The dusk evening also smiles to receive a hundred year gold lotus and meteorite jade, then say: "is it?"? Then you can give the money to everyone. They all have bets before, and I have to thank the Lord of the mansion! " Liu Ge'er is about to speak when Bai Li Fen Jin on the bed suddenly coughs.

Dusk night hurriedly in the past worried asked: "what's the matter with you? Are you all right? " He gently shook his head, Dushi frowned slightly and said to song'er, "if you have something to do, I'll talk about it later. Now I'm busy." Liuge'er noticed the hundred Li burning Jin on the bed.

She wanted to say something else, but dusk closed the door firmly. Then sit on the bed of Bai Li Fen Jin and catch his pulse again. In fact, Bai Li Fen Jin coughs because he sees Liu Ge'er's facial expression. He knows that she is going to make a long speech. He coughs just to attract the attention of Dushi.

I didn't expect that Dushi was so concerned that he put all his attention on him. Now, like a child, he wants to get all the attention of twilight. He even secretly regrets that he would not let the injury heal, so that he can make Twilight care more.

Before Dushi often ignored his feelings, she always took care of her relatives or friends first, always put him in the last, he rarely realized this feeling of being very valued. He said softly, "if we can find a quiet place to recuperate, we'd better be alone. I think I'll be better soon."

Twilight nodded and asked, "do you know where to go? It's better to have some herbs so that I can cook them for you. " He didn't expect that Dushi would agree so readily. Although he was very happy, he couldn't show it on the surface. He had to pretend that he was going for the sake of recuperation.

He pondered for a while and said, "how about going to my space? There's a home for us, and then there's a lot of herbs in your space. " They built this home together when they were in the soul world. Dusk evening gentle smile way: "good, we seem to have no how to live, this time just have a chance."

He has a light smile on his lips. This time he can spend so much time alone with twilight. He is very satisfied. This time he has made money. Before going in, I want to leave a letter on the desk in the guest room.

The general meaning is that she will come back after Bai Li Fen Jin's injury is healed, so that they don't have to worry about it and so on. By the way, she thanks the master for her. Dusk evening just topic pen, hundred Li burn Jin clever sitting on one side waiting, just eyes straight staring at dusk evening.

Dusk night was staring at him a little unnatural, looked up and asked: "what's the matter? Always staring at me. " He got up and held dusk in his arms, put it in her ear and said, "how long will it take to write? You can't even talk to me when you write

Dushi said with a smile: "soon, I'll just write a few words. I won't wait too long. You are good." He nodded, feeling the temperature of the man in his arms. Sure enough, the evening simplified a lot of content, casually wrote a few sentences on the table in a hurry.

Twilight now simply does not want his favorite, after the letter is written, they enter the space. The sea of flowers and the life created by dusk are still there. She looks at the scenery, but she doesn't want to enjoy it. But urged the hundred Li burn Jin to go to bed to cultivate.

He couldn't laugh and cry and said, "it's not good to lie in bed all the time in the daytime now." Dusk Xi stares at him anxiously and says, "but your body is still better, and your life is better. Well, let's go around for a few circles, OK?"

He nodded his head and said, "you'll have to cultivate with me later, or I won't agree." Dusk Xi laughingly looked at him and said, "OK, I'll cook medicine for you first." She had never taken care of a patient before and didn't know the general process.

The only thing she can do is to follow his words and make Bai Li Fen Jin feel better and recover quickly. She took out the medicine refining furnace from the jade pendant space and made some healing herbs. During this period, Bai Li Fen Jin was always with her.

What he suffered was internal injury. He had to recuperate slowly, and there was no other way. Dusk night waiting for medicine to boil good time, and a hundred miles burning Jin in the sea of flowers. "How did you get hurt?" she asked He told the evening about himself and the magic tower shadow.

However, Tu's sword was hidden. Because Tu's sword was given away at dusk, he didn't want to make her feel guilty. Moreover, he was lucky in disguise. As the owner of Tu's sword, he used the shadow of the former devil's house to sacrifice it. The strength of Tu's sword has increased a lot.

Moreover, he can make Dushi take good care of her and spend a lot of time with her. He suddenly remembered something. He looked down at Dushi and said, "I saw Lingxiao give you some materials for refining utensils. Can you throw them away?"

"Why do you want to throw it away? Those materials are very good. " As soon as she said this, Bai Li Fen Jin said in a low mood: "well, I know. It's because I didn't send the material for the lady to refine the vessel. That's why you think the thing he sent you is good. It's my fault. Can I change it next time?"

Dusk Xi looked at his depressed appearance and said: "no, no, you're right. Don't blame yourself if I give those materials to others when I go out. " Only then did he look slightly better. At dusk, I can see the life with light in the space.

It suddenly occurred to me that Bai Li Fen Jin had said to her that there was power of life in her soul, which might be able to cure him. She raised a smiling face and said to him, "I will lose my soul power to you. You can see if your injury can get better."

Bai Li Fen Jin shook her head and said, "no, I can do well after a period of cultivation." The dusk evening still does not give up heart of say: "but like this perhaps faster some." He said: "my injury needs a lot of soul power to recover. If you really give it to me, I'm better and you fall down, which is not the result I want to see. And once the soul power is lost, it will recover more slowly than the body's recuperation, which is not cost-effective."

Dusk Xi nodded as if he had been taught. In this way, it's better to take care of her body. Although Bai Li Fen Jin's words are true, there are some exaggerations.

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