When Xia LAN heard Mei Qiduo say this, her eyes were full of gratitude. If she was a rich family, she would have a rough heart. But everything in a rich family would have to pay a price. No matter what the master's reward was, it was shocking. But since she had been with the owner, there were no more messy things.

The old lady is a kind-hearted one. Her boss seems very indifferent, but she really cares about them. Quickly knelt down and said: "xialan instead of them, thank you." Then he kowtowed to Mei Qiduo.

"Get up. You don't have to kneel down in the future." Mei Qiduo frowned slightly and said that she liked them very much. As long as they were with her, she would not treat them badly.

"Xie Dongjia." Xia LAN stands up, tears in her eyes. She is very happy to come to Mei's home again. In Mei's home, she not only eats well, but also sleeps well. She is just three masters. She just wants to think about the mess, and her boss won't embarrass them.

Mei Qiduo washes well and goes out. After all, there are still some things waiting for her to deal with in the front hall.

When he came to the front hall, he saw Xue Wanyi waiting in the front hall with a worried face. He saw Mei Qiduo coming. With a surprised face, he hurried over, "my boss, the shopkeeper of Baifu restaurant came to buy our sausage. You see? " Xue Wan is naturally willing, but because the sausage workshop is really in charge of Mei Qiduo, but thinking of Mei Qiduo's shrewdness, he should not refuse this deal.

Mei Qiduo heard it and smiled slightly at the corners of her mouth. She sat quietly in a chair. Qiu Shuang came over with a cup of hot tea at this time, "give uncle Xue a copy." Mei seven flower light command way.

"Master, I don't need to..."

"Uncle Xue, if you want to drink it, you can drink it. Don't worry." Only when the other party is in a hurry, it will be more beneficial to start. And the most important thing is that the more leisurely you are, the more anxious you make the other party.

"Yes, yes." When Xue Wan heard Mei Qiduo say this, he immediately understood. Then he sat down on the chair and drank the hot tea from Qiushuang.

Mei Qiduo was very satisfied with Xue Wan. He just said something like this, which made him understand what he meant. "By the way, uncle Xue, I'll go to Lizheng's house in a few days and say that our family is going to dig a fish pond. Fifty Wen a day, let's see who is willing to help."

Xue Wan quickly put down the tea cup, eyes full of surprise looking at Mei Qiduo, did not expect Mei Qiduo actually want to dig a fish pond, "the owner is to..." Haoyue is not no one fish, but I dig a fish pond for the first time.

"Well, this matter has been planned for a long time. When the end of the month comes, the mountains behind also need to be turned. Then you can tell Uncle Li." Mei seven flower drinks the tea and doesn't care at all to say.

Xue Wan's eyes are full of brilliance. The owner means to make a big move“ The owner can rest assured that I am responsible for this. Lao Li complained to me a few days ago that the owner didn't arrange things for him. "

"Soon there will be a lot of things for Uncle Li." Mei Qi duo said with a faint smile in her eyes. Maybe this is the difference between ancient and modern times.

"I'll tell Lao Li later that he must be very happy."


Here, Mei Qiduo and Xue WAN are discussing things in the front hall. It seems that they have completely forgotten that the shopkeeper of Baifu restaurant is still waiting for Xue wan to come back in the cold wind. It's almost a cup of tea in the cold wind, making the whole body cold.

The more you wait, the more anxious you are. The more anxious you are, the more angry you are. I think that when I came here, I was threatened by the village girl. I originally intended to let the village girl contribute the prescription. Now they have opened a workshop, which makes Master Yu helpless.

They have set up a workshop, and all the people invited are from the village. If Master Yu forcibly shut down the workshop, wouldn't he add a black mark to his political achievements?

"Go and see when they come out." The shopkeeper handed over a boy to listen to the specific situation, but he got on the carriage. If he didn't get the sausage smoothly, he would not have come here in person. The village girl made him wait for such a long time.

"Yes." Seeing his shopkeeper's gloomy face, he quickly said, and then ran to Mei Qiduo's house. I don't want to see the manager's gloomy face again.

Soon, the shopkeeper didn't wait for long, so he came back. This time, not only the boy, but also Mei Qiduo and Xue Wan. When Mei Qiduo saw the gloomy face of the shopkeeper of Baifu restaurant, he had a smile on his mouth. It seems that the shopkeeper is the first to suffer such a big loss.

"Miss Mei, but let me wait." When the shopkeeper saw Mei Qiduo coming, his eyes were full of displeasure and his tone was full of sarcasm.

"Shopkeeper, it's hard." Meiqiduo said faintly, without a trace of guilt on her face. However, it is more leisurely.

The shopkeeper hated it in his heart. He had enough time to blow a cup of tea here, but he didn't even mean to apologize. If it wasn't for the people in the town recently talking about how delicious the food in fumanlou's house was, he also asked people to pack it. The taste was excellent, but he didn't know what it was.

