Fengling Jue naturally sees the anger in Mei Qiduo's eyes. She also knows that this will make Mei Qiduo dissatisfied. But because this is a great opportunity, he won't miss it. He will find out the traitor and get the information he wants.

"Duo'er, you heard about me..." Feng Ling Jue Gang wanted to explain, but when she saw Mei Qi duo's cold eyes, she couldn't say anything. The safety of Mei's family was very important in Mei Qi duo's heart.

So he certainly won't put the Mei family in any danger.

"Feng Ling Jue, you are really good. You are the first Prince of Haoyue." His eyes were cold and his tone was full of sarcasm. In this way, he exposed the Mei family to the enemy's eyelids. He did not discuss with himself, so he rashly arranged for people to come, without any scruples.

Mei Qiduo's eyes are full of alienation and ridicule when she looks at Feng lingjue. Her heart is cold. Before yesterday, he can tell himself the past and feel happy. I really didn't expect that he would give such a big gift to himself today.

I really have to say that fenglingjue really has a deep mind.

Mei Qiduo thinks like this, looking at Feng lingjue's eyes is colder and more alienated, as if looking at a stranger in general, without the previous gentle eyes, let Feng lingjue a burst of suffocation.

He knew that Mei Qiduo would be angry and angry, but he didn't expect that Mei Qiduo would look at him with such distant and indifferent eyes, as if she would leave him the next second.

No nostalgia, no room to turn around.

This kind of thought makes Feng Ling feel cold in her heart. She thinks that her elder brother's body is getting cold in her arms, and his whole robe is covered with blood. Fenglingjue's eyes suddenly pour into despair, looking at meiqiduo's eyes with desperate possession and hegemony.

Feng Ling Jue pulled Mei Qiduo and wrapped it tightly in her arms. Her voice trembled and said: "duo'er, you believe me, I won't let Mei's family be in any danger. I won't, I won't..."

Mei Qiduo naturally feels Feng lingjue's trembling body, and her heart suddenly softens. She just wants to hold it, but when she thinks of it, she still asks coldly, "why should I believe you?"

"Duo'er, I know who this person is..." Feng Ling Jue hears Mei Qiduo ask like this. Her heart is relaxed and she whispers a person's name in Mei Qiduo's ear.

He always knew who this person was, but he never found a chance to eliminate this person, and he kept him because he needed him.

Mei Qiduo heard Feng lingjue's name, and suddenly thought of the look in the eyes of the man just now. That look was like a hungry wolf in the dark. It made people feel very uncomfortable, and they really guessed it right.

Although fenglingjue said so, meiqiduo still didn't plan to let him go, "fenglingjue, I tell you, if it's like this next time, I will kill you." His voice was cold and his eyes were cold and gloomy.

I won't let anyone threaten her life now.

Feng Ling Jue hugs Mei Qiduo tightly, sniffs the fragrance of Mei Qiduo, and says with a sigh: "no, there won't be another time." I know clearly in my heart that if I am in this situation next time, Mei Qiduo will not be as simple as anger. She will probably exclude her life completely.

But he had already moved his heart and feelings. How could he let her go so easily and let her walk out of his life, so he could only gamble this time.

Meiqiduo heard fenglingjue say so, the mood in the eyes quickly skimmed, light asked: "what are you going to do?"

"If you dare to betray me, you will pay a price."

"It's your business. You decide for yourself. If it's OK, I'll go to the fish pond first." Mei Qiduo breaks free from the embrace of Kaifeng lingjue, and then goes out.

Feng Ling Jue looks at Mei Qi duo with a light alienated look. Her emotion is obscure in her eyes. Her body is full of tyrannical Qi. Her white hands are holding tightly and her thin lips are sipping tightly.

Dor, in this life, you and I are destined to be entangled together, and I will not let go even if I die.

When Mei Qiduo came out, she just met Xue Wan who was going in, followed by several people. Mei Qiduo knew that these people were in charge, "come with me." Then he walked forward.

Xue Wan seems very displeased to see the expression on Mei Qiduo's face, but when he hears Mei Qiduo say so at this time, he still follows, and then indicates with his eyes that several people behind him follow.

A group of people came to the fish pond. Mei Qiduo looked at several people behind her faintly, with sharp and examination in her eyes, and even said, "what do you think of raising fish at this time?"

When these people heard Mei Qiduo say this, they looked up at Mei Qiduo for a moment. When they touched her deep eyes, they immediately lowered their eyes. They didn't know how to say that. They were so sharp and cold that they seemed to be able to see through the things in people's hearts. Unconsciously, they were startling.

