At this point, it's thanks to Lei Xinpeng himself. Xuanyuan University didn't come up with any substantial evidence, but almost everyone thought Lei Xinpeng was the murderer. He was arrogant and did a lot of bad things relying on his father's identity.

Everyone didn't like him very much, which was his retribution. Suddenly, a voice came out of the crowd and said, "heartbroken!" In an instant, the crowd exploded, and the voice of shouting at Lei Xinpeng carried out the whole black fire city. Thunder mansion owner did not expect things to develop in this direction, and the students of Xuanyuan University have long hidden behind the crowd.

The thunder house thinks that the situation is not right, so it wants to take Lei Xinpeng away as soon as possible, but there are so many scattered practitioners who surround them and don't let them go. And up to now, they don't care if Lei Xinpeng killed Chu Xiaoxiao at all, but they want the thunder mansion owner to bear their losses.

Voice from the crowd said: "pay for our gambling, or you won't go!" It's no use for the thunder mansion leader to say anything at this time. If he doesn't make trouble at Dushi today, these scattered practitioners will have no reason to stop them.

Now the monks don't care about the truth of things at all, they care about the gambling money they lost before. In principle, the gamble was willing to admit defeat, but the odds were too high this time. The thunder mansion owner undoubtedly hit the muzzle.

He wanted to use force to suppress these monks, but there were too many of them. If he attacked rashly, his leader would not be able to do so. The monks have already controlled Lei Xinpeng and used it as a bargaining chip to blackmail the Lord of thunder mansion.

He had no choice but to be forced to go to the casino by the monks. At this time, Huang Rijin was leisurely drinking tea in the casino. Seeing such a big battle, he almost fell off his stool. Huang Rijin quickly went out and asked, "what's the matter?"

The leader of the group said, "he's here to pay us back the gambling." Huangri jinlima town has settled down. As long as he talks about money, he is very free and serious. He calculated the odds and the bet, held out two fingers and said to the crowd, "twenty million gold coins in all."

Thunder mansion master's face turned blue when he heard the number. He yelled at Huang Rijin: "it's not my bet. Why should I pay in advance?" "I'm a businessman. I only care about money. I don't care who gives money to," he said

The leading monk pinched Lei Xinpeng's neck and said, "your son has done so many bad things. As a father, how can you atone for him? Money is not worth your son's life Lei Xinpeng was originally carried out. Now he looks like he's dying. The head of thunder mansion is worried and angry.

He gritted his teeth and said, "here I am! I'll give it to you! But I don't have that much money right now. " Huang Rijin asked, "how much do you have now?" Thunder mansion Master said: "about two million." When Huang Rijin heard the number, he said to himself.

Xin Dao, the old man has a lot of money. He only takes so many gold coins to accompany the students to participate in the competition. But on the surface, he said: "put your son here, and you go back to get the money. I know there is a teleportation array in your university. You are limited to send the money in one hour, otherwise I will give your son to these casual practitioners."

Then he said to the monks, "only when his money arrives can he return the gambling money to you." Huang Rijin is very smart. He must not take too long to pay back the money. Otherwise, there will be many variables. Moreover, he knows that the reason why the Lord of thunder mansion will compromise is that there are so many scattered practitioners that he does not dare to make mistakes.

Once all of them have gone, he will never admit it, so Huang Rijin has to be closely tied with them and can only let go when he gets the money. The Lord of thunder mansion has no choice but to do as he says. If we give those 20 million gold coins, thunder University will be given the position of three top universities.

May not be able to recover for a long time, but Lei Xinpeng is his only flesh and blood. If he dies, their Lei family's blood will be broken. After much consideration, he finally chose Lei Xinpeng. Sure enough, within half an hour, he was livid with a storage bag.

Huang Rijin checks it with a smile on his face and gives Lei Xinpeng to the head of thunder mansion after confirming it. After taking back their gambling money, the scattered practitioners around gradually dispersed. Thunder academy a old blood spit out, he reluctantly will Lei Xinpeng back to thunder academy to recuperate.

If he had not connived at Lei Xinpeng so much before, it would not have happened today. They would have taken the blame themselves. Dushi didn't celebrate with other students, but directly took Bai Li Fen Jin back to the room. She was worried about his injury.

Dusk Xi just entered the door, let hundred Li burn Jin lie down on the bed, he evoked a evil smile and said: "can't you wait?" Dusk evening originally wanted to scold him a few words, but thought that he was still seriously injured, then gently said: "I'll show you the injury."

He obediently stretched out his hand. Dushi caught his pulse and found that his viscera were seriously injured. She held Bai Lifen Jin's hand and gently stroked her face. She said with a smile: "don't worry, I will cure you. Don't move these days. I'll take good care of you. "

He Lengleng looked at the evening for a long time, he had never seen the evening so gentle and obedient. He slowly opened his mouth and said, "before I get better, you should accompany me all the time. You can't leave me half a step." Dushi nodded with a smile and said, "OK, but I have to boil some medicine for you first."

But he didn't want to let dusk go. He took advantage of the opportunity to embrace dusk in his arms, put it close to her ear and said, "I miss you so much, don't you want me to?" Dusk night face with a layer of red, she clearly wrote a letter, and in the secret she also said.

Her coquettish appearance let hundred Li burn Jin mind a swing, lift dusk Xi's chin will kiss up. Dushi stopped him and said, "you are an injured person now. It's important to recuperate." He coquetry like said: "I do not, I am now injured, you have to take good care of me, you do not follow my words, I do not take good care of the disease."

Twilight night had no choice but to close his eyes, his own body is not well cherish themselves, she has to take care of. Suddenly, there was a knock outside the door. Dushi pushed him to open the door without noticing his gloomy and unhappy face.

The visitor is liuge'er. She excitedly says to Muxi, "we've made a lot of money this time! Besides, the money is from the head of thunder mansion. If you don't look at his face, it's really killing me! Besides, the governor asked me to give you these two things, saying that he won them back from the other two governors. "

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