When fengaotian loves yanqingqing, Gu Qingxia is pregnant with fengaotian's first child at that time. She can't accept the fact that fengaotian doesn't love herself any more, so she designs yanqingqing with a stratagem and uses her baby as a chip to make fengaotian hate yanqingqing.

Yanqingqing is a man who does not fight for anything. Even though she is framed by Gu Qingxia and misunderstood by Feng Aotian, she still doesn't say anything, because in her heart, she doesn't love Feng Aotian and the royal family. She only marries Feng Aotian for the Yan family.

Feng Aotian just imprisoned Yan Qingqing because of the Yan Family and because he knew that Yan Qingqing's lofty woman disdained to compete for favor by this means, so he didn't do much to Yan Qingqing.

Just at this time, yanqingqing is pregnant, which is fenglingjue's eldest brother. Although yanqingqing is well protected, the Yan Family carefully protects the child, but Gu Qingxia still finds out.

Gu Qingxia gave yanqingqing cold poison. Because she was pregnant, the poison of cold poison had been transferred to her child, so the child could not live more than 25 years old.

Although Feng Aotian has been searching for famous doctors all over the world, it still has no effect, so Yan Qingqing hates Feng Aotian and Gu Qingxia.

As the saying goes, being a mother is better than being a mother. So for the sake of this child, Yan Qingqing still learns to compete for favor, to use conspiracy, and to cover her hands with blood. But Yan Qingqing has already been very tired of this kind of thing.

When fenglingjue's eldest brother was appointed as the prince, yanqingqing wanted to end her life, but the fact is that she was pregnant again.

Feng Aotian was very happy. The woman he loved most in his life was pregnant again. He thought his efforts over the past ten years had paid off. He thought Yan Qingqing had forgiven him. He went to see Yan Qingqing every day, even though Yan Qingqing looked light, without joy or sadness.

But he still went every day, every day told people to take good care of yanqingqing, every day trying to make yanqingqing happy. But Yan Qingqing has not had any smile on her face since she was pregnant. Only when the crown prince comes will she have a faint smile on her face.

No one can be happy, let alone a generation of emperors.

Finally, it broke out completely one day. Feng Aotian went crazy and asked yanqingqing whether she had ever loved him in her life, whether she was unwilling to forgive him or fall in love with him all her life, or whether she had someone in her heart that she couldn't let go.

On that day, Fengling gave birth prematurely and yanqingqing died of a blood collapse.

Feng Aotian's heart seems to die with Yan Qingqing. He begins to pet Gu Qingxia again, and gives her the most noble position in the world and unlimited rights.

But there is an absolute condition, different sleep, different death.

In fenglingjue's opinion, this is the most ridiculous condition in the world.

At that time, the prince was young, and fenglingjue was just a baby. Fengaotian didn't seem to care about them any more. She was just obsessed with women, constantly looking for the same woman as yanqingqing, regardless of the government.

Gradually, the government began to be controlled by Gu's family. If it wasn't for Feng Aotian, there would be only two children born to Yan Qingqing, or even the prince might be changed.

Even so, the crown prince is still hard, hard to get to the throne, but because of the cold poison, young has died, this is the time of Fengling Jue has grown into a teenager.

He saw with his own eyes how the elder brother was poisoned by that woman, and knew how he had protected himself and grown up among wolves and tigers in recent years.

Since he became king, he had his own wings and found out why the elder brother died? Why did his mother die of blood in those years? Why did the Yan family, a famous family for a hundred years, fall here?

These are the means of the woman in the palace, so I want to kill my enemy and let Gu pay the price.

Only in this way can one understand one's own hatred.

Mei Qiduo didn't say anything after hearing Feng lingjue's speech, but she sighed in her heart. To tell the truth, she despised Feng Aotian very much. Her beloved woman died because of him and caused such great trouble to her son, but... "Why doesn't Gu Qingxia have children?" According to the truth, Gu Qingxia's right now should be regarded as a power to the ruling and opposition. As long as she has children, the world is not their home.

Feng Ling Jue's white fingers twined around meI Qiduo's black hair, with a sarcastic smile on the corner of her mouth, and the darkness in her eyes was not reduced. When her mother was most favored, her mother personally gave Gu Qingxia Jue ziyao.

The big brother told him the secret.

The elder brother told him that his mother was actually a very simple woman. She didn't want her hands covered with blood, but for him, she didn't hesitate to have her hands covered with blood. She learned to be cruel and resourceful.

Just every night when the mother will hold big brother tears, in his ear whispered sorry.

