Twilight night gently frowned and said: "what are you afraid of? When you get to the temple, you will get married. I'll be responsible for you. Don't think so much about it. " The two of them seem to have changed their identities. Bai Li Fen Jin is like a little girl without a sense of security, while Dushi is like a big straight man full of masculinity.

Liuge'er, standing beside her, was obviously excited. She had stars in her eyes and said, "are you going to get married? I really want to join in

"Of course you will join in," said Dushi. But your wedding may be before ours, but you're not engaged yet. "

When liuge'er hears this, she looks dignified. She seldom looks so serious at dusk. What's the matter with you? Is there anything to worry about? "

"I don't know if my father can agree with me," Liu Ge'er said with a sullen face

Qin Qingyun covered her head with a big hand and said solemnly, "I will let him agree, and I will be responsible for you."

The evening evening sees their young couple's loving appearance, a smack tongue, her elder brother also just can barely call it a man now. Sure enough, a woman who loves deeply can make a naive boy grow up to be a mature, steady and responsible man.

However, for Bai Li Fen Jin, the appearance of Twilight makes him from the original mature to almost no emotion, and now he can taste happiness, anger, sadness and happiness. It is also twilight that makes his original dark life more beautiful and makes him no longer lonely in the following days.

Xuanyuan mansion master coughed a few times at this time, and then said to all the students loudly: "now the registration continues, the students who are discussing can also start, don't be affected."

After he said that, all the students became lively again. After all, for them, cultivation is the right thing.

Evening evening curious asked Xuanyuan house master: "how can we graduate?"

The master stroked his beard and said, "there are two kinds of graduation system in Xuanyuan University, one is external space, the other is internal space. In the external space, you can graduate when you reach Yizong, but the university will select some talented students to enter the internal space, but some of them have to leave because of family problems. So actually, you can graduate a long time ago, but I think you kids have great talent and strength, so it's better to stay for a while. In the internal space, there are many ways to graduate, you can participate in the graduation assessment, you can also experience outside, in short, as long as you have the strength of the upper respect can also graduate

Liu Ge'er asked with wide eyes, "don't we graduate now?"

Xuanyuan mansion Lord disdained to glance at her one eye way: "you also this point son promising.". Shangzun is the minimum strength of graduates. Generally, there are special circumstances, which can not only ensure the average level of students, but also provide a minimum guarantee. "

Then he looked at Xiang fengqingyue and said to him with worried expression: "what's the conflict between you and your family? It seems that the wind family wants you to go back, but you don't have to worry about it at present. I'll help you block it. You must have great achievements in the future. It's not good for you to go back after graduation. Just see what they mean. I'll come to pick you up in person after a while. "

After hearing this, Feng Qingyue didn't change her look, but asked faintly: "they broke my fund?"

Xuanyuan mansion master nodded, Feng Qingyue continued: "this matter I will solve myself, mansion master don't have to worry about me."

Qin Qingyun patted him on the shoulder and said, "how do you plan to solve it yourself?"

Wind clear month Mou light firm say: "the way always is some."

Qin Qingyun wanted to say something, but his words choked in his throat and he couldn't open his mouth. He knew that the wind was clear and the moon was stuffy. He would not ask for help at all. Qin Qingyun just lightly patted him on the shoulder, and the competition in the afternoon went on as usual.

The wind is clear and the moon is always in the normal state, as if nothing happened. Even liuge'er couldn't stand the afternoon's competition. She was the best fighter, but now she can't stand it.

She murmured, "this is not a competition for those students. It's a challenge for us."

The evening night smiles to say: "the mansion Lord is to embrace this meaning, he just can't stand our idle."

They are still talking and laughing, the wind clear moon mouth with a shallow smile looking at them. In the middle of the night, taking advantage of Qin Qingyun's falling asleep, he packed his bags and left a letter to leave. His first wish was to be by his side.

But after a long time together, he could not leave not only twilight, but also Qin Qingyun and liuge'er. They were like a big family, which gave him warmth that even his relatives could not bring. He thought he could stay with them all the time, but he didn't want to be a burden to everyone.

Because he cherishes this friendship, he doesn't want to be everyone's trouble. He took a deep look at Qin Qingyun, and the dusk smile appeared in his mind, which made him raise his lips. But he sighed again. If he didn't leave now, he would not leave in his whole life.

Think of here, he went to the door, gently push open the door, push open the moment, he was stunned, because he saw the door smiling at his twilight and singing. And the evening evening side also stands the look very unhappy hundred Li burn Jin.

Liuge'er pokes fengqingyue's shoulder with her hand and says angrily: "sure enough, let Dushi guess right, you really want to go! Why are you so ungrateful! It's wrong of you not to bring us together for such a funny thing! "

He looked at liuge'er in amazement and whispered, "what are you talking about?"

Then he heard something behind him. As soon as he turned his head, he saw Qin Qingyun open his letter and recite: "you are a man. We are brothers. Do you think that if you want to leave, I can let you go? Why don't you ask us if we agree? I really don't understand any politeness

Although Qin Qingyun and Liuge are complaining, there is still a trace of warmth in his heart. He knows that they will not leave him. Evening evening hands ring chest, leaning on the door, said: "you feel too tired to compete, want to go without us, really not speak of righteousness."

Only liuge'er can really believe such lies. The white lies make Feng Qingyue feel better. The words with the nature of jokes make him feel at ease. He is not left behind because he left without permission.

He said with a choking voice: "I will never again, no matter what happens."

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