When housekeeper Xu approached Master Yu's study, Master Yu was looking at the silver that the shopkeeper gave him this month. He was very happy. It seems that this sausage is very easy to sell, but the quantity is a little too small, only 500.

"Master, I have something to report." Xu said.

"What's the matter? Go ahead. " Master Yu is still in a good mood today, so he looks at Xu in charge leisurely and can't hide his good mood.

"It's like this. I just heard that the business of fumanlou is suddenly on fire. I can't get away from a woman named Mei Qiduo." Xu Guanshi carefully looked at Master Yu's face and said.

Sure enough, when Master Yu heard manager Xu say this, his eyes suddenly wrinkled tightly. His face was full of seriousness and coldness. He asked deeply, "are you sure?"

Xu steward was very nervous, because he also heard about it and didn't confirm it in person, but now he has said it and can only go on, "the little one heard from the maid next to the second young lady, and Mei Qiduo said it in person, so the little one..." manager Xu didn't say what he said, because he saw Master Yu's increasingly gloomy face.

If you want to know who master Yu wants to get rid of most now, there is no better person than the one who helps the business of fumanlou to be prosperous. Originally, fumanlou would be closed soon. By then, Baifu restaurant would be the best restaurant in Liushu town. But it was only half a year ago that fumanlou gradually became prosperous and surpassed Baifu restaurant.

All along, fumanlou has been talking to people outside about the owner's recipe, but at this time, someone suddenly told her that it was a woman.

"A woman?" Master Yu murmured softly. The look in his eyes was obscure. Suddenly, a trace of ruthlessness flashed in his eyes.

Better kill by mistake than let go.

Just for a moment, Master Yu has made up his mind that this person must disappear“ In this case, then... "Master Yu didn't say what he said. He planned to get the recipe for sausage, but she didn't expect that the village girl had opened a sausage workshop, so she couldn't get the recipe for sausage.

Otherwise, if the old man of Chengfu Wang family knows that his promotion is hopeless, he can't take any risks.

Xu Guan took a cold shoulder afterwards, but he didn't expect that Master Yu didn't even have any verification, so he had already decided how to deal with this man. Xu Guan said: "I know."

Then he went out of the study. Master Yu was sitting on the chair alone. His face was very gloomy and his eyes were full of cold light.


Yu qiujie heard the servant girl's words, the corners of her mouth showed a satisfied and vicious smile, her eyes were full of deep jealousy and resentment, "I know, go down." Yu qiujie said lightly.

"Yes." When the servant girl sees Yu qiujie's expression, she shrinks and retreats.

Yu qiujie sees the action of the servant girl and raises a sarcastic smile at the corner of her mouth. Mei Qiduo, it depends on how you escape this time. She is quite sure that this matter must have a right relationship with Mei Qiduo. She can't let her go. She will pay the price.

And the cost is very tragic.

"Mei Qiduo, it depends on how you escape..." Yu qiujie said in a low voice, with a tone full of gloom and anger.

Today's night is destined to be a restless page.

When the night comes, Mei Qiduo wakes up leisurely. Ever since she came back from fumanlou, Mei Qiduo feels very tired, and her stomach is faintly full of pain. When Mei Qiduo comes home, she finds that this body has come to the moon now.

Mei Qiduo reluctantly stroked her forehead. Thinking about it, when she wore it, her body looked like she was twelve or thirteen years old. Now she has finally been well raised for half a year. When her skin and body came gradually, she was no different from a girl of sixteen or seventeen years old. Because she was busy, Mei Qiduo always forgot about the month.

Today is coming. I can't bear the pain.

"Autumn frost, bring water in." Mei Qiduo stretched a stretch, and felt the vague pain relieved a lot. Because there was Mrs. Tang in the quilt, Mei Qiduo was sweating a little.

It's very sticky, which makes Mei Qiduo feel very uncomfortable.

It seems that someone came into the room, Mei Qiduo did not pay attention, light said: "give me something to eat, hungry."

There was no response.

Mei Qiduo frowned slightly. When she lifted the curtain, she saw the stone standing in front of the bed with an unhappy face. Her eyes were filled with unhappiness and heartache.

Suddenly put down the bed curtain, Mei Qiduo said slightly angrily, "what are you doing in here? I'm not fit. I'll talk about it tomorrow When I came back today, I was questioned by this man where I went today.

Because of physical discomfort, Mei Qiduo's temper suddenly came up and left in a huff. Do you need to give you a reward for where you are going?

The stone clenched his hand tightly, and then took a deep breath. He knew that today's things were too much for him. Although he knew that she didn't need to be constrained by anyone, he still couldn't help that someone would find her beauty and her mystery.

