Liuge'er looks at the villagers who have been sealed curiously, and then asks, "what are they now? Why do they look so terrible?"

Qin Qingyun also said: "I've never seen such a monster before. What do you think is the way to deal with it?"

Dushi stares at the people in the border without saying a word, and then says, "we can only catch one person from inside to do experiments, otherwise we can't determine what's in the water."

As soon as the words were over, a shocking picture appeared in front of them. The zombies began to gnaw at each other. They also made sounds of chewing food. Liu Ge'er didn't dare to see such a picture. She quickly turned her back and covered her ears.

Dusk night also tightly frowned, now in this case, there is no way to catch people from inside, their state has become more pessimistic. Dusk night to the flow of songs they said: "come on, let's quickly go back to think about the corresponding method."

Liuge'er nodded quickly. She didn't want to see such a scene any more. Back in the cave, some were shocked and some were happy. The people who are eager to be saved regard them as saviors and are naturally happy. But there are still some people who can't see them coming back.

Dusk night found that cuier side of the food has eaten almost, but Liuge Er left a lot of. Dusk night looked around the crowd in the cave, and finally the line of sight fell on Aunt Wang. Dusk Xi calls cui'er over and asks, "did you finish the food yourself?"

Cui'er shakes her head carefully. Dusk says, "didn't that elder sister just say that no one is allowed to rob your food?"

Cui'er whispered, "but I gave it to them voluntarily." Although she is kind-hearted, it is a waste to give kindness to those who should not.

At dusk, while they were in the village, cui'er began to eat. The smell of the food soon spread throughout the cave. They haven't eaten for a long time. The village is like this now. No one works at all. How can they eat?

What's more, liuge'er gives good things. Even if it doesn't happen, they usually can't get it. They stare eagerly, but they don't dare to rob. If liuge'er hadn't told them, they would have robbed cui'er's things for their own.

Aunt Wang looked at cui'er's eating and swallowed. Then she said with a smile, "cui'er, is it delicious? How does Aunt Wang usually treat you? "

Cui'er looked up at aunt wang'er and said weakly, "delicious." She recalled that when she was in the village before, Aunt Wang was not good or bad to her. At best, she was a neighbor. But her parents told her to be lenient.

She picked up her little hand and gave the food to Aunt Wang. When others saw that Aunt Wang got the food, they were all eager to make up with cui'er. After a while, the food was divided, and those people didn't even say thank you.

Dusk Xi looks at cui'er's appearance, calls Liu Ge'er over and says to her, "this child and those people are all given to you. You know what to do."

Liu Ge'er nodded. It's good to deal with these people directly. First, she said to cui'er, "there's nothing wrong with you giving things to them, but you have to remember that I always give things to you, and I don't want to give them."

Cui Er nodded her head. Liuge'er starts a fight against the crowd in the cave. Dusk night looking at the cave like this, feel that with the strength of a person Liuge son, completely control the scene.

She didn't need to worry about it at all. She called out the middle-aged man in charge of the cave and asked, "did those villagers eat each other a month ago?"

After thinking for a while, he shook his head and said, "not before. What they eat are all living people. They never attack their kind."

Dushi nodded, then looked him in the eyes and asked, "I heard cui'er say that you don't have any parents, wife and children in Lvshui village. What are you doing here?"

He was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't expect that Dushi would ask this question, but he replied smoothly: "green water village is my home, the villagers here are all my family, I don't trust them to stay here."

Dusk Xi sneers and doesn't say anything. If he was such a righteous person, he would not have let Cui Er into the cave before. It seems that this person is really suspicious. But now, she is more interested in the water source of green water village.

Qin Qingyun asked curiously, "why do the villagers eat each other? Do they also need food?"

"The evening evening does not care about the answer:" the evolution of the virus chant, but it took a month to evolve, it seems that this virus is not so good The really powerful virus is very fast in division and reproduction, which takes such a long time.

Qin Qingyun listened to the confident words of dusk evening man and asked excitedly, "do you know the solution?"

Dusk Xi shook his head and said, "I don't know, but I'm trying. Just in time, do you want to help me find some mice?"

Qin Qingyun is disgusted to stare at dusk night way: "want a mouse to why, you a girl, obediently stay not good?"

Dusk night helpless help forehead way: "that or you come to give me when the test object?"? I don't have to use mice. "

After Qin Qingyun heard this, he felt that a cool wind was blowing behind his neck, which made him look like a ghost. He didn't want to. He decided to find mice for Dushi. Just grab a few in the cave. Anyway, they are everywhere.

Hundred Li burn Jin has been with the evening side, he worried asked: "won't there be danger? Or I'll do it. "

Dusk Xi looked at him with a smile and said, "don't worry, I'll be fine. I've done this kind of thing before, I'm more skilled, and I'll protect myself. " Then she took out a series of medical supplies, masks, rubber gloves, injections and knives of all sizes.

Hundred Li burn Jin looking at her to take out a lot of unknown things, the heart is a panic. She told him before dusk that she was not in this position, and the place she stayed before dusk was very different from here. He was afraid that dusk would leave him.

Thinking of this, he hugged Dushi tightly and said gently, "don't leave me, OK? I'm so afraid you'll go back. "

Dushi knows that Bai Li Fen Jin lacks a sense of security, and she gives as much as she can, so she gently says, "I won't leave you. Here is my home. I want to marry you, so I'm not willing to go back."

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