"No joy." Zhan merciless light said, looking at Mei seven flower face is full of proud expression, heart move, suddenly feel this woman looks very lovely, "you are willing to go back to merciless palace with me."

I don't know why I suddenly said it like this.

With these words, Zhan Wuhuan forgot to swallow the food he had just put into his mouth. Wu Yi and Wu Er around him were also full of surprise. There have always been only men in the heartless hall, but there have never been women. Now, the pavilion leader actually let a woman go back to the heartless hall.

Zhan Wuhuan finally swallowed the food in his mouth. Although he was surprised, he thought that since this woman could make such food, there must be a lot of delicious food. If he returned to the ruthless hall, it would be his territory. He was afraid that she would not cook for him.

Thinking about this in my heart, I naturally had to comply with it. I said quickly, "yes, you go back with us. There's a lot of money in the heartless palace." Eyes full of expectations, as if to say yes, yes.

Mei Qiduo frowned slightly. She liked silver, but the name of heartless hall told her that it must not be a good place. Naturally, she could not fall into the tiger's mouth.

"If I don't go, I'll make money myself."

Firm refusal, I am not easily contaminated with any bloody atmosphere. If I go to a place like ruthless hall, can I still be the richest man in the world?

Zhan merciless seems to have thought that Mei Qiduo would say this for a long time, but he didn't say anything more. When he heard Mei Qiduo say this, he still looked at her with a full smile in his narrow Phoenix eyes, but his eyes were deep and cold.

Mei Qiduo looked at the time should be almost, when he came out, he didn't follow Mei Xiaolan, and Stone said, Mei Xiaolan arrived is nothing, because Xue Wan should be able to say, just a little bit of trouble stone, originally he came to Fuman building should take him, but because of the hurry, forget.

I have to think of a way to let the stone calm down.

"Since my guest has nothing to do, I won't stay any longer." Mei Qiduo opened the door and went out, thinking that if she saw them later, she would definitely walk around.

Heartless Pavilion is a well-known organization in the world, but it is also a killer organization? If you go to the heartless palace, what's the difference between yourself in modern times.

When Mei Qiduo left, she gave the five hundred taels of silver in her sleeve to Mr. Xu, and said to Mr. Xu, "they should have nothing to do. You can get the sausage in ten days. I'll give you this month's recipe next month." Today, because I'm a little, I want to take a few days off first. Then it's time to dig a fish pond.

"Well, a man has the final say." Shopkeeper Xu quickly refused the bill. He was really grateful to Mei Qiduo in his heart. If it was Mei Qiduo, he would be completely lucky.

"Uncle Xu, I'll go back first." Meiqiduo said.

"Take your time, Qingyun, and send dor home." Shopkeeper Xu invites Qingyun to drive Mei Qiduo home.

Here, Zhan Wuhuan has already had enough to eat. At this moment, he is lying on the side of the imperial concubine's couch without any image. Looking down from the window, he can see that Mei Qiduo gets on the carriage at this time, and his eyes flash with a light. "Brother, go and find out where this woman lives." At that time, I will go to find her myself.


"Yes." No one answered without any emotion, and then just saw the shadow flash, a person's figure disappeared in the room.

Zhan Qingren's enchanting eyes are full of deep look, and her white hands are holding her chin. No matter from which point of view, Zhan Qingren is lazy and mysterious at this time, which makes people obsessed. Her lips are just like roses, which evokes an extremely light smile.

This woman, interesting.


At this time, Yu qiujie looks at the servant girl kneeling down with a gloomy face. Her eyes are full of hatred, and her body sends out a strong and fierce atmosphere, which makes the servant girl jump in her heart.

"You said you saw Mei Qiduo coming out of the Fuman building." Yu qiujie tone unclear asked, just tone inside deep hate and evil, let a person very uncomfortable.

"Yes... Yes, I did... See it." The servant girl kneeling below is no longer the close servant girl Cui Hong.

Since last time, although Yu qiujie has no trace on her face, her body is really full of redness and swelling, which can never be eliminated. This is a painful thing for a daughter's family. Because it was too serious at that time, the doctor had to take heavy medicine, which made Yu qiujie lose her fertility.

In ancient times, if women couldn't have children, how could they get married.

Although Master Yu was very strict and told the people below not to let this matter reveal any news, the doctor who couldn't help Yu qiujie to see a doctor was a master who didn't handle it. It was only a few days. Almost all the people in Liushu town knew about it.

People in the town are saying that Yu qiujie is possessed by evil. People in the house look at Yu qiujie with terror in their eyes. Even Master Yu begins to doubt whether Yu qiujie is possessed by evil.

