"What? Five hundred taels of silver for a dish. " The man's voice was very surprised. He thought of it in the box. Then he said in a very angry voice: "are you lucky mansions open for business or robbers?" My silver is not so easy to get.

This is more than robbery, it is just robbery.

"Since you want to eat authentic duck blood fans, you can afford more than this silver." Shopkeeper Xu said leisurely, but only he knew that his palms were full of sweat, and his long shirt was soaked with sweat.

What he was afraid of was not the talking young man in front of him, but the silent young man.

Because in his body, he felt that kind of cold and fierce atmosphere, and with the sky of indifference, as if nothing in the world can arouse his interest in general, the most important thing is that he was wearing a red shirt.

There is a rumor in the river and lake that the heartless Pavilion leader loves the red shirt most. He is charming and charming, and has a face that makes women lose their color. But he is a heartless and heartless person. It is said that the heartless Pavilion leader is cruel and bloodthirsty.

He is the heartless Lord of the cabinet.

The man in the white robe heard shopkeeper Xu say this, and his eyes wavered. "In that case, I want your chef to make dishes that have never been done before, otherwise..." his anger showed, and his tone was joyful, but what he said made his heart tremble, "I want you to stay in the happy house."

Shopkeeper Xu pretended to be calm and steady. "I'll tell our chef."

Then he went out and took a deep look at the silent man sitting on the imperial concubine's couch. He prayed in his heart that he would never meet the evil god, or the blessing building would be completely destroyed.

When shopkeeper Xu returns to nameless Junei, he sees Mei Qiduo with a deep look at the carriage listening to him. The cold in his eyes is incomprehensible.

"Duo Er, the childe said not to duck blood fans, but to make unprecedented dishes." Shopkeeper Xu said with difficulty. Thinking of what the young master said, he laughed bitterly in his heart. Is it true that fumanlou can't be preserved? Although he knows that duo'er has many special recipes, the two young masters are rich.

What else has such a person not eaten? It's more difficult to make a dish that has never been eaten before.

"Uncle Xu, the carriage at the door looks very strange." Mei Qiduo said faintly.

When I saw the carriage, I thought it was very low-key, but it was extremely luxurious. It was different from Zhu Yuxuan's high-key luxury, but it was that kind of low-key and introverted luxury. In her eyes, it was better than Zhu Yuxuan's, and the material was many times higher than Zhu Yuxuan's, and BMW seemed to be a very rare BMW, The color of the hair is even, without any stray hair.

Moreover, she saw that the carriage seemed to be carved with manjushahua, and those who could carve such petals showed that they must have been built from the pile of white bones. It is conceivable that the owner of the carriage must be a heartless man.

Shopkeeper Xu heard Mei Qiduo say this, but he also went to have a look. Suddenly, his body was stiff, and his eyes were full of fear. "This... What can I do?" The tone was full of shock and fear.

Mei Qiduo turned around and looked at shopkeeper Xu's gaffe. "Uncle Xu, what's wrong with the people who came here?"

Shopkeeper Xu's eyes were full of fear. "This is the sign of heartless Pavilion, which shows that the people in the box are..." heartless Pavilion owner. In the last few words, shopkeeper Xu said to Mei Qiduo with his mouth, his body shape and trembling.

What should I do!

"Heartless pavilion?" Mei Qi duo lowered her head to think deeply, with a touch of indifference and nostalgia in her eyes. Her previous life was also in the heartless Pavilion.

Merciless Pavilion, named Siyi, is a place without any emotion. It is only a place of killing, plundering and cruelty.

"Duo'er, you see..." shopkeeper Xu didn't see the look in Mei Qiduo's eyes, because now he is very worried about whether Mei Qiduo can make dishes that he has never seen before. It's really unknown. If he's not careful

"Uncle Xu, I see. Let's go and get ready in the kitchen." Mei Qiduo stood up and said faintly that there are unprecedented dishes. She wanted to see if the childe knew this dish. She just needed to prepare something before doing it“ Uncle Xu, I'll draw a mold. You go to the best blacksmith in the town to finish it. "

"All right." Don't say it's just a mold. Now Mei Qiduo wants abalone and shark's fin. She has to find a way to get it for her. It's related to the safety of fumanlou.

