Dushi and Qin Qingyun look at him as if they are comforted. Their true friends are those who share happiness and difficulties. They are those who are in trouble with each other. Those who are courteous to each other are all guests. Only those who dare to show their true feelings in front of him are true friends.

But liuge'er was obviously not so easy to get rid of. She snorted and said, "I won't forgive you easily! You don't even think about us when you go by yourself, and I'll treat you as a friend in vain! " Feng Qingyue looks at Liu Ge'er with tears and laughter.

She is the only one who will believe this reason. She is afraid of troubling them. Now it's better. Liuge'er thinks it's good for him to leave. He has to comfort him.

He raised his smile and said to song, "it's my fault. How about I treat you to eat?"

Liu Ge'er said haughtily: "you think I'm so easy to be bribed! You look down on me, too! "

Feng Qingyue was not annoyed. She raised a finger with a smile and said, "in the next month, I'll take everything you eat."

Liu Ge'er's attitude changed so fast that she immediately said, "deal!"

Seeing the interaction between them, dusk Xi can't help laughing. Liuge'er is obviously bigger than dusk Xi, but such a child's temperament is what dusk Xi lacks. I think Liu Ge'er's childhood is very happy, at least let her still keep a childlike innocence.

Dushi, who was supposed to be innocent, had to struggle on the line of life. She also remembered that when she was an agent in modern times, not everyone could lick blood on the edge of a knife. If she made a mistake, she would lose her life.

Thinking that she is here now, with both relatives and friends, as well as the company of Bai Li Fen Jin, maybe this is her real destination, and also thinking of her parents and sisters, whom she has never met before, she can't help looking forward to and nervous.

Bai Li Fen Jin was beside her. Seeing her thoughtful expression, she took her hand and asked, "what's the matter? What are you thinking? "

Dusk Xi raised a smiling face and looked at him with a smile and said, "nothing."

Said to lead him back to the room, the moment of closing the door, evening night tightly hugged the hundred Li burn Jin, buried in his chest, whispered: "thank you for always accompany me around."

Hundred Li burn Jin Leng for a long time, and then a smile, gently stroked her back with his hand, said: "thank you for letting me always around you."

The next morning, just after dawn, the dusk evening party packed up their salutes and prepared to start. They quietly arrived at the transmission array in the University, and then with the power of the hundred Li burning Jin, they ran the array disk, and were immediately transported thousands of miles away.

So they didn't hear the roar of Xuanyuan University: "you little bunnies! You've left so many people. Who are the students going to compete with? "

At dusk, they also said hello, that is to say "cut before play". No matter whether the Xuanyuan mansion owner agreed or not, they only put a note in the office, which said: "let's go to experience.". Don't worry. Although the tone is very euphemistic.

But the timing of the selection was very bad, so the Xuanyuan master decided on the other students who participated in the secret place competition. In this way, Liu Hanzhi and some of them were very unlucky. They are going to finish their share of the evening party.

They have to be monitored all the time by the head of Xuanyuan mansion. They are so miserable! I can't help complaining in my heart: you're the big brother! Let me carry the pot. At the moment, Qin Qingyun, who was far away from the sky, could not hear their complaints at that time.

Because they're in trouble, they don't know where they're being transported.

Liu Ge'er looked at the dense forest around him and said unhappily, "where are we being sent? Why don't we even have a person?"

Dusk night silently glanced at a hundred Li burning Jin, the meaning in the eyes is very obvious: you send, you are responsible. He had to open his mouth and explain: "there are many transmission arrays in Xuanyuan University, and there are many places to be transmitted. I'm not familiar with the terrain of this plane, and I don't know where it is."

Evening night rolled a white eye to say: "said equal to did not say."

Hundred Li burn Jin innocent pie pie pie mouth, then say: "Niang son but dislike me?"

Before dusk could answer, Qin Qingyun interrupted: "you two have time to show your love here. It's better to find a way out."

As soon as he finished, he met Bai Li Fen Jin's very unhappy eyes. He couldn't help shrinking his neck. He hadn't contacted Bai Li Fen Jin for a long time and forgot his temper. He dared to promise that if Mu Xi wasn't here, Bai Li Fen Jin would throw him out immediately, or he couldn't come back.

But dusk is obedient, she asked Feng Qingyue: "where are you wanjian villa?"

Fengqingyue replied: "wanjian villa is in Longxiang country, close to Baiyi mountain range."

Dusk Xi just looked at him and said: "so you are not from Fengrui country?"

He chuckled and said, "No. But you can tell by the name that the relationship between the two countries is good. "

Mu Xi nods and remembers the brief introduction to the mainland she read when she first came here. Because there are three continents here, the three continents are opposed to each other, but the countries in each continent are relatively peaceful, but the exchanges between the three continents are also very close.

Just look at the sources of students in the three top universities. Basically, students from every mainland are involved in Xuanyuan University. Liuge'er is the princess of Yunding country in the star array mainland. It is also a means for the three continents to understand each other.

They are surrounded by dense woods. When they walk at dusk, they spend their spiritual power to absorb the wood properties. Anyway, it doesn't seem dangerous here. It's better to use their spiritual power to absorb the power of properties. Liuge'er will do it as soon as she sees the way of dusk.

After all, if she wants to take part in the wedding, she has to work hard. Otherwise, how can she go to the temple? I have to say that now twilight has become a major goal of liuge'er's cultivation. But Feng Qingyue and Qin Qingyun dare not.

They want to preserve their strength. In case of danger, they also have the strength to fight. Although Bai Li Fen Jin is also here, they firmly believe that when danger comes, he will only protect Mu Xi. They have seen through it for a long time. After walking for a while, they saw a village.

However, there are only some curling smoke inside, but no one outside. Dusk evening feel strange, then walked in to have a look, in front of the village also stood a big stone, above write green water village. But there is no one in the village.

In principle, there should be some people working in agriculture. They walk to the door of a family at dusk.

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