Stone mercilessly sighed a breath, originally very angry eyes, eyebrows tightly wrinkled looking at the people inside the bed, finally still soft hearted, "the body a little better?" Although the heart is still unhappy, but still worried about her.

Mei Qiduo heard the full worry in the stone tone, and the faint anger in her heart had disappeared, "what's with you."

The tone is still not good, but there is no anger.

Stone heard Mei Qiduo say so, and knew that there was no anger in her heart, but her mouth was hard. "In this case, I'll go."

Then, there was the sound of things on the table, and the sound of walking away.

Mei Qiduo quickly opened the curtain of the bed and saw the stone standing in front of the bed with a smile on her face. She knew that she had been cheated. "Aren't you gone?" Tone slightly with a touch of unnatural, white face with a blush.

"I won't go." Stone eyes full of smile said, looking at Mei seven eyes full of tenderness.

Mei Qiduo suddenly felt sweet in her heart. She thought it was good to be in such a relationship. For fear that Shi Shi would know what he was thinking, she quickly changed the topic, "how did you come in?" Nowadays, there are still servants in the family. Although they may not be talkative, they claim that stone is the master of the watch. But if people see it, it's not a good thing after all.

"It's all right. I told them to go down." Stone light said, obviously don't want to say anything.

Meiqiduo didn't ask, "I'm hungry." Looking at the bowl on the table, I thought that this should be the food he brought in.

"Mother Qin cooked porridge. It's delicious." The stone walked to Mei Qiduo's bed with a bowl, scooped a spoon with a spoon, blew it carefully on his lips, and then fed Mei Qiduo with very natural and skillful movements, "you're not feeling well now, I'll feed you."

"Nothing." She just had some discomfort in her body, and her hand was not broken. Moreover, she could not accept such intimate action for a moment.

Mei Qiduo originally wanted to get the spoon by herself, but the stone's eyes were full of persistence. The hand holding the spoon didn't let go. Mei Qiduo sighed and thought forget it. Since he wants to feed, let him be well. Anyway, she won't be tired.

Stone saw plum seven give up their own idea to eat, originally slightly wrinkled brow open gently loosen, looking at plum seven eyes just don't have that kind of persistence.

The oil lamp in the room is full of warmth and light pleasure with dim light.

Stone looked at Mei Qiduo. After eating porridge, his eyelids began to droop again. He knew that she wanted to sleep. His heart was full of heartache and full of helplessness. He whispered to Mei Qiduo: "I'm back in the house, you..."

Before I finished speaking, I felt an abnormal sound outside. My gentle eyes suddenly became cold. At this time, everyone was asleep, but there was an abnormal sound. It seemed that someone had prepared something.

"Who have you offended?" Stone's hearing has always been very good, so when he heard it, he knew that there were five or six people outside. There was helplessness and coldness in stone's eyes.

From that day on, she started to know that she must have done something to Miss Yu. However, because she was unimportant, he didn't ask much. He just didn't know that a little county magistrate had such ability.

"What?" Mei Qiduo asked vaguely. Because of her physical discomfort, Mei Qiduo's current reflection arc slowed down a beat. At this time, when she heard the stone say so, she subconsciously asked.

Stone saw such a fuzzy plum seven flowers, in the heart more helpless, such a person, really let people worry, close to plum seven flowers ear whispered a few words.

"Really?" Although it's a question, I believe in the tone. I knew for a long time that Yu qiujie would make a move, but I didn't expect that Yu qiujie would be so bold. However, the bolder Yu Jia is, the more confident he is about what he needs to do.

"In that case, we don't have to waste the game they laid for us." Mei Qiduo's eyes were full of evil eyes, but it was cold like hell, with a cruel and bitter cold.

"What are you going to do?" Stone light asks a way, originally oneself is to go out to solve this next person, but hear Mei seven flower say so at this time, seem to have some other things to need to do.

He naturally takes the meaning of Mei Qiduo as the first.

Several people outside knew that the two inside had already known them, and they were still preparing for the above explanation. All of a sudden, they felt a wind flashed over their bodies, and they all shivered. Several people looked at each other, and their eyes were frightened.

Because of the rush of time, steward Xu can only find a few rascals in the town and promise that they will get rich rewards afterwards. A few of them are originally the rascals in the town. They should come down without saying a word when they hear such things.

Because steward Xu said at that time that he just wanted to teach them a lesson and told them that the owner's house had gone out of the yard today. He just wanted them to burn the house.

For several of them, it's a good thing to get the silver, but they don't need to deal with the specific details. Just now, they suddenly felt a dark wind coming, which made several people unconsciously withdraw.

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