All of a sudden, she heard the faint roar of the beast, coming in the night. She quickly got up to look underground, Yu blue has disappeared, dusk night quickly down from the bed, toward the direction of the beast roar to find. She listened to the sound and looked for it. At last, she found that the sound came from a high mountain.

She looked up at the mountain. It didn't look like there was an entrance. How could there be a roar inside? She suddenly remembered the scene of the hundred Li burning Jin in the south of Yu mountain to move the stone before the trees of Wutong forest, and she also observed the direction of the mountain.

Fortunately, she had read a lot of books about array in the library before, and she also painted the array disk on the mountain like a cat or a tiger. At first, it was always unsuccessful. After several experiments, the array disk on the mountain finally gave out light, and a stone moved away slowly, revealing the scene inside.

Mountain is like a prison, there are many layers, each layer has a lot of small rooms, are closed big and small Warcraft, Yulan impressively appear in it. Dusk suddenly remembered what Jin Xiaoying said. He was locked up in a cell by a child.

Yu blue at this time will head deep hang, what is still saying in the mouth: "why do you want to come in? Why you? Why did you see it? " It's not the lively children's voice before, but the dull adult like voice.

Dushi asked, "did you bring me here? So my companion is not here at all, is he? " Yulan did not answer, still immersed in his own world, said: "that piece of cake was given to me by my sister before, I have been reluctant to eat, but it will not be bad inside. I gave it to you, I gave it all to you! After she found the mountain, she didn't want to play with me. She said I was a devil, a devil! She did not want me, left me, I am so lonely, really lonely, now you see! But I won't let you go! I want you to stay with me! "

Dushi quietly walked to him, crouched down and hugged him, saying: "you are not a devil, you are good to me, you are a good child, I like you very much. But I can't stay here with you, but you can choose to follow me. I'll take you to see the ends of the world. "

Yulan is stunned. He lies on the shoulder of dusk night for a long time. Suddenly he chokes and starts to cry. Dusk night caresses his back. She can understand Yulan's loneliness and remembers that he is alone. He is eager for someone to care and accompany him.

Dusk's shoulder is wet, she asked jokingly: "is it enough to cry? If you have enough crying, tell me your choice. Do you want to go with me Yulan said with a choking voice: "I'd like to, but I don't know how to get out. Dushi wiped the tears on his face with a handkerchief and said, "I have a way. Have you found a golden eagle gone? I took it with me

Yulan nodded happily. Dusk looked at him and said, "do you have anything you want to take?" He thought for a long time and said, "I have a map that I brought with me since I was a child. I also want to take lingguoshu away. "

Dusk touched his head and said, "little idea!" She transplanted the whole tree into the space, but she was very happy with the little medicine. He has been busy planting the spirit grass in the space. Now there is a big guy, and the aura in the space is even stronger.

Dusk night before leaving let Yu blue pick out the strongest several spirit beast to take together, and let him will the rest of the spirit beast are released, return them free. Before leaving, Dushi asked: "is there a invigilator in this secret place?"

Yulan nodded and said, "yes! I am The evening evening opens mouth to ask a way: "that before I those questions are all you give?" Yulan suddenly shy said: "yes, it is because you can answer so many questions, I like you."

Evening night helpless can only use hand rub Yu blue head, she has invigilator teacher in hand, how can she lose this competition! In the blink of an eye, the scene around dusk night changes to a secret place. Then dusk night puts Yu blue in the space and lets them play by themselves.

As soon as she came out of the woods, she came to the camp of Xuanyuan University. She happened to meet Lingxiao who was going to kill Li Haoyu. She looked at them and said, "what are you doing?" Li Haoyu saw the evening just as he saw the angels coming down to earth. He said to Lingxiao: "look! She's still alive! Nothing

Dusk night doubts of say: "what happened?" Lingxiao snorted softly: "he wants to be unfavorable to you." After hearing this, Dushi looked at Li Haoyu with a smile and said, "what did Chu Xiaoxiao ask you to do? You'd better bring it in truthfully. I'm not that easy to provoke. "

Li Haoyu used to aim at dusk evening, but after seeing the strength of dusk evening, he would not dare, unless Chu Xiaoxiao asked him to do it. Li Haoyu shivered and said: "she gave me a bag of medicine, let me down to your meal, but I didn't bring it in at all!"

Do you know what the medicine is for Li Haoyu said, "I don't know. I just threw it away." "I thought you loved Chu Xiao very much," he said What puzzled Mu Xi was that Li Haoyu said: "I love her very much! But I can't do such a thing! "

Lingxiao coldly said: "I killed her, if you really love her, I will send you down to accompany her." Li Haoyu then said: "no, since she is dead, I am no longer persistent." Dushi really thinks that Li Haoyu is too wonderful.

What he said seems to be true, but it makes people feel less true. Dusk night to Lingxiao said: "let him go, we have to race." Lingxiao puts away his sword, and Li Haoyu pats his ass and goes on duty.

Lingxiao asked, "where did you go today?" "Why should I tell you?" she asked He said with a deep breath: "Bai Li Fen Jin has been seriously injured. He is no longer the God of war or a hero. You might as well follow me."

The dusk night cold hummed a way: "I didn't tell you?"? He's my man. He's my hero. Even if he is in bed all his life, I will follow him. If you say that again in the future, don't blame me for being rude. " Then she went to the camp.

Lingxiao suddenly asked, "what's the difference between me and him?" Dusk turned to him and said with a smile, "he, even if it's bad everywhere, I love him. But I think he's good everywhere. " Said quietly into the camp to rest.

Dusk Xi's smile left a deep impression in Lingxiao's heart. It was like a fine thorn in his heart. It was not painful at ordinary times, but you can't think about it. When you think about it, you will feel the itching pain and make people at a loss. Bai Li Fen Jin paid close attention to it when she came out at dusk.

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