It's night. All the people who came today have been arranged. Because there are many people at home, Mei Qiduo naturally strengthens the defense in the yard. After all, there are these women at home, and Mei Qiduo is not very relieved of the people who come today.

Mei Qiduo looks at the account books of the past few days and thinks that now the fish pond has been dug and the fry have communicated with Nanbian. Zhu Yuxuan naturally did this. Originally, Zhu Yuxuan wanted to take a share in the fish pond, but Mei Qiduo refused. The sausage workshop has let him take a share, The fish pond and the winery, she said, will not let anyone come to intervene.

Mei Qiduo can imagine Zhu Yuxuan's face at that time. It should be very ugly.

Because the recent expenditure is relatively large, meiqiduo must make a good plan. Now the most expensive is the winery, and the winery is a time-consuming place, because the grapes have not been planted yet. Even if they are planted, it will take a few months to have grapes, and it will take some time to make wine.

Even the fish pond is the same, so now the family's income is only supported by the sausage workshop. Now the sausage needs more and more, and this workshop has gradually been unable to meet the demand. It seems that we need to open another workshop.

Mei Qiduo thought that she still needed a lot of silver this month. She felt a pang in her heart. She felt that her silver would return to before liberation. Looking at the account book in her hand, she felt more and more distressed. However, she thought that once these months passed, it should be easier.

Thinking of this, the corner of Mei Qiduo's mouth is up again.

"You're going to the appointment in five days." Feng lingjue saw the post on the table. Her eyes and face were full of displeasure, and her tone was a little stiff.

Mei Qiduo was fascinated by the account book just now. She really didn't find Feng lingjue coming in for a while. At this time, she heard him say so, put down the account book in her hand and rubbed her forehead, "HMM." He wanted to give him a big gift in return. After all, he was the one who threatened her twice.

Mei Qiduo's eyes are full of cool light.

Feng Ling Jue's mouth is full of warm smile, but in her heart is full of schadenfreude. It seems that Zhan merciless must be threatening her, so it's really bad luck, but she is very happy to see his bad luck“ How about taking you to a play tonight? "

Feng Ling Jue goes to Mei Qiduo, takes her account book away, and looks down at the waiting beauty. At this time, the people frown slightly, and their red lips are pursed lightly, but they are strange and confused, which makes people want to kiss Fangze.

Feng Ling Jue's heart suddenly takes a trace of dryness, looking at Mei Qiduo's eyes with deep jade hope and desire, but he is still severely suppressed. Today, he still makes this person angry. If he does this, he will have no face.

If Haoyue knew that Lingwang of Haoyue was so timid, he would be ridiculed. Even fenglingjue didn't expect that he would be so afraid of hands and feet for a woman one day.

"A little late." Mei Qiduo heard Feng lingjue say so, and her heart moved. Naturally, she knew what he was talking about. But now she was still angry. If she agreed immediately, she would not have lost face.

Feng Ling Jue looks at Mei Qiduo who is angry like a child. She has a doting smile in her eyes. The smile at the corner of her mouth is more and more gentle. She says with a smile in her tone: "it won't be very late, just half an hour."

Because that person must not miss such a good opportunity, he just solved everything in half an hour.

Plum seven eyes a bright, "since you say so, that I went, don't let me down."

"Nature won't let you down."


In a room of Mei's family, a man in night clothes opened the door and saw that all the lights of Mei's family had been put out. Then he quickly opened the door and closed the door. His action was light and sensitive. At first sight, he was a man with a good foundation.

Just a few back and forth figures, disappeared in the Mei family, and jumped to the mountain behind the Mei family, but did not notice that at this time, his every move had been clearly seen.

"How do you know?" Mei Qiduo asked faintly and looked at Feng lingjue holding her arm. At this time, she could feel the tyranny and horror emanating from him, because she used to sit in such a thing before. She could see whether she was a traitor, but she didn't expect Feng lingjue to know.

"From the beginning." Feng Ling absolutely light says, dark Wei inside appeared traitor, oneself had already discovered before, originally didn't plan to use this nail so early, but now just ahead of time.

Meiqiduo naturally won't doubt fenglingjue's eyes. Except for the man just now, it's estimated that all the dark guards are his personal guards. But this personal guard doesn't feel very good.

"They are only sent by the emperor." Meaning is they are just ordinary dark Wei just, not his dark Wei, Feng Ling absolutely light say.