Mei Qiduo nodded, then went to the desk, thinking about the shape of the mold in her mind, and then quickly drew it with a wolf's hair. But half a cup of tea, Mei Qiduo handed the mold to shopkeeper Xu, "Uncle Xu, ask the blacksmith to finish it as soon as possible."

Shopkeeper Xu took it and looked at it. He was very strange. He couldn't understand what it was, but after all, it was ordered by Mei Qiduo. Tieding was right. He said quickly, "I'll go to the blacksmith myself and let him finish it as soon as possible."

"Well, I'll go to the kitchen first."

Mei Qiduo and manager Xu went down to the second floor. One went out of the hotel door, and the other went into the kitchen.

In the box, Zhan mercilessly drinks his own wine in silence, his eyes are red with indifference, and he is enchanting in a red shirt. His white jade face has the face that makes men fall in love with him, but it's on a man. Just like the red lips of roses on the wine cup of white jade, the white cup and the vermilion lips are enchanting and moving, but they are also the most affectionate people in the world.

The well-defined fingers are languidly placed on the brown table, and the skin is like jade with a lustrous luster. It seems that no matter where the man is, his whole body's luster can't be concealed, and he will only be watched.

Especially that pair of eyes like a cold pool, with large areas of indifference in their eyes, seems to be like the winter in December, without any temperature, but also vaguely with cruel and bloodthirsty brutality.

It's just covered up by the languid and charming temperament, just like a languid leopard, which is to kill people.

"Second brother, what do you think of the chef in fumanlou? I don't know if he is as fat as a pig." The man in white robe has a casual smile on his mouth and his eyes are full of interest.

This man is the third young master of the heartless Pavilion, Zhan Wuhuan. He is clearly called Zhan Wuhuan, but his face is always with a cynical smile.

"You want to see it." The voice is as if it is dark and magnetic, and at the same time, it has a bewitching tone. No matter how you look at it, it seems that such a man should not exist in the world, just like the spirit of the world.

Bewitching and enchanting.

"Yes, it's unprecedented." But I like to collect the world's food, I have eaten a lot of food, but I want to praise the food is very few.

Since the chef of fumanlou dares to ask for five hundred taels of silver, he has to make the dishes that he marvels at. Otherwise, don't blame him for being merciless.

The war is merciless, still silent drinking wine, eyes are still indifferent.

Mei Qiduo took a look in the kitchen, and soon determined what she needed. Now that she had decided to make that dish, it was supposed to be launched next month, but it was just a little earlier. And you can take the opportunity to make a good profit. Why not.

"Master Zhao, I hope you can cooperate with me on the survival of fumanlou today." Meiqiduo light said, although the tone is light, but it is invisible, the atmosphere inside the kitchen became very tense.

"Master, we will do whatever you ask us to do." Master Zhao's eyes were full of dignity and said solemnly to Mei Qiduo.

"Well, thank you, master Zhao." Meiqiduo said.

"What's the matter with us?" Master Zhao is very simple and honest, with some shyness on his face. He heard his boss thank himself in person.

"Master Zhao, please cut the mutton into thin slices. The thinner the better." Mei Qiduo quickly picked out some ingredients from many ingredients. The ingredients of Fu Man Lou are bought in the market every morning. They are very fresh, so Mei Qiduo quickly found what she wanted.

In addition to ordering master Zhao to cut the mutton, he also asked to clean the dishes carefully. Mei Qiduo broke a big bone, then threw it into a jar and put some spices into it.

"Look, the small fire simmers for an hour. And then they came to me Meiqiduo called a man to watch the jar.

"Don't worry, the small one must look at it." Man, seriously.

Mei Qiduo quickly made all the dipping materials, and put the dishes cleaned by the waiter on the plate one by one. The collocation of colors and the placement all had a certain aesthetic feeling, which was pleasing to the eye.

At the same time, Mei Qiduo also took carrots and white turnips, cut them into shreds, pickled them, and made some modern drinks.

The color is very pleasing.

"Well, I'll wait for manager Xu to come." Mei Qiduo touched the sweat on her forehead. She hadn't cooked for a long time, because she didn't like cooking fumes very much, so since the conditions at home were better, Mei Qiduo seldom cooked.

Except for the four courses a month.

When people saw the things in the kitchen, they were very curious. What does the owner do? It's just that seeing this pendulum plate is extremely pleasing, and there are some things that I haven't seen before.

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