Feng lingjue has seen the portrait of Yan Qingqing. He found the picture in LiuYun palace. Yan Qingqing in the picture has a light smile, a lavender dress and a roll of books. Peach blossoms are all over the ground.

All over the sky, the clouds are rolling and the flowers are falling.

At that time, fenglingjue finally knew why fengaotian fell in love with yanqingqing.

Because, no matter who sees such a beautiful and moving woman, it will make people move.

"Because Gu Qingxia was given Juezi medicine." Feng lingjue said faintly.

"What did your mother do?" Mei seven turn round to ask a way, then see Feng Ling absolute indifference of nod.

Mei Qiduo smacks her tongue secretly. Originally, she heard Feng lingjue talk about her mother. She thought she was a little white flower, but she didn't expect that she was such a determined woman“ But I think why didn't your mother kill Gu Qingxia directly. " The hostility in Mei Qiduo's tone appeared faintly. If she were, the things behind would not appear at all.

Fengling absolutely doesn't have any opinions on Mei Qiduo's words, because he also thinks so in his heart. If Yan Qingqing was a little bit cruel at that time and killed Gu Qingxia, then his elder brother would not die, and Yan's family would not be down here.

"She's always soft hearted." A soft hearted person must be bullied and humiliated by a cruel person, so there will be things behind.

"No, I can't say that. If you want to blame it, blame your father. Tut tut... What's your eye?" The tone is full of dislike. First, I love Gu Qingxia, and then I love Yan Qingqing. It's really flowery.

Here, Mei Qiduo said leisurely, Feng lingjue heard leisurely, it seems to say that the royal secret luck has no scruples.

"It's really bad judgment." It's just the devil in the heart, because he can't get the slightest response from Yan Qingqing, so he spoils Gu Qingxia.

What a coward.

Mei Qiduo heard Feng Ling's sarcastic tone and asked, "is the emperor your nephew now?"

"Well." Feng lingjue thinks of Feng Qingchen, and his mouth is rippling with a happy smile. He is more suitable to be the Emperor than himself. Although he was raised from childhood, that guy is outstanding than his imagination.

"I'm glad to hear that." Mei Qiduo picked eyebrows, but she saw the satisfaction in his eyes. It seems that the emperor has his heart now.

"Not bad." Not as proud as Phoenix.

"You should have something else to hide from me." Mei Qiduo squints at Feng lingjue. Today, Zhan merciless must have said something. Otherwise, how could this guy's mood fluctuate so much, and it seems that something is about to lose control, which makes her difficult to control.

Feng Ling Jue's expression changed for a moment. She sighed at the thought of the annoying things in the capital. She had to say that what Zhan merciless said in the daytime left traces in his heart. On the one hand, the woman was just a mask on the surface. On the other hand, he was not sure whether Mei Qiduo was acceptable.

Mei Qiduo naturally saw Feng lingjue's hesitant look. As soon as her look changed, she said sternly, "Feng lingjue, you'd better tell the truth, otherwise..." her look was cloudy, her tone was a touch of hostility, and the threatening tone was self-evident.

Feng Ling Jue was helpless in her heart. She knew it was like this: "that woman picked a fiancee for me in the capital." Then he stared at Mei Qiduo's expression, and his body was unconsciously stiff.

"And then?" Meiqiduo naturally knows that Fengling can't marry her, because sooner or later he will kill the woman. How can he marry the so-called fiancee.

But her heart is still very unhappy.

Feng Ling Jue saw Mei Qiduo's face was very unhappy, but at least she said something. She thought that she would not have such a nervous and frightened mood in her life except that one thing. But it was really fate. She quickly said, "I will not do what she wants. Besides, sooner or later, I will let the family pay the price." What I said in the front was very relaxed, but I was very angry at the back.

Mei seven flower annoyed a white eye, and then again rely on Feng Ling Jue, light said: "that is not." This one thing oneself wanted to understand for a long time, suddenly Mei Qi duo thought of another thing, immediately sat up from the bosom of Feng Ling Jue, very nervous looking at him.

"You won't affect my business."

If you dare to influence my business, you must look good. Mei Qiduo's eyes threaten fenglingjue.

Feng Ling Jue hugged Mei Qi duo and said, "no way." This matter has been planned for more than ten years. I will not make the country turbulent because of this matter. This country is handed over to him by my elder brother. He will protect this country well.

Mei seven flowers a listen, hurriedly sent a breath, "that's good."

If you dare to delay her business, you must kill that person.

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