His dark guard arrived here as early as three days ago. He didn't appear here because he didn't have any orders. They can meet her when they arrive tonight. After all, someone should prefer to contact her.

Mei Qiduo looks at Feng lingjue with a little doubt. What does he... Mean? Are those people not his dark guards? He has other dark guards. "Are they powerful?" The strange light in Mei Qiduo's eyes flashed. She just watched the man jump a few times and then disappeared in the dark. She was really envious. In modern times, there was no such thing as lightness skill. Now, she is really envious.

Of course, Mei Qiduo also knows that this lightness skill can't be practiced in a while. She'd better use a concealed weapon at ease.

"Not bad." Feng Ling absolutely light said, then embrace waist of hand a tight, toe a little, disappear in the dark.

The people in the dark went to a bamboo forest, and then whistled with their hands. Suddenly, the bamboo forest around them began to stir up. A pigeon flew over and landed in the hands of the people who came. The people who came put the paper in their arms into the bamboo tube on the legs of the pigeon, with some tears in their eyes and deep jealousy, and then put it in, Just about to release the pigeon, suddenly a sharp scissors came through the air.

Let go of the pigeon, can escape, originally struggling eyes suddenly become full of fierce color, and then fly to the place where the sharp scissors came, just in a moment, people fell to the ground.

"Who is it?" His voice was hoarse, with a fierce voice. In the dark, he was like a trapped animal. When the enemy was a little inattentive, he gave a heavy blow.

A few figures came out slowly in the moonlight. Before waiting to start, they felt a sharp pain. Their hands and feet had all broken. As the figures gradually entered, people on the ground were full of disbelief and shock.

Mei Qiduo looked at the broken hands and feet on the ground. There was no sympathy and pity in his eyes. There was only a deep chill. I didn't expect that it was him.

Just a little wrong, why she looked at her eyes with a light... Jealousy.

It's interesting that a man has such an eye. Although he is suppressed very well, Mei Qiduo still sees it. Mei Qiduo has a funny smile on his mouth. He thinks it's funny. I didn't expect that he has such an eye.

"Master." A very respectful voice said to Feng lingjue, and then presented the pigeon that had been shot, "the task has been completed." The sound has no ups and downs, just like a deep pool of water, without any fluctuations.

This person is the night ghost, one of the six shadow ghosts around fenglingjue.

Feng Ling Jue took it from Yejin's hand, then took out the paper from the pigeon's leg, opened it and looked at it. Her eyes were full of bloodthirsty tyranny, and a sneering smile rose from the corner of her mouth. It seemed that the woman's hand was wide, and even dark Wei dared to reach out.

It's time to start cleaning up the bugs.

"Tell me." Feng Ling absolutely light ask a way, looking at the person on the ground is like dead person general.

The people on the ground knew their identity at the first sight when they saw fenglingjue. It was estimated that this time it was probably the Bureau he designed. The purpose was naturally to lead them out. When they thought of fenglingjue's means, they were frightened, but there was still no expression on their face and looked at death like returning, "I have nothing to say."

Her mouth was hard. Feng lingjue's eyes were like dark flowers blooming in the night, but with amazing horror and deep bloodthirsty breath, she said in a cold and deep voice: "it doesn't matter if you don't say it."

It seems to be talking to oneself, and it seems to be whispering.

Mei Qiduo always stands beside Feng lingjue and looks at the people on the ground quietly. She always feels that there is something wrong there. Although the people on the ground are dressed like men, there is a strange feeling in her heart. After all, there will be that kind of envious look in the traitor's eyes, and the most strange thing is that the traitor's eyes are full of jealousy, When people on the ground look at fenglingjue, they have admiration and fear in their eyes.

Could it be that

Mei Qiduo's eyes brightened and her face became more and more interested. She really didn't expect to have this one. Today's play was really not in vain and interesting. She felt that Fengling must not know.

Thinking like this, Mei Qiduo looked at the people on the ground, and her interest was stronger. The people on the ground somehow felt a gust of Yin wind.

"A thousand poisonous insects." Feng Ling Jue seemed to say to the air.

All of a sudden, a 17-year-old boy appeared beside Feng lingjue. He was red lipped and white toothed, but his face was too pale. Mei Qiduo just took a light look and knew that he was either a poison or a poison expert. After all, the reason why his organization was strong was that there was a person who could use poison.

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