She pretended to be angry and said, "don't think about it any more, or I will think you don't trust me."

Bai Li Fen Jin sighed and said, "lady, please go to the temple quickly. If you marry me, I can feel at ease."

Bai Li Fen Jin is infatuated with dusk evening. He also has a full possessive desire for dusk evening. The longer he stays together, the less likely he is to let go. He seems to pour all his emotions into Dushi. He is indifferent to everyone else.

He only dotes on dusk, as if this is the meaning of his existence. When Qin Qingyun and Feng Qingyue catch the mouse, they see the picture of them holding together again. Anyway, they are used to it, and it's not bad this time.

However, she soon got into work. She picked up a mouse, injected water and waited for the change. Her serious manner aroused everyone's emotions. They were eager to know what was going on.

However, after a long time, the mouse's body was faintly green, and its cry became very irregular. Dushi knew that it was because the virus in the water had taken effect. She observed for a while, and then took a small amount of mouse blood, put it in the test tube, ready to crack the virus.

She's immersed in her own world, completely oblivious to other people. Qin Qingyun teases the mouse curiously, while fengqingyue watches carefully, for fear that after the mouse bites, Qin Qingyun will also be infected. Bai Li Fen Jin was always by his side.

Evening over and over again debugging the formula, thanks to her space of herbs are also many. She couldn't feel the passage of time. It was late at night. The villagers were asleep, but they couldn't sleep at dusk, and they didn't want to sleep in such a place.

Finally, after countless experiments, Dushi finally refined the antidote formula. She picked up the test tube, gently shaking the green liquid inside, and a light smile on her lips. In the moonlight, dusk night such self-confident and lazy appearance is very soul catching.

Rao is liuge'er can't help being attracted. Bai Li Fen Jin used to hold Dushi from behind. He doesn't want to be seen by others, even the closest ones. Sometimes he even wants to make Twilight a little more ordinary, so that there won't be so many people fighting with him.

But he also knows that dusk is like a pearl in the sky, which can't be ignored. What he can do is to carry the Pearl back to his home, so that others won't find the beautiful light of the Pearl. Dusk night silent looking at his action, anyway, she has long been used to.

Liuge'er excitedly looks at the antidote in Dusk's hand and says: "the antidote has been made. Then we can give it to them tomorrow."

Dusk Xi shook his head and said, "the day before yesterday, maybe it could, but now, no, the virus has evolved."

Liu Ge'er said: "how come you spend so much time to prepare antidotes?"

Dushi looked at her with an idiot's eyes and said, "in order to understand the basic composition of the virus, and then strengthen it."

Liuge'er nodded her head as if she didn't understand it. She threw herself into her work again at dusk. Now she feels as if she is back in the modern laboratory. She picked up a new mouse and injected it with some virus. Mice are much smaller than humans, but they are injected with a lot of viruses at dusk.

She wants to speed up the evolution of the virus in order to develop an enhanced version of the poison. Dushi carefully observed the two mice. At first, they did not interfere with each other, nor did they bite each other. After a while, the new mouse began to bite the old one.

Sure enough, the evolution time of the virus in the mouse is much faster than that in the human body. It seems that the virus in the mouse has evolved. Dushi carefully took a little blood from the mouse and studied it again. But to her surprise, there was no difference in the virus in the two mice.

Evening night doubts, impossible, absolutely is the result of evolution, can't have no difference. She drew blood again and found that it was not a mistake, so she began to ponder the reason. She couldn't think of a reason to think about it.

So she decided to dissect the mouse. Sure enough, she found a clue in the head of the mouse. The mouse had no brain and was replaced by an insect. It looks like this bug ate up the brain of the mouse and took control of the body.

Dusk picked up the tweezers and gently picked up the insect. The moment it left the host, the insect writhed violently, but in half an hour, it died. Qin Qingyun looked at the insect in disgust and said, "is this what they have in mind? How can they live without brains? "

Dusk night tightly frowned and said: "probably no way." But she was not reconciled to this. The antidote formula she worked hard to refine couldn't be useless, could it? After tossing about for most of the night, it was almost dawn.

She still didn't come up with a proper way, but she didn't want to give up. They went to Lushui village early in the morning on the first day of twilight. During the day, they were sleepy. Last night's boundary line and array plate were clearly standing at the entrance of the village.

There are many villagers lying on the road, and there are even traces of gnawing on their faces last night. There are also some villagers who are still wandering. They can move in the daytime, and some are even gnawing at the lying villagers.

It seems that these villagers who can move in the daytime must have insects in their heads that can be controlled. Liuge'er can't help but cover her nose and mouth. She can't see such a scene, but she can't help but have a look with dusk. At dusk, the villagers were carefully observed through the array.

She frowned. There was nothing she could do. As soon as the insect left the host, it would die. The host, at the moment when the insect left, had no ability to act and lost its brain, which was equivalent to a puppet without thought.

All of a sudden, there is a buzz of excitement in the jade pendant space. Dushi quickly puts the divine consciousness into the space and finds that it's the soul eating bees she received from Xuanyuan University. Her intuition tells her that these soul eating bees may be of great use.

She quickly released some small soul eating bees, the rest are the backbone of soul eating bees. As soon as these soul eating bees came out of the space, they flapped their wings and flew around, straight to the villagers who were standing. One by one, they went in from the villagers' ears.

For a moment, the villagers whimpered in pain. They kept holding their heads and enduring great pain.

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