Zhan Wuhuan has been waiting in the box for nearly two hours. His patience has gradually disappeared. He has been walking around in the box all the time. His face is very gloomy.

"This damned fumanlou asked for five hundred taels of silver. It made me wait for an hour." Zhan Wuhuan said impatiently, "go and bring me the shopkeeper of the restaurant."

When Wu Yi and Wu Er heard Zhan Wuhuan say this, they didn't move. They were just loyal to the merciless command of Zhan and didn't listen to anyone's command.

Zhan Wuhuan glanced at Zhan mercilessly and said, "second brother, you tell them to go down." Although they know that they are only loyal to the second brother, but the heart is still a little uncomfortable.

"Wait patiently." Zhan merciless is not very picky about what he eats. Even if it's delicacies, it's just a taste, but his only brother likes it very much.

"But..." Zhan Wuhuan wanted to say something else, but when he saw Zhan's merciless eyes, he still kept his mouth, but he thought that he would show him when the shopkeeper came.

Shopkeeper Xu ran into the kitchen anxiously with something on his face. His face was full of sweat. When he saw Mei Qiduo, he quickly handed it to Mei Qiduo and asked, "Duo, is it like this?"

Mei Qiduo took over the iron pot and looked at it. With a satisfied smile on her mouth, she said, "Uncle Xu, that's it. You can ask the blacksmith to make more."

Shopkeeper Xu's eyes were shining. It seemed that it would be a special dish after that. He quickly nodded his head and said yes.

"Now that the things have been brought, the one on the top should be worried. Uncle Xu, go to the top and say it. It will be fine soon." Mei seven light said, but in the heart is another kind of thought, if the above people come to urge, oneself in inside poison, poison them. Even if it doesn't work, they will have diarrhea for a few days. They still have this ability.

"Now that the things have been brought, the one on the top should be worried. Uncle Xu, go to the top and say it. It will be fine soon." Mei seven light said, but in the heart is another kind of thought, if the above people come to urge, oneself in inside poison, poison them. Even if they fail to poison, they still have the ability to diarrhea for a few days.

"All right." Shopkeeper Xu tidied his clothes and wiped the sweat on his forehead, so that he would not look so embarrassed. He took a deep breath. After all, there was such a spirit in the box.

Zhan Wuhuan was lying on the table bored, but he was stabbing the villain in his heart. He thought that he was also the third young master of the ruthless Pavilion. Unexpectedly, a little chef made him wait for so long.

The beam is big.

After he gradually began to know Mei Qiduo, he found that if he knew that he would be so unlucky, he would not embarrass Mei Qiduo even if he died. Let alone five hundred taels of silver, he would give her five thousand taels for nothing, but it was too late.

"Buckle..." shopkeeper Xu knocked on the door and asked, "my guest, our chef said it will be ready soon. I'll let you wait for a while." The heart is extremely nervous, for fear that he will accidentally provoke the people inside.

"I have to wait for you for a long time." Zhan Wuhuan shouts, there is still a childe there, just a dandy.

"This... That small one, go to urge again." Shopkeeper Xu replied very carefully.

"Go quickly, or I'll tear down your fumanlou." Zhan Wuhuan said impatiently.

"Yes, yes." Shopkeeper Xu replied respectfully, but he didn't dare to offend the two masters inside, otherwise he would be the master of death.

Mei Qiduo looked at the iron pot of shopkeeper Xu and was very satisfied. Thinking that the time should be about the same, she said, "take these to the box upstairs." He pointed to the plates that had been set behind him. There were all kinds of colors. It was very pleasant to see.

Although the man didn't understand that Mei Qiduo was carrying the raw food like this, even though he was puzzled, they still carried it to the second floor according to what Mei Qiduo said. Mei Qiduo himself was very satisfied when he looked at the big bone soup in the jar and saw that the fragrance didn't show at all.

"This soup is ready. Turn it off." Meiqiduo said.

The most important thing is this soup. This soup is the key to success or failure. If there is no problem with this soup, then the taste of this thing is absolutely delicious.

"All right." The man is also very clever. Hearing Mei Qiduo's words, he quickly put out the fire and put the jar on a tray. This is the owner to take good care of, I must take good care of.

When the guys put the plates into the box, Zhan Wuhuan saw that they were all raw. Although the arrangement and color matching were very exquisite, even the delicacy could not change that it was raw.

"This is your chef's unprecedented dish. Is he here to amuse you?" Zhan Wuhuan is very angry. He spent an hour or two waiting for the chef to sit on the unprecedented dishes. Now the dishes are all raw. How can he not be angry.

