle and elegant appearance is now frightening like a ghost.

The most important thing in my daughter's family is her face. If this swelling can be eliminated, it's the best. If it can't be eliminated, it's a pity. After all, the daughter has spent a lot of money to cultivate her, and now she's abandoned. Can you stop heartache?

"Shut up, somebody. Take miss to another place to recover." Master Yu said harshly, his tone was very insidious. If he found someone to do this on purpose, he would rather die than live.

At this time, Master Yu is counting his silver with a happy face. His eyes are full of joyful light. That kind of light is the light that he would like to see silver rush on. People can't help but sigh that he is so short of silver that he can see silver like this.

Xialan and Qiushuang are used to the way their master looks at the silver. They still stand on both sides of meiqiduo with their heads down. They don't speak because they know meiqiduo doesn't like people to talk when she counts the silver.

"Oh, there will be money again this month." Mei Qi duo stretched a stretch, very meaningful said, looked up at the night, see already very late“ Go down and sleep. "

"Yes." They promised in a low voice, then went out and closed the door when they went out.

Mei Qiduo saw that they had gone out and stood up with a pot of tea. She saw the window of the room, and her mouth showed a smile of schadenfreude. Because she was still angry these days, she specially installed a string of bells on the side of the window. If there was any movement, as long as the bell rang, she knew that someone couldn't wait.

"Oh, the moonlight is still good." Meiqiduo said carelessly, then all the tea in her hand fell down to the window. Smile at the corner of your mouth to see how long you have to squat.

Sure enough, stone didn't expect Mei Qiduo to put the bell beside the window. Usually she was a little bit light handed and thought she didn't find it. Now she actually hung the bell. She naturally knew that she was angry. But today, she felt that it was the right time for her performance. She thought that she could go in and solve the problem of Acacia.

But I didn't expect Mei Qiduo to be so cruel and pour out all the cold tea. I felt that my clothes were all wet and shivering when I was blown by a cold wind.

He still didn't dare to stand up, because he knew that Mei Qiduo was still angry. He didn't know whether he would annoy Mei Qiduo again if he stood up rashly.

Mei Qiduo picks her eyebrows. The water she has just poured is all cold water. Although it is not as cold as before, if she is not careful, she is still ill. She thinks she will stand up immediately, but she is surprised that she doesn't.

"If you don't come in, you're still waiting to get sick."

Mei Qiduo said faintly, and spit on herself fiercely in her heart. She was so damn that she was worried about whether he would get sick. It was so damn soft hearted.

Stone heard Mei Qiduo say so, the corner of his mouth raised a smile of success. He knew that she would not bear to be cold in the cold wind, especially when her clothes were still wet

Since the beautiful man's plan can't be used, we should use the bitter meat's plan.

The stone stood up neatly, and then skillfully turned into Mei Qiduo's boudoir. Only when he entered Mei Qiduo's room, the corners of his mouth changed a look of injustice, and the previous successful smile immediately disappeared. But the blue eyes are still pure and unchanged.

It seems that the bitter meat plan can be used more in the future.

"Dor, my clothes are wet." Tone is full of unspeakable grievances, blue eyes with a touch of fog, it seems very sad, is that grievance dada stand there.

Mei Qiduo's heart jumps. She knows that this man is a fox more cunning than herself. But when she hears him say this, she suddenly feels distressed.

"It's none of my business that your clothes are wet." Meiqiduo said with anger, he will not admit which pot of tea is his intentionally fall down, and also will not admit that he has been soft hearted fact. Then he sat on the chair with an embarrassed face and didn't look at the stone.

The stone looked at Mei Qiduo as if she were blocking her breath. She knew that 80% of her heart was not angry, but she still didn't put down her face. She hurried over and said, "yes, it's none of duo's business. It's all my carelessness."

Now it's time to admit his mistake and pay it back. Later, the debt will be fully recovered. He has plenty of time and is not in a hurry.

