There are war ruthlessness and stones left in the house. No, it should now be called the first Prince of the bright moon, fenglingjue. At this time, the atmosphere in the house seems to have solidified, and the air is like suffocation, which makes it difficult to breathe, but the two people in the house are very leisurely doing their own things, without any impact.

After a cup of tea, Zhan merciless puts down the tea cup and looks at Feng lingjue in cotton cloth with a little bit of teasing in his eyes. He thinks that the last time he fought with Feng lingjue, he and he didn't get any benefits. He was beaten by Feng lingjue to the point where his internal skill almost collapsed. He still can't use it. However, Zhan merciless believes that Feng lingjue should be the same as him.

So the war is merciless just let no one and no two go down, because if Feng Ling absolutely start, they are not his opponent at all.

What's more, fenglingjue doesn't have any intention to fight at all, so why do you want to fight first? When you see fenglingjue's expressionless face, the heartless heart of Zhan is still unhappy. With incomparable irony, the tone says: "when did tangtangling King start wearing linen cloth?"

The stone looked at the teacup in his hand calmly and said faintly, "it's better than coming out of the Qinglou." Then he looked at Zhan ruthless's red shirt and his eyes were full of irony.

Zhan merciless most hate others say that he is wearing a red shirt as if he came out of Qinglou, because this sentence is said by Fengling Jue, and only he can live freely.

Sure enough, Zhan ruthlessly heard Feng lingjue say this, his eyes filled with anger, and then he was ruthlessly suppressed. His red lips opened and said, "his highness King Ling laughed, but he didn't know what to think when he was heard by that person. The great king Ling was reduced to a reckless grass."

"I don't know how to support myself?" The answer is still not salty, but the words are with incomparable irony.

Zhan merciless's eyes are full of whirlpool and sneer in his heart. He didn't expect to see him for half a year. Ling Wang's mouth is more and more powerful. He thinks that he can't use his internal power now, otherwise he will regret saying these words. His face is still charming and attractive.

Suddenly he thought of something. Zhan's ruthless mouth hung a smile of schadenfreude and said in a casual tone: "it's a pity. If Miss Mei knew that Ling Wang was engaged, she didn't know what would happen?" The tone is full with pity, but the eyes always observe Feng lingjue's expression.

Fengling still has no expression, but she is in a panic. She knows Mei Qiduo too well because she can't hold a grain of sand in her eyes. She doesn't have any memory of this event in her mind, but she is reminded by Zhan mercilessly. At this time, he remembers and thinks that the person is really ordering a marriage for him, but

Think of here, Feng Ling Jue's eyes are full of storm like darkness, also want to see whether that person has the possibility to live to that time, say, that woman is quite Ling princess, dream.

Although Fengling Jue's cover up is very good, she is still seen a little fluctuation by Zhan merciless. It is clear in her eyes that Xiang meiqiduo, an interesting and mysterious woman, can't let her fall in love with her. She just didn't expect that Fengling Jue would be attracted to a woman one day, which surprised him.

Somehow, Mei Qiduo's cold but clear eyes suddenly flash in Zhan merciless's mind. If there is only his shadow in these eyes, I don't know if Feng lingjue's eyes will have a look of pain. Somehow, Zhan merciless suddenly wants to know this.

The same look flickered in Zhan merciless's eyes, but he ignored the same strange Fengling Jue beside him. His blue eyes were full of sarcastic smile.

Feng Ling Jue sneers at herself in her heart. If Zhan merciless is such a ghost idea, it's bad luck, because Mei Qiduo is not the one who will be dazzled by beauty, and the darkness in her eyes is definitely deeper than Zhan merciless, not shallower.

Later, they didn't say anything. They just drank each other's tea. When Mei Qiduo came to ask them to have dinner, she felt that the suffocating atmosphere had become extremely strange, and... She saw the dead demon smiling at herself.

Mei Qiduo's mind is a little blank. Although the demons are very good-looking when they laugh, like thousands of flowers are blooming together, but I don't know why Mei Qiduo feels a cloud of wind coming towards her, and her whole body is covered with light goose bumps, as if she was watched by a poisonous snake. This feeling makes Mei Qiduo very uncomfortable.

Zhan Meiren and Zhan Wuhuan didn't stay much after lunch and left soon. When Zhan Wuhuan left, he told meI Qiduo that he would come back again. At that time, he would bring some food materials for Mei Qiduo to make. Mei Qiduo was very helpless because of the appearance that he had enough to eat and drink. It's really hard to believe that such a person actually came from the merciless Pavilion.

Just when Zhan ruthlessly left, he glanced at Mei Qiduo lightly. The profound meaning in his eyes made Mei Qiduo frown. He always felt that the demon was going to have a ghost idea, and the ghost idea should be related to himself.