Xue Wan stood behind Mei Qiduo, knowing that Mei Qiduo was testing them.

After a moment of silence, a man in a green shirt came out with a feeling of weathered vicissitudes on his face and shrewdness in his eyes. After a respectful salute to Mei Qiduo, he said faintly: "I think it's time to raise fish, because the weather in March is not very cold, so it won't do much harm to the fry, And a small look, the owner should be able to use live water, so that fish will have a greater grasp With that, he made a salute to Mei Qiduo, and then stood back without saying anything.

Mei Qi duo looks at the man this appearance, in the heart secretly nods, "what's your name?"

"Little Lin Jun."

Mei Qiduo nodded, "you will be responsible for the fish pond in the future. The fry will come in a few days, and the workers of the fish pond will let steward Xue explain it to you later."

"Thank you, boss." Lin Jun made a respectful salute to Mei Qiduo. He was not proud of Mei Qiduo's own eyes.

Mei Qiduo is very satisfied. It seems that Zhu Yuxuan is still a good candidate. Then he continues to take people up the mountain and looks at Uncle Li and his young man reclaiming the land. Because he has determined the grape seedlings, he will go to the orchard early in the morning, so he is reclaiming the land these days.

Soon, meiqiduo has determined the personnel to manage the grape planting place. There are several people left. Meiqiduo hasn't said anything for the time being, but Xue Wan knows that these people should be in charge of the winery if there is no accident.

However, Xue Wan has no dissatisfaction in his heart, because he knows that Mei Qiduo still has something important to do with him, that is, the accounts of these industries will pass through him. Don't underestimate this matter, which shows Xue Wan's status in the Mei family.

Mei Qiduo is ready to go back to the study to arrange some things after arranging all the things. Because there are many long-term workers coming, the problem of living needs to be solved for them, so the family needs to speed up the construction of the house again.

Mei Qiduo doesn't plan to build the house for long-term workers next to her own house. She thinks that it can also be built next to the vineyard, which is more convenient for her to work.

When Mei Qiduo just came down, he was stopped by the boy.

"Master, someone is looking for you." The small Si sees Mei seven flowers to come over, hurriedly runs to say.

Mei Qiduo frowned when she heard that all the people who were looking for me came together today, "who?" Now there are long-term workers. It should not be Zhu Yuxuan. If it's Qingyun, I should know all of them.

The small Si hears Mei seven duo to ask like this, for a time didn't speak, because that person just says to want to look for the owner, and he looks at also very facial, "this small didn't ask."

Mei Qiduo thought for a while later, and a thought flashed in his eyes. "Well, I know. I'll go later."

No one saw Mei Qiduo coming and gave a gift to Mei Qiduo. Then he took out a very delicate post from his arms with no expression. His voice was very indifferent and said, "Miss Mei, my master will invite you to dinner in five days." It's cold without any waves.

Mei Qi duo looked at the post in Wu Yi's hand and slightly picked up an eyebrow. A sarcastic smile rose from the corner of her mouth, "what if I don't go?"

No one heard Mei Qiduo say that, but there was still no waves in his eyes. He said calmly: "the master said that if Miss Mei refused, then fumanlou would be razed to the ground."

Mei Qi duo's eyes suddenly flashed a trace of ruthlessness, with cruel violence, and then once again turned into a deep vision, the corners of the mouth raised a smile, and then no one in the hands of the post, the voice said faintly: "this post I accept, five days later will arrive."

"Goodbye." No one saw Mei Qiduo take over, the task has been completed, naturally is to go back to life.

"Take a word for me to your master." Mei Qiduo looked at none with deep and quiet eyes. Her eyes were like countless dark whirlpools. With infinite attraction, it would make people indulge in them. However, if you look carefully, you will find that her deep and cold eyes are surprisingly cold and appalling cold.

No one hears Mei Qiduo say, turn round to see Mei Qiduo such vision, in the heart a surprised, a woman unexpectedly has such vision, the key is this place.

"Tell your master that this is the second time he has threatened me, and I will get it back." The tone was gloomy and cold, and the cold in his eyes was strong. After that, he turned and left without looking again.

Zhan merciless, this is the second time you threaten me. No one in the world can threaten her. Mei Qiduo is the first one. She is just a happy mansion. She really doesn't care. She just doesn't like the feeling of being threatened. Naturally, she wants to get it back.

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