Until the soup was milky and fragrant, she gave everyone a bowl and a spoon to drink. Xueshu was surprised at Dushi's extraordinary cooking skills. He praised: "it's so delicious. I didn't expect that the little master would be so powerful! But you don't need to do this... "

Dusk night quickly stop what he wants to say, just at this time, Yu blue with a bowl of fish soup to dusk night in front of said: "sister, you work hard, you eat first." Dusk Xi happily took over, and sighed: "sure enough, Yulan is much more sensible than those heartless guys."

At the moment, the three little guys were drinking fish soup, and they didn't hear what Dushi said. Until the end, all the fish were eaten, a few little guys with a round stomach collapsed on the ground, that small shape, especially lovely, Yulan also smile to Dushi said: "this is really the best meal I've ever had."

The evening evening touched his head and said, "you didn't eat much. You were robbed by those little guys. I'll make you a honey cake. It's my favorite dessert Said not wait for Yu blue reaction to come over, she began to prepare materials, and then to the stove there baked up. She always felt that seeing Yulan was like seeing her when she was a child. Naturally, she cherished him a little more.

And Yu blue look to the eyes of dusk night also have strong attachment. When the honey is baked, several little guys are ready to move again, but Dushi says to them with a straight face: "let Yulan finish eating before you have your share. You have eaten enough just now."

Yulan nibbles at the cake. He has never eaten anything so delicious before. Looking at his expression, he sighs: "children love sweet food." I totally forget that I'm also my favorite. When they had finished eating, it was evening.

Yulan said to the dusk: "sister, take a rest tonight. You sleep on the bed, and I'll make the floor. I'll accompany my sister to them tomorrow. " Dusk night originally wanted to let Yu blue sleep on the bed, but he insisted on not, also said he is now also a little man.

On this side of dusk night, everyone fell asleep quietly, but there was a panic in the secret place. Especially on Qin Qingyun's side, Lingxiao and Li Haoyu are back, but Dushi hasn't come back yet. Others are worried, only Chu Xiaoxiao is very happy.

She pulled Li Haoyu aside and whispered, "have you done it? No wonder she can't come back today. " Li Haoyu nodded, he knew that if the answer was no, then Chu Xiaoxiao would not let him go. Lingxiao has been paying attention to their movements, and then quietly out of the team.

Lei Xinpeng was also very confused. He went to ask Qin Qingyun, "why is the little beauty missing?" Qin Qingyun has no good spirit of white he one eye, don't give him to explain. Lei Xinpeng wanted to beat Qin Qingyun, but he was stopped by the people of thunder University.

They said: "it's better not to have a conflict in the last few days so that others don't take advantage of it. That girl may be missing. They should be looking for someone Lei Xinpeng frowned and said, "little beauty is gone? That's not good. Is there any danger? No, I'm going to find her! "

Others urged him: "boss! This is the game! She must have been transferred to her own territory, so let's not follow the crowd! " Finally, these people finally persuaded Lei Xinpeng. Qin Qingyun and fengqingyue should guard their territory and let liuge'er go to find dusk.

At this time, it was late at night. Lingxiao walked into the forest in front of Chu Xiao and Li Haoyu. Chu Xiao naturally followed him. However, Li Haoyu didn't follow him this time. He didn't dare to appear in front of Chu Xiao these days. He was afraid that when he met Chu Xiao, he would ask him about Qin Muxi.

But Chu Xiao is also happy and comfortable, which gives her the chance to approach Lingxiao alone. She followed Lingxiao all the time, until after walking a long way, Lingxiao stopped. Chu Xiaoxiao raised his lips to show him a smile that he thought was extremely charming and said, "are you waiting for me?"

Lingxiao light said: "you can harm Qin Dushi?" Chu Xiao Leng for a while, then smile way: "how possible, you guess wrong." Lingxiao snorted, took up the long sword to resist Chu Xiaoxiao's throat, said: "I want to listen to the truth."

Chu Xiaoxiao had a hard tongue, but when Lingxiao's sword scratched her throat, her mood collapsed. She yelled at Lingxiao: "why do you all care about Qin Muxi's Fox Spirit! I'm more beautiful and better than her

Lingxiao continued: "what did you do to her?" Chu Xiaoxiao laughs madly and says in a loud voice: "I asked Li Haoyu to give her some medicine and do it! I don't dare to come out to see people now. Maybe I killed myself. " Lingxiao is ready to kill her.

Chu Xiao felt a little scared at this time. She trembled and said: "there are so many people outside watching, you dare not do it!" Lingxiao ignored her, stabbed her heart with a sword, until the moment before she died, she thought Lingxiao didn't dare to kill her.

If she was a little smarter, she would know that Lingxiao had already made up her mind to kill her, but she was just deceiving herself. At this time, it was late at night, and most of the practitioners outside the screen went back to the restaurant to have a rest.

Only a small number of people saw it, but it was also dark in the secret place, and even people couldn't really see it. Only Bai Li Fen Jin understands the situation inside. His intuition tells him that the person is Ling Xiao. He feels a bit of danger from that person.

But Lingxiao in the secret place is thinking about killing Li Haoyu and making him a pair of desperate mandarin ducks with Chu Xiaoxiao. This time, he went directly into the camp of Xuanyuan University, and Li Haoyu just had to guard the camp.

Lingxiao walked straight to him and asked, "where is qinmuxi?" Li Haoyu shook his head and said, "I don't know." Lingxiao hummed softly: "if you don't tell me, I'll let you be a companion with chuxiao under the ground." No matter how stupid Li Haoyu was, he understood Lingxiao's meaning.

He had to say: "I really don't know. Chu Xiao gave me a bag of medicine before, but I didn't bring it to the secret place at all!" Lingxiao frowned and said, "do you really think I can't find it without you?" Then he pointed to Li Haoyu.

Although Li Haoyu has the strength to respect the fifth level, Lingxiao's strength makes him feel mysterious, and he has no resistance. But she couldn't fall asleep at dusk. She didn't fall asleep until late at night. A large part of the reason was that she was worried about burning Jin.

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