The displeasure and unpopularity in Mei Qiduo's eyes are too obvious. Even Zhan Wuhuan, a heartless person, can feel it. Although she is very angry, she has to admit that this woman's home is really comfortable.

Since I last ate the food she cooked, I can't eat anything in the past few months. I just want to eat the food she cooked every day, so I go to fumanlou to squat from time to time, but damn it, I miss it every time in these months. I really have to make his teeth itch.

When he found out where the woman lived, he rushed over. On the way, he was discovered by Zhan merciless. He thought he would be severely repaired. Unexpectedly, Zhan merciless came along with him.

Especially when seeing Mei Qiduo's disliking face, he immediately felt extremely angry. The young master immediately held back his temper and said angrily: "Alas, what do you mean by your eyes, I..."

Mei Qi duo's eyes are full of cold, especially the dark eyes with the cold like a cold pool. Especially when she looks at you like this, it seems that you are in the land of glaciers.

When Zhan Wuhuan saw Mei Qiduo's eyes, he immediately stopped his mouth, whispered in his heart, thinking that the cold light in the woman's eyes was like Zhan ruthlessness, which was full of ruthlessness and indifference without any fluctuation.

Mei Qiduo is very lazy sitting in the chair, looking at the war is very leisurely drinking tea merciless, secretly turned his mouth, asked: "when do you come here?" Although there is no joy in asking for war, it looks ruthless.

When Zhan Wuhuan heard Mei Qiduo's question, he immediately got excited. "Of course, he came to eat the food you cooked!" I don't want you to think that I'm going to give up those big restaurants and close the door to come to this rural place.

Mei Qiduo picked a good-looking eyebrow, with a sarcastic smile on the corner of her mouth, and said sarcastically: "my temple is small, and it can't accommodate people from the heartless Pavilion."

So let's go.

Zhan Wuhuan hears Mei Qiduo say this. He stares at her. His eyes are full of disbelief. This woman drives herself away. But since he saw this woman's ability last time, he can't bear it.

He took out the silver note from his arms and said, "I don't eat for nothing. I have silver." Finish saying to return provocative to see one eye plum seven.

Plum seven heart inside secretly turn a white eye, who rare his silver, say again now her silver also many, "no empty."

"What are you doing now?" How can there be no time? Otherwise, what is she doing here now? She is very leisurely, drinking tea like this, and even perfunctory“ I mean, aren't you idle now? "

Mei Qiduo is still very leisurely drinking tea, eyes always looking at the side of the war merciless, looking at the face as delicate as a goblin, and the action full of charm, the heart once again sigh, really beautiful!

Zhan merciless naturally felt Mei Qiduo's eyes. For the first time, he felt such unbridled appreciation. An ordinary woman was surprised by his appearance, but at the same time, she was afraid of his identity. Only this woman could be so calm and undisguised.

"Miss Mei, have you seen enough?" Zhan ruthlessly put down the tea cup in his hand, then held his chin with his hand and asked. The charming smile in the eyes of the evil Fox and the light opening of red lips made people want to kiss Fangze.

Mei Qiduo was embarrassed for a while. Who let the evil really lead others to commit crimes? Her face turned red slightly. "I don't know what advice the pavilion master has when he comes to my humble abode?" Zhan Wuhuan once said that it was a meal. She believed it, but if the man in front of her also came to eat, she didn't believe it.

Zhan merciless saw Mei Qiduo's red ear tips, which made him feel very happy. How many women in this world admire him, but only this woman makes him feel unique attraction.

It really makes him want to have a good exploration. There are not many people or things he is interested in in in the world. In addition to that person, it seems that this woman is also one.

Just because the darkness in this woman's eyes is almost the same as him, cold, bloodthirsty and cruel. So he unconsciously wanted to explore this woman.

"Didn't Wu Huan just say it? He just came to try Miss Mei's craft again." His face was full of the expression of just coming to dinner, but his eyes were deep.

This time I came here mainly to confirm my opinions.

Believe that you have a ghost, Mei Qiduo said silently in her heart. Suddenly, her eyes turned and she looked at Zhan Wuhuan. An evil smile suddenly appeared in the corner of her mouth. Since people came to send money, how could she not accept it? "Do you really want to eat?"

With a gentle and harmless smile on his face, the voice is also with a faint lure or.

Zhan Wuhuan suddenly heard Mei Qiduo say this. He didn't react for a moment. Then he nodded, "of course." How else would you come to your house.

