He looked at dusk gently, and then said, "I've never told anyone about this. You must be responsible for it. It's my secret. If I tell you, you can't leave me. Otherwise, I will chase you to the ends of the earth. "

After hearing this, she couldn't help laughing. She said, "OK, OK, I'll take charge of it, OK." But what she thought in her heart was that Bai Li Fen Jin was splashing and rolling in front of her. It was a secret. Only she knew what he looked like.

Bai Li Fen Jin said slowly, "do you remember I said that I followed my father's nine tribes?"

Dusk evening put on a look of listening to people say drama, curious and support nodded.

He looked at the appearance of dusk, funny shaved her nose, he had a heavy heart also eased some.

He continued: "my father was the God of war in the temple before. He died in the war. All the nine tribes followed him, but they all left a map. After collecting nine maps, there will be guidance for my father."

Twilight asked suspiciously, "your father's guidance? What guidance? "

He shook his head and said, "I don't know. I have to collect nine maps to know. So thanks to you, now that I have four maps, I'll lose more than half of them. "

Dushi looked down and thought for a while, and then said seriously, "why don't I put the map in your place? It's related to your father. It's safer for you to hold it."

He said with a soft smile: "it doesn't matter. I think my father should like your daughter-in-law very much, otherwise you won't find so many maps so easily. It seems that my son's position can't match your daughter-in-law."

"Don't make a fool of me, it's not the time to make a joke. I don't have the strength to protect such a valuable thing. It's not too late for you to give it to me when I have the strength. After all, it's about your father. I don't want to miss anything

Bai Li Fen Jin curled her mouth and said, "he is also your father."

But dusk still stares at him and insists on giving him all four maps. He has no choice but to accept them.

Dushi just laughed and said, "that's good. Your father should be very important to you."

Bai Li Fen Jin looked into the distance with an unknown emotion in his eyes. He said: "well, it's just that time is too long. I only remember that he is the God of war and hero of the temple, so my destiny is to become a hero of the temple, but I don't want to be like this."

Dusk Xi nestles in his arms and gives him temperature. He has been labeled as the guardian of the temple since he was a child, as if he was born to be like this. No one cares whether he is willing or not, but naturally feels that this is his duty.

He said with a smile: "but after meeting you, I think it's my duty to protect you in my life."

Dusk Xi also looks at him with a smile, heartstrings are touched by him for a moment, as if they are filled with happiness. With him, everything becomes very safe.

"What about your mother?" she asked

He was silent for a moment, then slowly said, "no, my father never mentioned his mother." Since he remembered, he had never seen his mother. His father was very strict with him. He had been tested and trained by his father.

Fortunately, he was gifted and willing to practice seriously, so he made such achievements at a young age. However, no matter how excellent he was, his father never praised him. As time passed, he didn't expect family affection, as if it were dispensable.

For the first time and the last time in his life, she took up most of his life.

Twilight night hand gently stroked his face, said with a smile: "when I find my mother, she will be very good to you, not all say, mother-in-law see son-in-law, the more you see the more like it, you look good-looking, strength and strong, my mother will like it."

He said with a light smile: "I didn't expect that my wife thought I was so good, but I just need you to look at me and like me more. I don't care about other people."

He raised the chin of dusk evening again, staring at dusk evening with deep eyes, and said seriously: "become more like me, ten times more than now, twenty times more like me, become more in need of me, there is no way to leave me."

Because he is so, there is no way to leave the love. His eyes seem to have magic power, so that evening can not move his eyes, feel him slowly close, she closed her eyes, feel the temperature from her lips and his breathing, he is very gentle, let evening not willing to leave.

After a long time, Dushi's eyes were blurred, and her cheeks were dyed with rosy clouds. She said in a soft voice, "have you recovered from your illness? Let's go out when we've got it. " Then he wanted to feel Bai Li's pulse.

He raised his arm to dodge, also kept saying: "the injury is not good, still have to raise some time." The more so, the more overtly.

Dusk Xi looked at him and wanted to reach for his wrist. They were fighting like a child who didn't grow up. Because of the difference in height, Dushi couldn't reach his wrist all the time, so he stopped, put his arm around his mouth, and pretended to stare at him angrily.

Bai Li Fen Jin looks at Mu Xi and gets angry. She immediately stands up and reaches out her wrist to let Mu Xi feel her pulse. Then she puts down her arm and looks at him with a smile. Even if he knows that Mu Xi is pretending to be angry, he coaxes him carefully.

Dusk night catch up with his pulse, and then said: "already good almost, can go out."

This time he lowered his eyes, eyelashes flickering, wronged said: "out you can't be good with me."

Dusk night looking at his appearance, funny way: "that always can't stay here all one's life?"

He stretched out two fingers, looked at the dusk and said, "stay with me for another two days, and we'll go out again."

Dusk Xi can't help smiling in his eyes. He is really rare in such coquetry. She smiles and nods and agrees. Such a lovely appearance makes dusk Xi can't bear to refuse. After experiencing the last two days alone with twilight, Bai Li Fen Jin also had to leave the space.

More than one month has been a luxury. As soon as they go out, they are still in the Blackfire city. However, the surrounding scene has changed a lot. There are not many people in the city. It's not like the sea of people before. There are busy scenes of practitioners trading everywhere.

Now the Blackfire city is desolate, with only a few scattered people. Dushi said, "it's really a prosperous city because of the competition."

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