"Hum, don't you go back to your room to change clothes and wait for me to take care of you." Mei Qiduo saw the wet clothes behind the stone. She was worried about whether she had gone too far. Although she was worried, what she said was right and wrong. She still couldn't hide her concern.

"No, no, I take care of myself." Stone sat beside Mei Qiduo, looking like a rascal.

Mei Qiduo saw that stone's elegant and gentle face was full of scoundrels. She puffed and laughed. There was a happy smile in her eyes. Her tone was teasing and said, "the first Prince of the bright moon actually looks like such a scoundrel. If people see it, they can't close their chin."

"I don't remember that I'm the Lord of the moon. I'm just your stone." Stone tone light said, as if to say what did not care about things in general.

Mei Qiduo heard the stone say so, with a faint deep meaning in her eyes. Since she had experienced a man like Bai Qi, she would no longer believe a man. However, looking at the man around her, she suddenly felt that she was blind at that time. It turned out that someone else said this to her.

But think of him now is only amnesia, if later think of who he is?

Mei Qiduo thought of this, the voice with a touch of astringency said: "you just don't remember who you are, once you think of you..." Mei Qiduo didn't finish, he was covered by a stone. Then stone put Mei Qiduo's hand in his heart.

"In this life, this heart only beats for you, all my emotions are only for you, you like me, you feel sad for me, at this moment of life, forever, heaven and earth, I will never die with you."

As always serious and affectionate.

Mei Qiduo suddenly felt a light mist in her eyes, which made her unable to see the stone's face clearly. But through her palm, she felt the steady and powerful beating of her heart. There was no waves in her calm. The hot temperature spread from her fingers to her heart.

Hot and peaceful.

Mei Qiduo felt something blocking her throat and couldn't say anything. Just after a long time, her voice was very hoarse and said, "I... I know."

The corner of stone's mouth smiles slightly and doesn't say anything more. She just looks at Mei Qiduo so tenderly and doesn't force Mei Qiduo to give him any reply. Because she always feels that Mei Qiduo's heart is always a dark place that she can't touch. If she just touches it, it will push her further away.

I have a lifetime to make her believe in myself and open her heart.

On the second day, Mei Qiduo didn't sleep well at night because of stone's words last night. All night long, he thought about some words with a touch of sweetness, and worried about whether these words would be like this only after he lost his memory. If he remembered his identity, would he forget them? Is it just... Forgetting her?

With these questions, meiqiduo didn't go to bed until very late. When Mei Qiduo wakes up, the sunlight outside is already very high. Mei Qiduo slightly opens her eyes that haven't adapted to the strong light and stretches her body and arms in the quilt.

"Come in, xialan." Mei Qiduo called out with a slightly hoarse voice in the morning.

Xia LAN heard Mei Qiduo's voice and quickly went in with a washbasin. "Master, housekeeper Xue is waiting for you outside. It's like there's something important to say. "

Xue Wan is now the housekeeper of the Mei family and also in charge of the sausage workshop. Mei Qiduo reuses Xue Wan, naturally because Xue Wan is really capable. Otherwise, Mei Qiduo wouldn't have liked Xue Wan at the beginning.

"Well, I see. Now get up." Mei Qiduo naturally knows what it is, but she didn't expect that Yu's family would come so soon. She just thought that something happened to Yu qiujie. She didn't expect that Master Yu was still in the mood to play with these things. It seems that Yu qiujie is not very popular as it is rumored outside.

Xia LAN heard Mei Qiduo say so, ready to wait for Mei Qiduo to get up, but was stopped by Mei Qiduo.

"Spring is just around the corner. I'll make some new clothes for you." Mei Qiduo saw that Xia Lan was still wearing the clothes before she came to Mei's house. Although they were very old, they were clean and tidy. She suddenly thought that she should buy some clothes for several people, and she had not made new clothes for a long time.

I thought that before, I would not wear every dress more than twice. I would wear it three or four times unless I liked it very much. Now it seems that my clothes are really few.

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