Sure enough, the boy didn't find out anything wrong. There were five hundred of them, none more or less. When the shopkeeper heard him say this, he looked very ugly.

But only hate said: "back to the restaurant." With that, he got on the carriage resentfully. When he got on the carriage, he took a meaningful look at Mei Qiduo. His eyes were as fierce as a hungry wolf.

Mei Qiduo's smile is still the same, but the coldness in her eyes is not reduced, just like a deep well. She is not afraid that they will not do it. Only when they do it, will she be merciless and clean.

When I was a killer, I didn't like the way my hands were covered with blood. Now I'm here, I seldom touch the blood, but the trouble has never been broken.

It's just not known who will win.

Xue Wan watched the carriage go away, and his eyes were full of worry. Naturally, he didn't miss the shopkeeper's eye just now. Some worried people asked, "master, he..."

"I know. I'm afraid they won't do it." Mei Qiduo said faintly, his eyes full of anger, who is whose prey, who falls into whose trap, now... Just started“ You usually pay more attention to the workshop with Uncle Li. "

Xue Wan heard Mei Qiduo's command and said, "yes."

It seems that it's time to buy some more servants, mainly those with martial arts skills. It's OK to watch the house and protect the courtyard. At the same time, it's also necessary to be vigilant against some villains. There are no fewer people who offend themselves. There are big makers, village heads and County Magistrate Yu's family.

Mei Qiduo thought, rubbed her forehead, looked at the silver in Xue Wan's hand and said faintly, "I need to make some new clothes for you these days. Uncle Xue will make statistics and report it together later, and then go to the town to buy cloth."

Many people in my family are veteran clothes makers. Mei Xiaolan alone is an expert in embroidery. Mei Qiduo has nothing to say about that embroidery skill.

Xue Wan said with a smile: "OK."

Xue Wan's action was very fast. In the afternoon, he had already reported some clothes that the family needed to make, and the details were very detailed. Even the color of the cloth was very detailed. Mei Qiduo looked good.

Xue Wan is really a housekeeper.

"Master, do you have anything else to add?"

"No, good." Mei Qiduo looks at the list in her hand. It's not only very good, it's very good. If she does some, she won't do better.

When Xue Wan heard Mei Qiduo say this, he breathed a sigh of relief. Usually such things are done by housekeepers in every house, but what he did before was to take charge. Seeing Mei Qiduo like this is to let himself start to be a housekeeper. On the one hand, he is grateful for Mei Qiduo's trust, on the other hand, he is afraid of the shortcomings of what he did.

Mei Qiduo sees Xue Wan give a breath like that and laughs in her heart. She certainly won't get angry because of such a little thing. It's good for her to do business and calculate, but the housekeeper certainly can't compare with professionals.

What's more, I'd better not do the job of housekeeper.

In this way, ten days later, Mei Qiduo was watching everyone do something in the workshop today. Suddenly, she heard Xue Wan calling her outside. When Mei Qiduo went out, he saw Qingyun driving over. When he saw Mei Qiduo coming out, he rushed to meet her.

"Boss, the shopkeeper asked me to pick you up." Qingyun said to Mei Qiduo with a slight blush on his face

Mei Qiduo raised her eyebrows slightly. She was sure that the blush on Qingyun's face was not facing herself. Suddenly she saw xialan's figure. She knew that her four girls are tender now, especially xialan, who is the most beautiful and moving among the four people. It's difficult for Qingyun to be moved, and this boy still has eyes, I like the most beautiful one.

But xialan plans to cultivate herself. How can she get the kid Qingyun so cheap.

"Let's go." Mei Qiduo knows that shopkeeper Xu must know that he sold sausage to Baifu restaurant. He must have asked Qingyun to ask him why.

"Alas." Qingyun looked up and quietly looked at the woman in the green dress. Her heart jumped and she quickly lowered her head again.

Qingyun's driving skills are still good, and Mei Qiduo doesn't feel so uncomfortable. Soon Mei Qiduo arrives at the gate of fumanlou. When Mei Qiduo goes in, she sees shopkeeper Xu walking back and forth. Mei Qiduo's eyes are shining, and her steps quickly come to Mei Qiduo's side.

"Dor, I'm looking forward to you."

"Uncle Xu, speak on the second floor." Meiqiduo light said, and then to the second floor of the nameless Curie.

Today's nameless house is a must for Mei Qiduo to come to Fuman building. The environment and sound insulation of nameless house are very good.

"Yes, yes." Shopkeeper Xu is a little worried now, because yesterday he heard that Baifu restaurant also has the same sausage. He thought that meiqiduo might not be sold to fumanlou alone, but he didn't expect that it would come so fast.