Then Zhan Wuhuan saw a pair of white and small books stretched out in front of her eyes. Zhan Wuhuan looked at the hands in front of her. These hands are so small. Are women's hands so small?

"What a surprise! Silver, one thousand Liang a dish. "

Zhan Wuhuan heard Mei Qiduo's voice in his ear. He quickly returned to his mind and said, "here you are. I really love money." The last sentence was murmuring in a very low voice, and then took out the banknote from his arms. Without counting it, he gave it to Mei Qiduo.

Zhan Wuhuan didn't pay attention to the strange feeling in his heart. When he looked at Mei Qiduo in his eyes, he was still full of disgust.

Mei Qiduo took it all with a smile, and then handed it to Xue Wan. She said happily, "Uncle Xue, look at the total number of Liang here, and then tell Aunt Li to add vegetables."

Xue Wan came with Mei Qiduo. At that time, when he first looked at these two outstanding CHILDES, he was very surprised, especially the one in the red shirt, who seemed to hook people back. Xue Wan just took a look and immediately dropped his eyes, because the man's eyes were too dangerous. At this time, I heard Mei Qiduo say so, and I really counted the money after taking it.

Zhan Wuhuan heard that Mei Qiduo didn't cook himself and quit immediately. He came so far and gave the woman money for what! I just wanted to eat the food she cooked. I didn't expect that she didn't cook it.

"That's no good. You're a woman. Give me the money back." Zhan Wuhuan immediately wants to rob him. Although the silver is nothing to him, it's also his food money for several months. He's really unwilling to let it go like this.

Especially for this woman.

"Alas! What's more, it seems that I can't repent. I have the silver in my hand. How can I take it back? " Mei seven flower eyes with light displeasure, tone is full of sarcastic said.

"You..." Zhan Wuhuan's face turned red and looked at Mei Qiduo standing in front of him. His white ears were slightly red. At this time, because he was close to Mei Qiduo, Zhan Wuhuan could see Mei Qiduo's eyes, which were like black jade, reflecting his own shadow.

So clear, so moving.

"Good... Good men don't fight women." Hastily said this sentence away from Mei Qiduo, sat down in a chair and quickly covered up his gaffe.

Zhan Wuhuan, on the contrary, Mei Qiduo was stunned. He didn't see when he became a good man.

On the contrary, Zhan Wuhuan, who was sitting quietly, saw Zhan Wuhuan's gaffe, frowned tightly, and his thin lips were pursed tightly. His eyes were like countless whirlpools, which made people unable to see his thoughts clearly.

Mei Qiduo just wanted to say something when he heard the stone outside calling himself, Mei Qiduo quickly answered“ Stone, I'm in the house. "

When they heard Mei Qiduo's voice, both of them raised their ears to listen. One was to verify the idea in their heart, and the other was to think that the name was really earthy, but the woman's voice was very gentle, and her heart was slightly sour.

When stone came near the house, his eyes were full of shock and killing when he saw the ruthlessness of the battle. Although he carefully covered it up, he still didn't escape the eyes of several people present.

When Zhan merciless saw the stone coming in, he had already determined what he wanted to do. The casual smile at the corner of his mouth became more attractive, but it was full of coldness. The murderous and bloodthirsty look in his eyes became more and more intense.

I sneer in my heart. I haven't seen you for a long time.

Feng Ling Jue.

Just after seeing the dress of the person in front of him, his brows wrinkled tightly, and then he became extremely playful. His eyes were also playful. I didn't expect that his royal highness Ling Wang was reduced to a mustard villager now.

Don't laugh off your big teeth in the Jianghu.

Mei Qiduo naturally felt the unusual atmosphere between the two people. She looked at the stone and looked at the ruthlessness of the battle. She suddenly thought that he was seriously injured when she picked up the stone. If she hadn't met her, she would have been a pile of bones by this time.


Eyes flow between two people. As the saying goes, when enemies meet, they are very jealous. If two people fight, is it their own place that suffers? Thinking of this, Mei Qiduo exudes low air pressure, "in my territory, they are gentle in the end, otherwise..." said, and finally they have killed all their opportunities.

Then she looked at the stone and Zhan merciless with warning and went out. But she didn't want to be caught between the two enemies. She was very busy. However, if they dared to destroy anything in the house, she would not let them go.

There are Zhan Wuhuan and Xue Wan who go out with Mei Qiduo. One is that he can't stand the suffocating atmosphere inside, and the other is that he just wants to pester Mei Qiduo to cook.

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