Yesterday, when the young lady went back, she told Master Yu that it was called dachshun. There was a dachshun workshop in Liushu village. She knew that it must be the village girl who wanted to seek other people's prescription with master last time.

Now the recipe must not be available, but since we have opened a sausage workshop, we must have to do business. I didn't expect that we would be so indifferent when we came to our door. Can we not make the shopkeeper angry.

"I didn't expect that just a few months later, Miss Mei's family has changed so much." The shopkeeper looked at Mei Qiduo's workshop in his eyes. When he came here last time, he didn't have this workshop, and Mei's family had no servants. Now, he is a workshop and a servant. You must have made a lot of money.

It seems that this sausage workshop must be very profitable.

"What's the matter with the shopkeeper this time?" Mei Qiduo doesn't talk nonsense with the shopkeeper. On a cold day, she doesn't have the leisure to stand here and chat with him. Moreover, she doesn't have a good impression of Baifu restaurant. She is very glad that she didn't cooperate with them at the beginning, otherwise today would not be like this.

The shopkeeper's eyes were full of surprise. She looked at Mei Qiduo suspiciously. She really didn't know or pretended not to know. "This time, I came here mainly to buy Mei's sausage."

"Since it's a workshop, I want to do business naturally. I don't want to talk nonsense with the shopkeeper. One hundred Wen is one." Meiqiduo is very straightforward said, the tone is firm, there is no the slightest room for negotiation. Eyes are very indifferent looking at the shopkeeper.

"One hundred Wen?" The shopkeeper was surprised and said, looking at Mei Qiduo's eyes were full of gloom. It was just that a small sausage actually cost 100 Wen a piece. Looking at Mei Qiduo's firm appearance, he frowned tightly and said in a soft voice: "our master said that if Mei maiden is willing to accommodate her..."

"See you off, uncle Xue." Mei Qiduo signals Xue Wan that he can drive away the manager of Baifu restaurant.

The shopkeeper's words haven't finished, was interrupted by Mei Qiduo like this, the facial expression on the face was green again and again, finally abruptly swallow this breath, "does Mei girl really want to be like this?" The tone was threatening and cruel.

"To tell you the truth, now my sausage workshop has no shortage of sales, which depends on the sincerity of the shopkeeper." Obviously, do you like it or not? Anyway, I don't lack you as a guest.

The shopkeeper quickly took a breath and said with some gnashing teeth: "Miss Mei, please install 500 for us." One hundred Wen is one hundred Wen. As long as we can bring business up, the price is the second. With this, I'm afraid we can't beat Fu Man Lou.

After all, I was not the opponent of Baifu restaurant six months ago. Now I just rely on sausage. Now, I have it myself. I'm afraid there are no guests.

Mei Qiduo said with a smile, "the shopkeeper is a cheerful person. Uncle Xue, go to pack 500 sausages for the shopkeeper." It's a bit too fast to turn around. I used to drive people away, but now I'm boasting of people's cheerfulness.

When the shopkeeper heard Mei Qiduo say this, he held his hand tightly in his sleeve. He was afraid that if he was not careful, he would come forward and teach such a difficult village girl a good lesson. He said with a smile: "thank you, Miss Mei." I bought this sentence with silver.

"You're welcome." Meiqiduo is in a good mood.

Just half a cup of tea time, Xue Wan packed 500 sausages for the shopkeeper. "Here are 500 sausages in total. Please count them. One hundred Wen is one. It's fifty taels of silver." Xue Wan said lightly.

But in my heart, I've already wanted to laugh. The owner's move is really powerful. It costs 100 Wen to sell it to Baifu restaurant, but it costs 50 Wen to sell it to fumanlou restaurant. It's just that the owner of fumanlou owns 20% of the shares. The bonus alone is enough for the owner to eat for a lifetime. But just now, the owner obviously wants to do something else.

"Give the money to Xue in charge." The shopkeeper said with a gloomy face that he just brought fifty taels of silver this time. He thought fifty taels of silver was enough, but he never thought that he could only buy five hundred“ Go and see if there are five hundred. "

"Yes." He took out the silver from his arms and handed it to Xue Wan, although he stood by the basket and counted it one by one.

When Xue Wan heard the shopkeeper say this, he was not happy. However, Xue Wan was very smart and didn't show any dissatisfaction on his face. He just took a step and looked coldly at the boy to count the sausage.

This is a bundle of fifty pieces. I took ten bundles in total. There will be no mistake. But I'm afraid that if I ask the boy to check on the spot, I'm going to give the owner a warning or give him a blow.

Mei Qiduo naturally heard the shopkeeper say this, slightly picked eyebrows, and did not say anything. He must be careful when doing business by himself. Since he asked him for one hundred Wen, he would not let him hold on to anything.

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