Yu qiujie hears the maid say so, the facial expression is more obscure and unclear, oneself die don't believe that the thing that happened that day has nothing to do with Mei Qiduo, although Wang Xiaocui also didn't happen anything, three people also happened that kind of thing to her.

But her intuition told her that Wang Xiaocui was not the culprit, so the person should be Mei Qiduo. And when thinking of Mei Qiduo's cold eyes, Yu qiujie's body trembles unconsciously.

How terrible should that woman be? She was so cruel that she ruined her life. If she knew that Lai Yu was provoked by her, then

Suddenly, Yu qiujie's eyes are full of disbelief. Does Mei Qiduo already know that, otherwise... Yu qiujie bites her lower lip hard, and her eyes are full of ruthlessness.

Never let Mei Qiduo live, but what should we do?

In Yu qiujie's mind, Mei Qiduo comes out of fumanlou. Is it related to Mei Qiduo that fumanlou's business suddenly gets better in the past six months? If her father knows about this, he naturally doesn't have to think about it any more? Because she knew that once her father made a move, Mei Qiduo would never have any way to live.

Thinking about this, Yu qiujie motioned to the servant girl to come forward, whispered something in her ear, and then motioned to the servant girl to go out. She went to the dressing table and looked at her face in the bronze mirror. Her face was still white, but there were red spots under her neck. Suddenly, she was very angry.

Thinking about this, Yu qiujie motioned to the servant girl to come forward, whispered something in her ear, and then motioned to the servant girl to go out. She went to the dressing table and looked at her face in the bronze mirror. Her face was still white, but there were red spots under her neck. Suddenly, she was very angry.

"Pa" of a copper mirror button on the table, sharp nails ruthlessly into his palm, originally beautiful and soft face because of anger become very ferocious, the corner of the mouth with a cruel and bloodthirsty smile.

Mei Qiduo, will you be so lucky this time?

The servant girl didn't dare to disobey her. She still remembers how Cuihong was tortured to death by Yu qiujie. She was extremely cruel. Since she was sent to serve Qiu Jie, her body was full of scars. Every time Yu qiujie saw that her body was full of red spots, she would pinch her hard, because she was a servant girl, and she didn't dare to say anything.

This time, if you don't finish what Qiu Jie told you, you will have a very bad end.

"Steward Xu, Miss asked me to come and ask if there is any sausage left?" The servant girl walked to the steward who was in charge of the monthly service in each yard and asked respectfully.

"No more." Xu Guanshi said without raising his head. Now Yu qiujie is no longer in favor, and Yu qiujie and his wife are enemies. In the past, it was because Yu qiujie was more or less protected by Master Yu. In addition, Yu qiujie has some skills. Now Yu qiujie is disgusted by Master Yu, so he can't get involved in any more things.

When the maid heard Xu Guanshi say this, she didn't get angry. She seemed to say to herself, "well, the young lady asked me to go to fumanlou to ask, and said that meiqiduo made fumanlou..." she quickly stopped, "look at me, you are busy with Xu Guanshi, I'll go first."

Then he went out.

Xu Guanshi is also a good person. When he heard the servant girl say that, his eyes were shining. How did the business of fumanlou suddenly get better half a year ago? And the menu was full of unheard of dishes, which naturally made people very suspicious. But fumanlou always claimed that it was the owner's menu, but the servant girl's words reminded him of something.

It seems that the Mei family is the one who runs the sausage workshop.

"Wait a minute, you just said Mei Qiduo made the business of fumanlou better." Xu Guanshi asked unintentionally, but his ears on both sides stood up for fear of listening to any word.

"Yes, it's Mei Qiduo's own words." The servant girl is very calm to say, suddenly surprised of call up, "Oh, I forgot, miss still let me prepare tonic for her."

Then he left in a hurry.

Steward Xu smoothed his beard, and his eyes were shining. If you want to know who his master hates most now, he must be the one who helps the business of fumanlou. However, because he always claimed to be the owner, the owner of fumanlou is in the capital. Although Master Yu is angry, he can't move.

Now Mei Qiduo suddenly says that she is the one who helps the business of fumanlou. If she is, then Master Yu will not easily bypass her. When the time comes, she will make a great contribution. Naturally, she has a lot of face. If not, I can also refuse to say that I believe in the evil, and I will not lose anything.

Thinking about this, manager Xu immediately walked towards Master Yu's study.

All of a sudden, a figure flashed by, only to see a man in a pink dress, dressed like a maid.

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