It has to be said that Mei Qiduo is very sensitive to dangerous things.

At night, when fenglingjue comes to find meiqiduo, meiqiduo is still thinking about the meaningful eyes when Zhan mercilessly takes her away. When fenglingjue gently holds her, she suddenly reacts.

"Why are you here?" Mei Qiduo asked faintly, although it was white to ask.

"Well, I miss you." Feng Ling Jue breathes the faint fragrance of Mei Qiduo, and suppresses her irritability. Since Zhan mercilessly said that, she doesn't know whether she should tell Mei Qiduo. Intellectually, she tells herself not to tell her, but in her heart, she lets him tell her.

Fengling must have some hesitation.

Mei Qiduo naturally realized that he was wrong today and asked carelessly, "what's on your mind?" Not doubt, but affirmation, otherwise his heart would not be so struggling, so hesitant.

Feng Ling Jue hears Mei Qiduo say so, originally embracing Mei Qiduo's hand to let go of her, but tightly holding her hand, making Mei Qiduo face-to-face looking at him, at this time her eyes are full of serious, but also with a trace of struggle, "duo'er, do you know how my mother died?

Mei Qi duo blinked her eyes and said in her heart, "how can you know that there is no hair in the modern history of this dynasty, but when you see the pain in the eyes of the people in front of you, you still say," I don't know. " Of course she didn't know about it.

Feng lingjue seemed to be amused by the question just now. She sighed to herself. Today, she was a bit out of her way. Today, when she heard Zhan merciless say that, the deepest pain in her heart broke out like a seed. The crazy devour her heart, and her heart was tyrannical.

Just want revenge, kill that man, only revenge.

If at ordinary times, Mei Qiduo must have been impatient, but today she feels that the people around her are different from the past. In the past, they were warm and indifferent, but today, they are tyrannical and bloodthirsty.

"Who killed it?" Mei Qiduo asked faintly, because she has been wandering on the edge of death all the year round. For death, Mei Qiduo has already looked very pale. For her relatives, Mei Qiduo has no memory.

Feng Ling Jue hugs Mei Qiduo tightly, and her voice is very hoarse: "today's empress dowager." Tone insipid, but plum seven flower still heard bloodthirsty murderous gas from inside.

Mei Qiduo's eyes were full of disbelief. I didn't expect that it was the empress dowager, but... Why? Mei Qiduo's eyes are full of doubts, looking at Feng lingjue. According to the truth, shouldn't the Empress Dowager be his mother? Unless she's... "She's not..."

Mei Qiduo was interrupted by Feng lingjue when she finished. Her voice was cold and bloodthirsty.

"Well, she deserves it."

Mei Qiduo didn't say anything later. She just let Feng lingjue hold her tightly, because she knew that unless she was willing to say, the most painful thing in her heart would rather die than say it.

This, she said, was the same.

Feng lingjue hugged Mei Qiduo tightly and seemed to be stabilizing her mood. Then Mei Qiduo heard that Feng lingjue seemed to have gradually stabilized, and only heard his voice speak eloquently.

"Duo'er, my mother is the most beautiful and kind woman in the Haoyue Dynasty, but she didn't meet a lover." Feng Ling absolute tone is full of sarcastic say, this person is his father emperor naturally.

Mei Qiduo didn't speak. She just saw the sarcasm in Feng lingjue's eyes. Her heart was slightly painful. She could only hold the man behind her tightly. This is probably the only thing she can do now!

Feng Ling Jue feels Mei Qiduo's action. Her eyes are warm, and she hugs Mei Qiduo tightly. Then she talks about what happened.

Fenglingjue's mother was yanqingqing, the eldest daughter of the Yan Family in Haoyue Dynasty. She was the first beauty of Haoyue at that time, and was destined to marry the royal family. At that time, fenglingjue's father Fengao was proud of heaven. She had a sweetheart in her heart, but because of the influence of the Yan family, she still married yanqingqing.

Yanqingqing is an indisputable woman, just like a nine day Xuannv. At a glance, it makes people feel blasphemous. At that time, there were many people in the world who adored yanqingqing, and even fenglingjue's master was one of them. However, yanqingqing married a royal family for the sake of her family, but she was also imprisoned by the magnificent palace wall.

After Feng Aotian married Yan Qingqing, she immediately married Gu Qingxia, the daughter of the Gu family at that time, as her side concubine. Naturally, this side concubine was Feng Aotian's sweetheart. Later, Feng Aotian found that Yan Qingqing's appearance was so excellent that most men in the world were ungrateful. Gradually, Feng Aotian realized that she had fallen in love with Yan Qingqing.

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