"Damn, it's still so cold." A man with a scar on his face said with a laugh, although it is harmful to his morality to do such a thing, they don't care about it. Now it's a serious thing to get money.

"That's right. It looks like a landlord, too. The house is so good." A sharp mouthed man also whispered, his eyes full of hatred. I didn't expect that there was such a good house in a village. I want to think about where I live now.

Such a contrast, the look on the face is more and more gloomy.

There was a man with a very calm face. Hearing the murmurs of the students at school, he quickly shouted in a low voice: "do things quickly and be careful to be found."

The man was sent by Yu's family to see if they had finished it.

The rest of the people heard the man talking like this, but they didn't say anything. They piled the firewood around the yard, because they were afraid that the fire was not big enough, and they poured oil on the firewood.

The man with a calm face was just about to take out the fire fold in his arms. Suddenly, he felt that someone seemed to be looking at him coldly. He fought a cold war and shook his head. As long as he finished this thing, he also made contributions to the master. At that time, naturally, his own benefits will be indispensable.

Just about to light the fire fold, I heard a faint female voice behind me.

"But have you thought about it?" Mei Qiduo came out from behind and quietly walked to the back of these people. She laughed in her heart. Since she wanted to do bad things, she should be a little more crisp. She was behind them for a while.

I'm sure I just want to be a village girl. I don't have any scruples.

On hearing this, they turned around and saw Mei Qi duo wearing a white robe with long hair scattered. Because she was very uncomfortable, Mei Qi duo's face was very pale now. She looked like a ghost in the night, which was frightening, especially the blue eyes standing behind the stone, which were like cold stars.

"Are you... Are you a human or a ghost?" Someone trembles to ask a way, looking at Mei Qi duo and stone's eyes are full of panic, the feet can't help shaking.

Mei Qiduo's face is full of faint smile, did not say anything, just the look in her eyes. Looking at them is like looking at the dead, without any fluctuation. When a few people saw such a cold vision, no one dared to move forward.

The calm man saw that none of these people dared to come forward, and his face was very gloomy. Although his heart was also very afraid, he thought that meiqiduo was only a woman after all. Although there was a man around him, they were numerous. At that time, he immediately said, "she has only two people, and we are afraid that she will not succeed. Don't forget who told you to do it. " The warning in the tone is very obvious, and there is a threat in the eyes.

A few people laizi listen to, in the eyes seem to make up what determination general, looking at Mei seven flower and stone's eyes with incomparable ruthless absolutely. People see Mei Qiduo's beauty is still good, some people's eyes gradually emerge lewd look.

Stone see, body momentum suddenly become like hell Shura general let a person tremble, blue eyes without a trace of temperature, heart with great anger.

She's what they can think of.

Mei Qiduo felt the change of people's breath around her and was very confused. When she saw some people's eyes, she naturally sneered in her heart. She was really unkind.

Yu family, it seems that they and she are really out of character, born is the enemy's life.

The man seemed to be shocked by the momentum of the stone, but he thought that now this thing can't be done, and he certainly didn't have any good fruit to eat. He immediately said, "let's go together and give this little girl a little color."

Mei Qi Duo is still standing there with a light look, as if they are not moved by anything, but the look in their eyes is full of cold, leaving only a large area of indifference.

Several people still had doubts when they saw Mei Qiduo's face, but they made up their mind when they thought of the people who asked them to do things. Several people rushed to Mei Qiduo and stones, but they all fell to the ground before they met Mei Qiduo.

It's just a faint fragrance in the air.

The calm man saw several people fall down. He was awed in his heart and was ready to run away. However, he was hit by something he didn't know. There was a deep pain in his stomach. He squatted down and cried with his feet.

Meiqiduo is very leisurely to the man in front of, picked up the fall on the ground of the origami, tone meaning unknown said: "your master do this, not afraid of his position."

When the man heard this, he was shocked, and his eyes were full of horror. She knew.

"You..." the man had been knocked unconscious by the stone before he finished speaking. They looked at the several people who fell on the ground. Their faces were indifferent, especially Mei Qiduo's eyes were dark and cold.

"Tie them up first and ask tomorrow. Don't die." Mei Qiduo just saw the strong killing intention in the stone's eyes and specially told them that these people are useful. If they are suddenly killed, how can their plan be implemented.

"Don't worry, you can't die." It's just half dead at most, the stone added faintly in his heart.