This is not as good as that duck blood fan.

Suddenly, the tip of his nose asked for a strong aroma, and his eyes brightened. This aroma had the ability to attract people. It seemed that people were looking forward to it just by smelling that aroma. Zhan Wuhuan swallowed his saliva subconsciously, and his face turned red. He had never lost face like this. As the aroma became more and more intense, the light in Zhan Wuhuan's eyes became even brighter.

Even Lien Chan was ruthless, and his drinking hand gradually stopped. With emotion in his indifferent eyes, he slowly turned his head and looked at the door of the box.

Mei Qiduo was carrying a earthen pot, and the man behind her was holding an iron pot. On the way out of the kitchen, the people in the hall were smelling such a fragrance, sniffing hard, as if they were going to take it out. The fragrance seemed to have a magic power, as if it was going to take people's greedy insects out.

"What new dishes are there in this fumanlou? It's really delicious." I thought the diner sniffed.

"Yes, I'm going to hook out people's greedy insects."

"Give me one, man."

Shopkeeper Xu saw the reaction of the people in the hall and thought that Mei Qiduo asked him to make more iron pots. It turned out that duo'er knew this would be very popular. See Mei Qiduo go to the second floor, quickly open the box door, good convenience Mei Qiduo go in.

"My guest, your dishes are ready." Mei Qiduo went in, put the pot on the table, and then motioned to the man behind to put the iron pot on the table. He said faintly, his eyes were full of alienation and displeasure. He heard what he said just now, but he didn't have such good patience.

This has been done. The last thing is to see if he can eat. That's what he should be in charge of.

"This... This is good. It's all raw." Zhan Wuhuan was a little at a loss, because he had never eaten it, and how could he eat it raw? The most important thing is that the fragrance in the jar is attractive.

"That's not what my little chef should do." Mei Qiduo said with a touch of sarcasm in her eyes. Her tone was also full of displeasure and sarcasm. There are many dishes she has never seen before. She just gave you this one to see how you eat it.

"You..." Zhan Wuhuan heard the irony in Mei Qiduo's tone, and just about to say something, he was interrupted by Zhan mercilessly.

"No joy." Light words without any emotion.

But let Mei Qiduo heart slightly a pick, the voice seems to be with infinite charm at the same time with the sky of indifference, these two kinds of obviously contradictory temperament, but I do not know how Mei Qiduo really hear such a feeling.

Seeing a man in a red shirt coming out from behind the screen, Mei Qiduo took a breath, and her eyes were full of amazement and appreciation. This... This is still a man. This is clearly a demon who harms the world. She came here in a red shirt, with fatal confusion and dark darkness.

Charming and indifferent, deadly and bloodthirsty.

Mei heart make complaints about herself. Is this ancient man's face like this? This also makes the woman how to live at this time, tut tut... The skin is really good, well, the eyelashes are also very warped, if there is a chest, bah... I think it's far away, but I really want to have a good look, if I can touch it myself.

"Can I touch you?" Who is talking, meiqiduo suddenly reaction, just said that sentence is his own, this sentence is his own, immediately lowered his head, cover up the eyes of appreciation and panic, but when looking up, his eyes are still full of expectations.

When people heard Mei Qiduo say this, their eyes were full of panic. They should know that if they could get close to the Lord of the cabinet, they would be dead.

When Zhan Wuhuan heard Mei Qiduo say this, his eyes were full of surprise. Then he immediately reacted and was very angry. His brother could not be profaned by a lower class like a cook. He angrily scolded: "presumptuous, my second brother could not be someone like you..." he touched it and said that he was a little wronged at last. He never touched his brother, How can this woman touch it first.

Mei Qiduo slightly raised her eyebrows. Her eyes were full of flowing light. Suddenly, her eyes were red and bright. "Tut tut... Listen to your aggrieved tone, isn't it..." her eyes were flowing between Zhan Wuhuan and Zhan merciless. It was obvious that she was jealous.

Zhan Wuhuan saw Mei Qiduo's ambiguous eyes, suddenly his face was flushed, and he said angrily: "you... Don't talk nonsense, I..."

Mei Qiduo turns a white eye and fights with her elder sister for a few more years. I can see at a glance that this person's heart is just like a big boy, but it's the man in red shirt. The darkness in his eyes is too amazing, and the bloodthirsty and cruel breath in his body is too strong.

The darkness in the eyes can only be found in the blood all the year round, and only after countless times of blood baptism can there be such a bloodthirsty breath.

These are the experiences of Mei Qiduo.

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