There was some worry for a while. Today, I asked Qingyun to drive a carriage to Liushu village to pick up Mei Qiduo and discuss some countermeasures.

Mei Qiduo sits on the couch of the imperial concubine and drinks the good Longjing tea in fumanlou. It's really a good tea. As a person who doesn't know how to drink tea, he feels that the tea has a long lasting charm.

"Uncle Xu, you think the sausage of fumanlou is more delicious, and the sausage of Baifu restaurant is better." Mei Qiduo puts down her tea cup and looks at the worried shopkeeper Xu.

"It must be ours." Shopkeeper Xu didn't even think about it. After that, he suddenly realized that although Baifu restaurant has sausages, Baifu restaurant doesn't know how to cook them. Moreover, they have four special dishes of meiqiduo every month, and each dish is full of praise.

Mei Qiduo sees shopkeeper Xu's face suddenly brightened. She doesn't say anything. She just drinks tea leisurely. Such a good tea must be rewarded by the man Zhu Yuxuan. This time, shopkeeper Xu even comes out to entertain herself. It seems that she must be very worried these days.

"Ha ha ha... I don't have any idea. It's my fault." Shopkeeper Xu laughed. A few days ago, his face was full of sadness.

"No problem. Originally, I should have told Uncle Xu about this." Mei Qiduo said with a smile, and then looked at the window with a distant look and a light chill, "what's going on in the county magistrate's house these days?"

Shopkeeper Xu was going to go out, but suddenly he heard Mei Qiduo say so. He looked up suspiciously and saw the interest in Mei Qiduo's eyes. He suddenly realized something, "there is nothing important to do, that is... I heard the sad cry from Yu family at night." Shopkeeper Xu's voice with a faint smile, eyes full of joy.

Baifu restaurant is an industry owned by Yu family. I have known for a long time that something happened to my opponent's family. Naturally, I am very happy. Although I think about whether it is something done by a gentleman.

Mei Qiduo a listen, the smile of the corner of the mouth suddenly brilliant up. Although I don't know what the effect is, it must be very interesting to hear shopkeeper Xu say that. It's sad to use it. It seems that it's more than fun.

It's a pity that I can't see Yu qiujie like that. It's a pity.

Mei Qi duo's eyes with regret, he really missed a good play“ Tut tut... This is really bad luck at home. " The last two words are meaningful, and at the same time, they are full of schadenfreude.

Shopkeeper Xu didn't speak. He was very surprised. He thought that someone at home might have offended Mei Qiduo. Otherwise, how could he ask such a question.

Mei Qiduo stretched her body and said to shopkeeper Xu, "Uncle Xu, I'm tired. I'll wake up later." I was called up early this morning, and suddenly thought of the need to buy cloth. I took out the record from my arms, including the things I need to buy and the silver, "Uncle Xu, ask someone to buy the things on this list for me."

Meiqiduo came here by herself this time. I didn't bring any servants.

"All right, rest on that one."

Mei Qiduo nodded and went to the soft collapse of the nameless house. She was very elegant and lay on it. Soon, Mei Qiduo fell asleep. The weather is getting better and better recently.

"Duo Er, duo er..."

Mei Qiduo seems to hear someone calling her. Mei Qiduo opens her confused eyes and looks at the impatient shopkeeper Xu. She blinks. Some of them don't understand that they just have a sleep. How did shopkeeper Xu become like that in the morning.

Manager Xu saw Mei Qiduo wake up and said anxiously, "Duo Er, you wake up at last." If he doesn't wake up, he really doesn't know what to do.

"Uncle Xu, what's the matter?" Asked Mei Qiduo.

Shopkeeper Xu quickly said, "well, there is a guest who wants to eat authentic duck blood fans. He is not satisfied with the duck blood fans made by master Zhao. Moreover, fumanlou deceives customers. If we can't do it, we will smash our restaurant."

Mei seven picked eyebrows, this is smashing the field, "you tell him, to eat can, 521 bowl." I make things by my mood. Since someone has come to ruin the show, I guess it's a rich young man.

"This..." shopkeeper Xu heard Mei Qiduo say so, and he was in a bit of a dilemma for a moment.

Mei Qiduo looked at his skirt and said faintly, "if you want to eat what I do, you should pay the price. Five hundred Liang is enough to give him face."

The tone of voice has been slightly surly.

Shopkeeper Xu wiped the sweat on his forehead, "well... Well." It seems to have been given up. Then walk out of the unknown house. Then he went to the last box on the other side.

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