Gently buttoned the door, and then politely asked: "Hello, excuse me, is there anyone here? Could you tell me where this is? " Then she waited quietly, but for a long time no one came to open the door. She looked up again and looked at the smoke rising from the roof.

Thinking that there should be talented people in this room, right? She was wondering. Liu Ge'er pushed her away and said, "let me do it!"

Then she kicked the wooden door, and immediately the wooden door fell back neatly, followed by the children's cry of fear. At dusk, they saw the scene inside the house. There were two comatose adults lying on the bed, and a little girl in the corner was shaking with tears in her eyes.

Dusk night hurriedly past, squat down gentle asked: "you don't be afraid, don't be afraid, sister here has delicious." Then she took out some fruits from the space and handed them to the little girl. She took the fruit in her trembling little hand.

She carefully looked up at the dusk, and her eyes turned to liuge'er. In an instant, the tears in her eyes gathered again, and her body could not help hiding to the dusk. Dusk Xi had to pick her up and comfort her carefully. By the way, she winked at Liu Ge'er.

Then he said to the little girl, "don't be afraid. This elder sister didn't mean it. She will help you to install the door right away."

Liu Ge'er just put on a smiling face and took out her candy and handed it to her, saying, "here you are. I'll help you to repair the door."

The little girl took a timid look at twilight, then reached out her little hand to take the candy, and looked at the fruit in her hand, swallowed and ate it. Twilight looked at her and gave her a collar, otherwise she would eat all over her body.

And looked at his body just held her, left a black mark, she can't help but love from this little girl.

She said to Qin Qingyun, "go get some water and I'll give her a bath."

As soon as the voice fell, the little girl grabbed the sleeve of Dushi and whispered, "don't use water..."

Dusk night squatted down and asked: "is there anything wrong with the water in this village?" The little girl nodded gently.

"Can you take us to see the water source in this village?" she asked She also obediently took the evening's hand and led the evening to the outside. At this time, liuge'er had installed the door. She wanted to hold the other hand of the little girl.

But the little girl shrunk and refused. She looked at her with a smile and said, "look at you, you scared the children."

Liuge'er ignores dusk evening, but whispers to Qin Qingyun: "you see, dusk evening is very suitable to be a mother. Maybe we will have a little nephew or niece soon." Qin Qingyun silently looked at Bai Li Fen Jin.

He imagined that if it was a boy, as cold as Bai Li Fen Jin, and as dark as dusk, his uncle would be in a difficult time. He thought that it would be a little niece, who looked like dusk, fragrant and soft.

He couldn't help laughing and said boldly to Dushi, "little sister, I think you have to have a girl in the future."

Sure enough, hearing this, Bai Li Fen Jin said, "well, I can do it for both boys and girls."

Qin Qingyun himself is very surprised, because Bai Li Fen Jin won't talk to him in the presence of dusk. Today's special situation is really rare. Although the dialogue is very short, it still successfully attracts the attention of Dushi.

She said to Qin Qingyun, "if you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb. Besides, you are my big brother. You got married before me. Don't you worry about yourself first?"

As soon as dusk Xi said this, Liu Ge'er really began to think about it seriously, and had to pull Qin Qingyun to discuss it together. That's how he lifted the stone and hit himself in the foot.

Bai Li Fen Jin also vaguely looks at the dusk and says, "lady, do you like a boy or a girl?"

Twilight glanced at him and said, "I tell you, I have no plans to have a baby at present. I'm not married to you for the sake of inheriting the family. If you want to inherit the family, you can repent and find someone who is willing to give birth to your child in time. "

Twilight night sometimes speak very straightforward and hurtful, but fortunately a hundred miles burning Jin can tolerate. He sighed and said, "how can you understand? I just want to marry you, and I just want to have children with you. But if you don't want children, I won't force it. After all, you are more important than children. "

Although Dushi knows that Bai Li Fen Jin loves her more than anything else, sometimes she just can't control herself. She coughs twice with embarrassment, and then says, "it's not that she doesn't want children, but I'm not ready. You old Bai Li's family should have a future."

Bai Li Fen Jin chuckled and said, "it doesn't matter whether we have a Bai Li family or not. It's just my little lady. I haven't grown up yet. If I have children, I have to take good care of you."

Dusk night cheek a red, shy of say: "don't say these with you, I still have to look for water source." However, although she is mentally mature, but in front of Bai Li Fen Jin, she is really a child who loves to play a small temper and has not yet grown up.

After walking for half an hour, I saw a river outside the village at dusk. The little girl pointed to it and said, "here we are."

Dusk night to the shore, and then squat down to observe the water color and clarity, found that there is no problem, she took out a porcelain bottle, want to scoop out some water, to see what the problem is. As soon as she tried to put her hand in, the little girl trembled and said, "don't touch the water."

Evening evening gently comforts a way: "don't get in the way of, elder sister is very fierce."

As soon as she turns her head, she finds that Bai Li Fen Jin is holding a porcelain bottle that has been filled with water and gives it to her. Mu Xi smiles. He has such a disposition that he doesn't want to let Mu Xi suffer any danger. If there is any problem, he has to deal with it first.

How can such a considerate person not be loved. She sniffed and found that there was no strange smell. Liu Ge'er asked curiously, "what's wrong with the water? Why can't you drink it? "

Dusk Xi shook his head and said, "I don't know. I can only study it."

It's not like a modern place. There are professional testing tools. Muxi can only use simple tools to test it. However, the little girl seems to know something. Muxi gently pinches her little hand and asks, "do you know what's wrong with the water in this village?"

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