Originally, he took care of Bai Li Fen Jin, but he stayed with Yu Lan all day long. He didn't even have time to give him medicine, which made Bai Li Fen Jin delicious. But Yulan is very happy, he likes to duel, and like twilight.

So it's the happiest thing for him to compete with him. During the period of their competition, he focuses on him, so that he won't pay attention to the man who is known as his brother-in-law. Although Bai Li Fen Jin hates him so much, there's nothing he can do about him.

After all, Dushi is trying to cultivate, but Bai Li Fen Jin still can't help complaining. In the evening, after the duel with Yulan, she takes a hot bath. When she returns to her bedroom, she finds that Baili Zhenjin has put the medicine aside, lying on her side with her back to her.

The evening night doubts of ask a way: "you how didn't drink medicine?"

Hundred Li burn Jin or don't answer a word, evening night thought he fell asleep, took a small step quietly walked past.

She gently patted Bai Li Fen Jin on the shoulder, and then gently said: "get up, drink the medicine and then go to sleep."

As soon as the voice fell, she was hugged by Bai Li Fen Jin. She hugged her tightly and didn't let go. She asked: "are you still awake? Why don't you take the medicine? "

He said softly, "as I said, if you don't feed me, I won't drink. You don't care about me." The tone is quite like a wronged child.

"Good, then you let me go and I'll feed you some medicine," she said

He continued: "it's not enough. I'm recovering. Can't you spare time for me?"

Twilight night sighed tone, helplessly said: "how like a child, Yulan is more sensible than you. I have to work hard so that I can go to the temple earlier. Don't you understand that? "

He curled his mouth and said, "you don't know how to comfort me. I'm a patient, so I need your care."

It's very difficult for Bai Li Fen Jin to be so aggressive, but he's just like Mu Xi. If other people can see the God of war in countless people's hearts and the guardian of the temple clinging to Mu Xi's arms to seek comfort, it's estimated that many people will hit the south wall.

Twilight night helplessly looking at him this appearance, can only lightly pat his back and say: "OK, then I will not only cook medicine for you, but also feed you to drink, OK? And I'm sleeping with you at night? "

He said overbearing: "it's your duty to sleep with me, it's your duty to perform. It's OK for you to practice well, but you must promise me that we'll get married as soon as we go to the temple. You can't go back then. "

Dushi laughingly looked at him. It turned out that he was playing this abacus, but she didn't hate it, so she said generously: "as long as I go to the temple, you are ready for everything, then get married immediately, but if you are not ready, then it's not my problem."

He said with a smile: "don't worry, everything is ready, now only owe you this bride."

At dusk, her lips could not help but smile. Bai Li Fen Jin is indeed a person worthy of her trust for life. Later things will be discussed. Anyway, now that she wants to marry Bai Li Fen Jin, she would like to be his wife. Soon after, they hugged each other and fell asleep.

Next, twilight's life in the space is very comfortable. He practices at ease and has a good fight. His strength has been rising steadily. Bai Li's injury is also getting better. Unconsciously, January has passed.

With this month's competition with Yulan, Dushi's strength has reached the fifth level of shangzun, which can be regarded as her harvest, but her promotion speed is really adverse.

She said with a smile to Yulan happily: "my strength is on the next level! It's getting worse! You have to be careful in the future. "

Yu blue rolled a white eye to say: "that so how, still is not to beat but I, and I still differ far."

Dushi pretends to frown, but sighs the change of Yulan. Before, he was a child who was insecure and very lonely. Now, playing with strawberry all day, the child's nature is immediately aroused.

He became more lively and mischievous, but Dushi still liked what he looked like now. He was no longer so sensitive. Now he was very happy.

Evening night raises fist to threaten to Yu blue to say: "now so arrogant, wait for later I am stronger than you, you wait to be beaten!"

Yulan immediately laughed: "you are making progress, I am also making progress.". You won't wait for that day. "

The evening evening evening kneaded a fist again to smile a way to him: "my talent and cultivation speed you can't compare with, you wait for elder sister to hit you later." Finish saying to laugh to leave, leave Yu blue indignant figure.

Bai Li Fen Jin looks at the happy appearance of dusk Xi, and she can't help smiling. He said to dusk night: "Yu blue that map wants to let him put away, later may have great use."

Dushi nodded, thinking that Bai Li Fen Jin once said that Yu Lan was the descendant of a tribe in the temple, and Mu Jiufeng, as the leader of Shenmiao, also had a map, and she also found a map in Xuanyuan University. She felt that there was a subtle connection between these maps.

She said to Bai Li Fen Jin, "now I have three maps with Yulan in mind. Is there any secret in these maps?"

Bai Li Fen Jin stares at Mu Xi for a long time, and suddenly says with a smile: "lady is really much more powerful than me. I've been looking for so many years, but I just found one. I didn't expect you to have three."

Dusk Xi blinked his good-looking eyes and said with a smile: "I'm just lucky, but what do you want to do with this map? I'll give you my map here. "

He took out a map, handed it to Mu Xi and said, "you'd better keep it for me, and give it to me when you get it together."

Dusk evening also impolitely accepted, anyway people are her, not to mention this map. Dusk night suddenly found around the hundred Li burning Jin seems to fall into silence, eyes is strange far-reaching, she felt a little strange, looked at the hand of the map.

She said, "do you know the secret in this map? You can let me know if you like

Bai Li Fen Jin looks at her and finds the worry in her eyes. A warm current runs through her heart. He holds Dushi in his arms and says gently, "it's not a secret. It's just something about my father."

Twilight did not answer, just quietly looking at him, if he wants to, he will take the initiative to say, twilight is not forced, silent for a while, he still took the initiative to speak.

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