He tried his best to make his father happy, but at last he found that he was nothing in his father's heart. When he was strong, he was even regarded as an eyesore by them. On the contrary, he became an obstacle for Feng Qingming to become a young master.

In the whole wanjian villa, Feng Jianxiong is the only one who is really good to him. He personally guides him to practice and enrolls him in the entrance competition of Xuanyuan University. Because of Feng Jianxiong, he can meet these good friends. This time, he just wanted to bring out Feng Jianxiong.

He adjusted his mood and got ready to go into the gate of wanjian villa. He didn't know what was waiting for him. As soon as he stepped into the gate of wanjian villa, he went straight to the hall. The people who wanted to hurt him, known as relatives, were waiting for him.

Sure enough, as soon as you enter the hall, you can see Jia Lijun, a woman dressed in heavy makeup. Beside her sits the owner of wanjian villa, that is, Feng Qingyue's father, Feng Jingping. And fengqingming stands on one side and looks at fengqingyue.

Although they are all related by fengjingping, their looks and temperament are very different. Feng Qingming is insidious and cunning. His smile makes people feel not friendly, but dangerous. Moreover, he sent someone to kill Feng Qingyue at the gate of Xuanyuan University.

Fengqingyue went straight into the hall and didn't salute them. Fengqingming seized the opportunity and pointed to fengqingyue and said, "don't you salute me after seeing my parents? Do you understand the rules? "

Feng Qingyue just glanced at him and said, "since you don't respect me, why should I salute you?"

Feng Qingming sneered and said, "after a trip to Xuanyuan University, I really treat myself as a human being. You just came back this time. You don't have to go to Xuanyuan University in the future. Wanjian villa will no longer provide you with the resources for admission. "

As soon as she heard this, she was very excited. She said with a smile to Feng Qingming, "Feng Qingyue, because of his excellent performance in the freshmen's secret place competition jointly held by three universities, Xuanyuan's leader thought he was talented, so he decided to exempt his enrollment resources. It's you who became the young leader of wanjian villa, and really regarded yourself as a human being."

In fact, fengqingming has noticed the dusk behind fengqingyue long ago. A beautiful woman with good face and slim body like dusk can be easily found even in the crowd. What's more, there are only a few people who can see that dusk is the beginning of fengqingyue.

Feng Qingming's jealousy becomes more and more intense. He is the young master of wanjian villa. Why can Feng Qingyue go to Xuanyuan university? Why can he shine in the freshman's secret place competition? Why can such a good woman stand beside him?

The news that the freshmen of Xuanyuan University won the competition in three universities soon spread to most of the casual practitioners in the mainland. The students like fengqingyue, who are relatively strong and have outstanding performance, will naturally be remembered by many casual practitioners.

Wanjian villa, as a force in the river and lake, naturally has a lot to do with casual practitioners. As soon as he comes and goes, Feng Qingming knows the news that Feng Qingyue is brilliant in the competition, and immediately he is envious. He begged Jia Lijun to cut off the admission resources of fengqingyue.

He even wants to take the place of Feng Qingyue. Under his constant request, Jia Lijun also agrees to his request. She can't see that a concubine's child is better than her.

Qin Qingyun then fanned the flames and said, "allow me to introduce myself. I'm Qin Qingyun, the eldest son of the general's house of Fengrui state." Liuge'er also said, "I'm liuge'er, the princess of Yunding kingdom in star array. As for us, we are all friends of fengqingyue. Our admission resources are shared, and you are not bad for this one. "

Feng Qingming is speechless because of their anger. He has been spoiled by Jia Lijun since he was a child. He has no ability and has never seen anything in the world. In wanjian villa, no one dares to disobey him like that, so such a small stimulation can make him speechless.

Looking at Feng Qingming's red face, Jia Lijun pointed to the dusk and said, "Feng Qingyue, you just connive at foreign people to bully your elder brother! Something that elbows out! You're not a good wolf. "

Feng Qingyue seemed to have heard a joke and said with a smile, "my elder brother? That's funny. Have you ever admitted or supported me? "

Feng Jingping suddenly said angrily, "enough! You don't have to go to Xuanyuan University in the future. Give your place to your elder brother. "

Liuge'er burst out laughing and said, "just like his elder brother? Don't worry. The Xuanyuan master won't want him. "

When Feng Qingming hears Liu Ge'er's provocative words, he can't help it any more. He pulls out his sword and attacks Liu Ge'er. Qin Qingyun and Mu Xi are not worried at all, because Feng Qingming's strength is only seven levels of Yizong.

Liuge'er can deal with it completely. She uses the water attribute like a dazzle, and condenses into sharp darts to attack fengqingming. What she is good at is the soil attribute, but the water attribute is enough to deal with fengqingming. Feng Qingming saw the darts coming at him, and he was so scared that he didn't move.

He was stunned and his legs were still shaking. Rao Shifeng looked at it flat, but he couldn't help frowning. The eldest son is really not competitive, and he has no strength or courage. But who let his biological mother be Jia Lijun? Fengjingping still needs Jia Lijun's family power to stabilize wanjian villa.

So he had to make fengqingming the young master of wanjian villa. Fengjingping had no choice but to do it. As soon as he waved, the ice darts turned to liuge'er, and she quickly dodged. Dusk Xi frowned and said to Feng Jingping, "do you want to be the enemy of Yunding? With your little influence in the Jianghu, you dare to attack the princess of Yunding kingdom. Are you impatient? "

The wind mirror hummed coldly and said, "our Fengyun continent has always been at odds with the other two continents. What about being the enemy of Yunding?" He was not afraid of Yunding, but he expected that the distance between Yunding and wanjian villa was too far to pose a threat to him.

However, he obviously underestimated the importance that the emperor of Yunding attached to liuge'er. If he was not used to liuge'er, she would not be so naive and fearless now. Qin Qingyun also said, "she's my fiancee. If you move her, you will be the enemy of the general's house of Fengrui kingdom."

He seldom relies on his power to deceive others, but in order to make fengqingyue angry, it's not a big deal to use the name of the general's residence. Besides, it's a great feeling. Feng Jing Ping is not a strong man. He loves power very much.

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