Mentioning this, the little girl's face turned pale and her body trembled slightly. Dusk night comforted her softly: "don't be afraid, we will protect you."

The little girl's mood gradually calmed down, and there was a real sense of security around them. She said slowly, "I don't know what happened. That day my parents sent me to my aunt's house to play for a few days. When I came back, the village had become like this. I heard from Aunt Wang next door that people in the village had drunk water before they became like this. As long as they drink water, they will fall asleep during the day, and they will be like ghosts at night. They will bite when they catch people, and my parents will become like this. "

With that, she could not help sobbing, and dusk had to comfort her in a low voice. Qin Qingyun asked curiously, "it's strange. Is there such a thing? I'll have to see for myself. "

The little girl listened and shook her head like a rattle. She responded fiercely and said, "no way! As long as you are caught and bitten by them, you will become like that! "

Thinking quietly at dusk, it seems that there is something wrong with the water in the village. She asked softly, "children, since there are survivors in your village, why don't you stay with them? It's very dangerous to come out alone."

She dropped her eyes and said, "some people in the village have run away, some have taken refuge in the cave. They will go to the village to get some food during the day, but there are too many of them. They didn't give it to me, so I had to come back to get some food myself. Unexpectedly, I met you as soon as I came."

Dusk nodded to her and said, "then you take us to that cave. I want to know something."

The little girl obediently took Dushi to the cave, and she whispered: "before long, it will be dark. We're still safe in the cave. At least they haven't found it yet. "

Just as the night fell, they also went to the cave. The little girl took a deep breath, and then said, "fortunately we arrived, otherwise those ghosts will find out."

Dusk looked up at the cave and found that there was a big stone blocking the door, which could just cover the cave. The little girl called to the cave, "I'm cui'er. Please open the door."

She called for a long time, but no one answered. Liu Ge'er asked suspiciously, "do you remember wrong? There seems to be no one inside."

The little girl knocked on the stone anxiously and said, "no way, I can't remember wrong. I carved a small mark on the stone specially." Then she called to the door, "Auntie Wang, please help me beg for help and let me in."

After saying that, there came a helpless voice: "child, I can't help it. There are enough dough people here, and I don't care about it. Now your parents have become like that. Listen to my advice, don't stay in the village. Go out and don't come back."

Then her voice was interrupted by another cold voice near the door: "why do you say so much? What can she do now? What can you do besides eating! I have some dry food! "

The sound inside the door makes the singing teeth itch. Although it's a special time, it's usually in the same village. If you look at each other, it will pass. Looking at her angry appearance, Dushi said, "it's not easy for everyone. There's nothing wrong with their decision. Now the most important thing for us is to ask what happened in the village and see if we have any solutions."

Liu Ge'er impatiently said: "I know, I know, just look at it. I'll let you know for sure." With that, she began to transport the soil property to the land under the stones. In a moment, the land sank down, and the big stones also fell down.

All of a sudden, the dust was flying around. Dusk Xi shook his head and said, "you are good at sabotage."

Liu Ge'er said, "this is also a skill. Can you learn it?"

Dushi ignored her and led the little girl in. The environment inside is dirty, messy and poor. There are more or less 20 or 30 people living in it. They are not in good condition, hungry and haven't had a good rest.

The first angry middle-aged man blushed and said to twilight, "what are you doing! You have destroyed our shelter. What shall we do? " He yelled angrily, and all the villagers stood up and looked at the dusk.

Bai Li Fen Jin looks at these people unhappily. He dares to be so rude to his wife. In an instant, he releases absolute pressure on them. In an instant, they all crawl on the ground and have no room to resist. Dusk night also just coldly looking at, this group of people to the children of the same village are still so, not to mention they these outsiders?

The best way to deal with these people is to use force, and it must be in place once and for all, so that they can't resist. Otherwise, once they have the chance, they will start to fight back. After experiencing the awe of Bai Li Fen Jin, they did not dare to speak any more.

They deeply feel the strength of this man from the bottom of their hearts, he just moves his fingers, can let them all fly to ashes. Twilight night looked at their obedient appearance and said to the crowd, "the people in charge here stand up."

The unemotional voice of dusk made them tremble. None of them dared to stand up for fear that they would be killed. Twilight night gently smile, and then to the crowd cold voice way: "this is your person in charge of children, a little courage, you can really good eye."

Then she looked at the middle-aged man who had made a sound before with sharp eyes. He could not help shivering and said coldly at dusk: "that's the only thing I can do. I'm only qualified to be in charge of a small cave. Don't worry. We won't kill you. We'll just ask you something. "

The man shrunk to stand over, submissive said: "adult... What do you want to ask?"

"When did the water in your village get into trouble?" asked dusk

He thought about it for a while, and then whispered, "that's what happened a month ago. The first case happened in the village head's house. None of them survived. Then it became more and more serious. Almost all the people in the village became like this."

Twilight nodded, then asked: "what happened a month ago, why don't you go?"

He sighed and said, "most of the people who are still in the village are old, weak, sick and disabled. They can't leave at all. Some of them are in the villages where their relatives are not human and ghosts. They are not willing to leave."

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