Zhan ruthlessly and faintly looked at Mei Qiduo who was quarrelling with Zhan Wuhuan. When Mei Qiduo said that just now, his eyes were full of hostility. Then he saw that the woman said it could be touched, but his eyes were silk's undisguised expectation, and it didn't disgust him as other women looked at him.

Some of the woman's eyes are only amazing and appreciated. Her dark jade like eyes are full of clarity, without any admiration and obsession.

This suddenly made him so interested in her.

"If you allow me, what can I have for you, girl?" A voice full of enchantment rang out in the room.

Mei Qiduo Benli was still fighting with Zhan Wuhuan. Suddenly she heard Zhan ruthless say so and looked at her in surprise. The eyes of the people around her were surprised to see Zhan ruthless.

Zhan merciless slightly picked eyebrows, evil spirit overflowed, every move is amorous feelings, "how? I have to say it a second time. " Still a touch of displeasure, with noble dignity.

Mei seven flowers immediately reaction come over, in the heart care, if can touch beauty is best, can't touch to see one or two eyes also listen to raise an eye, what thing? See the iron pot on the table, "how to eat this dish." I believe I can't find a second person who knows how to eat this dish except myself.

"Do you think I care?" Zhan ruthlessly sneered, very indifferent lying on the outside chair, large red shirts scattered on the ground, dense out of the enchanting illusion.

Tut Tut, it's really a potential to harm the country and demons. Unfortunately, it's a man. Mei Qiduo sighed in her heart and unconsciously looked with a sigh in her eyes.

Zhan merciless always looks at Mei Qiduo's expression. Suddenly he sees Mei Qiduo's sigh in his eyes. His whole body is full of cruelty and bloodthirsty.

This damned woman, she regretted that she was not a woman.

People around them felt the momentum from Zhan merciless, and their expressions began to become very scared. Some of the guys could not stand the momentum from Zhan merciless, and their faces began to turn pale, as if they would die in the next second.

Even so, the look on Mei Qiduo's face remained unchanged.

Then Zhan ruthlessly took back his breath and saw that Mei Qiduo didn't have any uncomfortable face. He was slightly surprised.

This woman can be so calm.

Mei Qiduo secretly praises Zhan merciless's momentum, but what he doesn't understand is that Mei Qiduo has experienced more violent people than his momentum, but she still has no change.

Otherwise, they would not be afraid.

"Since you don't care, I don't care." You don't have to touch it. You can also touch the stone when you go home. It's said that the appearance of the stone belongs to the type of evil people, but the temperament of the two people is different.

Zhan ruthlessly looked down at the golden embroidery thread on his clothes. His eyes were dim. He glanced faintly next to him. Suddenly, he didn't move.

Just for a moment, shopkeeper Xu and several other guys have been taken out of the box, leaving Mei Qiduo alone. Mei Qiduo's eyebrows and eyes are slightly picked. This is to force people out.

It's just that she's not afraid of coercion.

"What do you mean, young master?" Mei Qiduo asked Zhan ruthlessly with a smile on her face, but the darkness in her eyes was like a vortex. There were dormant things waking up, with arrogance and bloodthirsty breath.

"Ha ha... You are so interesting." Zhan merciless chuckles out in a low voice. At a glance, he sees that the woman's eyes seem to have the same bloodthirsty breath as himself, and the arrogant temperament. These really make him look up.

I didn't expect that a woman should have such momentum, and she was the first woman who didn't change her color in front of her.

"Thank you. If there's nothing else, I'll leave first." Mei Qiduo said with a smile, but she didn't want to stay with such a dangerous man, especially this kind of uncertain person.

Because you will never know how he will change too much.

Sure enough, Mei Qiduo guessed well, and he heard Zhan merciless say.

"If you go out of this door today, the fumanlou will be washed with blood." Zhan said faintly, as if he was discussing a very simple matter, not a matter of human life.

Meiqiduo sneered, looking at the war ruthless eyes still no change, but the smile of the corner of the mouth more and more indifferent, the voice is very thin cool said: "I don't care."

Zhan Wuhuan has been very impatient for a long time. He is smelling more and more fragrant in the earthen jar. But he doesn't know how to use the iron pot on the table. The most important thing is that he doesn't know how to eat the delicious food when he is in front of him.

No happy childe who has eaten countless dishes all over the world doesn't know how to eat it? I can't say it's not to laugh off the big teeth of the world.