Mei Qiduo saw him like this and knew that she didn't take her words to heart. She was very helpless. "You can do it by yourself. I'll let Xue Wan bring a letter to Uncle Xu tomorrow." Mei Qiduo said that and yawned with her hand. After doing these things, she was very sleepy, so Mei Qiduo's face was full of fatigue.

Seeing the sleepiness on Mei Qiduo's face, the stone quickly said, "go and have a rest and give it to me."

Naturally, he will "serve" these people well.

When everyone got up the next day, they saw several men tied to the pillars in the back of the yard. They were very curious. When they heard that the stone had told the story of last night, they looked at them with indignation.

Looking at those people, they all want to eat them. After all, they set fire to the house, and there are people in the house, which is no different from killing.

After hearing this, Mei Xiaolan's eyes were full of worry. When she looked at the stone, she was full of gratitude. She thought that if it wasn't for the stone last night, she and duo'er would have been burned alive. She quickly hid from the stone and said, "stone, thank you this time, otherwise..." she didn't go on.

"Aunt May, it should be." The tone is faint, and I can't hear any ups and downs.

When Mei Xiaolan was about to say something, she saw Mei Qiduo come in. She told meI Qiduo what happened last night and asked what to do.

"Niang, it's OK. Naturally, I have my way." Mei Qiduo comforts Mei Xiaolan. It seems that Shitou doesn't say what happened yesterday. She also knows it. She looks up at him and sees him standing there with a cold look. She is puzzled. Maybe he killed people.

"But..." Mei Xiaolan still has some rest assured, what else do you want to ask. But he was interrupted by Mei Qiduo.

"Niang, I will hand them over to the government. Since such a thing has happened, it will naturally be handed over to the government. You can rest assured."

Mei Xiaolan heard Mei Qiduo say so. She must have an idea. She didn't say anything, so she asked someone to set breakfast. Then Mei Qiduo wrote a letter to Xue wan to take manager Xu in the town.

Mei Qiduo knows that these people are sent by Yu's family. Naturally, she can't get them to the county magistrate. Only the Chengfu Wangs, but she doesn't know how the relationship between the Chengfu Wangs and Yu's family is. If the relationship between the two families is good, she needs to find another way. If the relationship between the two families is bad, it's simple.

However, in just half a day, Xue Wan came back. When he saw Mei Qiduo, he said what shopkeeper Xu said to Mei Qiduo.

"In the town, it's not that the two families are at loggerheads. It's just that shopkeeper Xu once heard that the Wang family seems to want the shares of Baifu restaurant, but the Yu family didn't give them, and then things will be settled. Actually, he didn't hear about the big festivals between the two families."

Mei Qiduo hears Xue Wan's words and looks down to meditate. Suddenly, a smile blooms in the corner of her mouth. There must have been a gap between the Wang family and the Yu family. After all, before her intervention, Baifu restaurant has always been very profitable. With such a big piece of fat, the Wang family must want to take a bite. It's just that Yu didn't agree.

"It's good to have estrangement, uncle Xue. I'll tell you something. You..."


Master Yu is anxiously walking around in his study. Today, he always feels uneasy. He always feels that something is going to happen. The people sent to Mei's house have no news, which makes him even more anxious.

"No news yet?" Master Yu asked anxiously.

As soon as the steward Xu was stiff, he quickly replied, "the person sent has not come back."

Master Yu's eyes are more gloomy after listening. Is it just a woman who can't solve so many problems? Besides, she is just a village girl. She is very anxious in her heart and her face is very anxious. She takes the cup in front of her and takes a drink to ease her anxiety.

When he was about to say something, he heard a lot of noise outside. Master Yu frowned tightly, "go and have a look. What's going on outside?"


Xu Guanshi went out, but the uneasiness in Master Yu's heart still didn't disappear, on the contrary, it became bigger and bigger. Steward Xu, who had gone out before, stumbled in, his face full of panic.

When Master Yu saw such an impolite steward Xu, he said in a low voice, "what's the matter? What does it look like to panic like this? "

Manager Xu heard the reprimand, quickly returned to his senses, stumbling and said: "old... Master, there are a lot of officers and soldiers from outside. They say they are... They say they are here to catch you." His eyes were full of fear.

When Master Yu heard Xu's words, he suddenly felt that he had ignored something. It seemed that someone behind him was pushing all this invisibly, so that he could jump into the hole he had dug.

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