"You said, I'll give you a thousand Liang." What he needs most is silver, and he really wants to know how to eat this dish. If he doesn't know, he may not be able to eat well or sleep well. After that, he looks at Zhan mercilessly.

Mei Qiduo has a thousand Liang, and the former two are completely owned by himself. How much good land can he buy! Think about all feel very excited, eyes flashing with strange brilliance, face is very excited look, "you... You really give me a thousand Liang."

The people in the house looked at Mei Qiduo's expression now, especially when they saw the same look in Mei Qiduo's eyes. They secretly said how much this woman loves money. When they said money, the look in her eyes became completely different.

Zhan Wuhuan was dazed by Mei Qiduo's look, and immediately said: "of course, a gentleman's word is hard to trace." What he said was a man of lofty spirit. He didn't think about where his silver came from, although the heartless Pavilion didn't lack the thousand taels of silver.

"Refreshing, I just like you so refreshing." Mei Qiduo clapped her hand and praised her loudly. Then she spread her hand to Zhan Wuhuan and said, "it's 1500 taels of silver in all. Take it."

"What... What?" Zhan Wuhuan looks at Mei Qiduo with wide eyes and doesn't seem to hear Mei Qiduo speak clearly.

"Silver ticket! One thousand five hundred taels of silver, pay first and then deliver. " Mei Qiduo is very impatient to say, wait until his winery started, just 1500 Liang, want to let himself cook for him, beautiful his!

Zhan ruthlessly looked at Mei Qiduo with his chin in his hand. She asked Zhan Wuhuan for silver calmly. A smile that he didn't notice flashed in his eyes, but it was caught by none nearby.

No one was surprised, but there was still no expression on his face, still standing quietly behind the ruthless war.

With a hand signal, Wu Er immediately rushed to his arms and took out the silver note, respectfully handed it to Zhan Wuhuan, who was searching for the silver note. Seeing the silver note, Wu Er happily took it, and then handed it to Mei Qiduo at random.

"Here you are. Is that enough?" Zhan Wuhuan's eyes are full of expectations. He is about to know how to eat this dish.

Mei Qiduo took the silver note, but took out 1500 taels of silver notes from it. The other silver notes were still returned to Zhan Wuhuan, "I only want these." Then he raised the silver note in his hand. Their silver must have come from blood. He just took what he should, and he had no interest in the rest.

Zhan merciless's eyes flashed by, and then he regained his original expression. He looked charming and attractive, as if they had not had any unpleasant conversation before.

This woman is worthy of appreciation.

Zhan Wuhuan put the silver note into his arms at random, and said excitedly: "now it can be said." The silver has been given to you. The meaning is obvious.

Mei Qiduo put one thousand taels of silver into her arms, and the remaining five hundred taels into her sleeve. Now that she has got the silver, she naturally wants to say, "naturally, the way to eat this dish is..."

Mei Qiduo was very serious. As she spoke, she poured the soup in the earthen jar into the iron pot, and then put the carbon that the man had brought up under the iron pot. When the soup was boiling, she put the things that she had prepared one by one into the iron pot.

"Well, it's ready to eat." Meiqiduo listened to the hand, the room is full of bones, rich aroma, not only delicious, but also healthy.

"How did you come up with that?" Zhan Wuhuan's eyes were full of surprise. He didn't expect that there was such a way to eat. In fact, when the duck blood fan came up just now, he was already very surprised. He thought that the cook who could make such a dish must have something to praise. What surprised him most was that Ju ran was still a woman.

Even if a woman, or a woman who loves money, but has its own bottom line, such people really want to take back.

Mei Qiduo saw Zhan Wuhuan's eyes and said, "I want to know!" Mei Qiduo raised her eyebrows and suddenly felt a sense of teasing. She wanted to tease the silly boy.


Zhan Wuhuan nodded, just like a dog.

The joking light in Mei Qiduo's eyes hooked her fingers to Zhan Wuhuan, and then mysteriously said to Zhan Wuhuan's ear, "just... I won't tell you." Mei Qiduo finished and quickly flashed to one side, then her eyes were full of happy smile.

Especially when Zhan Wuhuan's eyes turn from expectant to angry, Mei Qiduo's mood suddenly becomes very happy. This silly boy is really fun.

Zhan Wuhuan has always been like a big boy. But as a person in the heartless Pavilion, how can there be no darkness in his heart? There is only a deep and shallow problem.

It's the first time I've seen Zhan Wuhuan's real disposition since that event.

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