Otherwise, it would not be because of Jia Lijun. Fengqingming, who has no ability, will be the young master. Fengrui and Longxiang are neighboring countries. He provoked Qin Qingyun, which is not good for him at all. So he said, "I just lost my hand. I didn't mean to hurt this girl."

Liu Ge'er put her hands around her chest and raised her eyebrows and said, "do you mean to miss? I doubt you really want to kill me, but I'm generous. I'll let you off this time. But you have to apologize to show your sincerity. "

After listening to Liu Ge'er's words, Feng Jing Ping holds the armrest of the chair tightly with his hands. The veins on his hands are exposed. He is trying to resist his anger. Wanjian villa is also a big force in the world. As the owner of wanjian villa, how can he apologize to such a young woman.

This humiliated his identity, he squeezed out a smile and said: "since you and my son are friends, you should respect your elders. Why are you so aggressive?"

Liu Ge'er glanced at him wearily and said, "why do you talk so much nonsense? I'm a good friend with Feng Qingyue. What does it have to do with you? And what does Feng Qingyue have to do with you? All day long with relatives, like what words! I just want to ask you, "do you apologize or not?"

Rao is evening to hear Liu Ge'er this unreasonable words, also can't help laughing. Her tone seems to be a lesson to the younger generation. It is estimated that her father often taught her that when she was in yundingguo.

At this time, Jia Lijun quickly came out and said, "I'll apologize for him, OK? Little girl, you have to forgive people. " If she didn't say the last sentence, liuge'er might agree, but she said it, which makes liuge'er very disgusted.

The tone of admonishment and education made Liu Ge'er very unhappy. She looked at Feng Jingping and said, "I'll give you five seconds. If you don't apologize, you will be responsible for the consequences." Then she began to count down until she counted to two seconds.

Wind mirror flat gnash teeth of say: "right - not - rise."

Liu Ge'er touched her ear and said, "it's too low. I can't hear it. Besides, do you use this attitude to apologize to others?" It has to be said that liuge'er is very easy to do this kind of bullying, and she doesn't feel guilty at all.

She only wanted to give this tone to Feng Qingyue, and the humiliation and coldness she suffered in wanjian villa at that time was more serious than that. The wind mirror is flat, the double eyes are mercilessly staring at the stream song son, as if want to kill her, the dusk evening always pays attention to his trend.

I'm afraid that his impulse will kill Liu Ge'er. But he was obviously not as strong as Dushi thought. Feng Jingping adjusted his tone and said, "I'm sorry, it's my fault."

Liu Ge'er just showed a smile and said, "it doesn't matter. I'll pay attention later. You're still very good." Liuge'er is a typical example of being cheap and being good at it. Even when he sees it at dusk, he can't help but want to beat her. No matter the wind mirror is flat, he has the idea of gushing out his blood.

When Feng Qingming saw that his father was so humiliated, he couldn't hang on his face, but he was more focused on Feng Qingyue. He was used to bullying Feng Qingyue since he was a child, so he couldn't see feng Qingyue's resistance, and he had so many powerful and distinguished friends.

Fortunately, at that time, Muxi didn't show the identity of the burning palace, otherwise they would have to kneel down to Muxi Xing. Jia Lijun gives Feng Qingming a wink. He reacts immediately and says to them with a smile: "I hope you'll forgive me for what I've just done. We've been here for a long time and haven't entertained you. It's really thoughtless of us. "

Dusk Xi watched him change his face so quickly, thinking about what tricks they wanted to play. However, the so-called hand does not smile, dusk they naturally sat down. Feng Jingping stared at Feng Qingyue and said, "I didn't expect you to make so many friends in the University. I'm really glad."

Although his words are like a loving father, his eyes are not emotional, but alert. But Feng Qingyue didn't want to talk to him at all. He didn't want to say a word more about this kind of person. But dusk night said: "Feng Qingyue is gifted and beautiful. I'm honored to be his friend."

Qin Qingyun also wanted to make a fire. He said, "I think so, too. However, he seldom mentioned the wanjian villa. This time we forced him to take us to have a look. Only when we came did we know why he didn't want to mention it. "

He said only half of what he said, but his contempt for wanjian villa was obvious. Liu Ge'er also said, "if I hadn't met Qin Qingyun first, maybe I would be Feng Qingyue's fiancee now." Her words came out.

Qin Qingyun and Dushi are choked. Feng Qingyue's face is slightly changed. How can she make up lies? There is no boundary. Liu Ge'er didn't expect that her random words made up her mind.

Since Feng Qingyue's strength and talent are higher than Feng Qingming's, and there are so many noble friends, he may be able to get married with the royal family or the general's house, which is much more powerful and dignified than Jia Lijun's mother's family.

As long as he is not a fool, he knows who should be the little master. Thinking like this, his attitude towards Feng Qingyue is relaxed. But he also had his own considerations in mind. He focused his eyes on twilight. The general's house of Fengrui kingdom was also very powerful, especially the friendship between fengyunxuan, the new emperor of Fengrui Kingdom, and the general's house was not shallow.

Thinking of this, the goggles stroked his beard and said to dusk: "I don't know if a girl can be married?"

As soon as the words came out, the whole room knew what he meant except for Feng Qingming and liuge'er. Feng Qingyue was just about to explain. Dusk gave him a wink. It was just about a play. She wanted to let Feng Jingping know what it meant to lose his wife and lose his army.

Dusk Xi pretends to be coy and says, "no, but I've got someone I like." She also glanced at the wind and the moon with her eyes intentionally or unintentionally. Liu Ge'er wanted to talk, but he was stopped by Qin Qingyun. At this time, he should be consistent with the outside world.

Looking at the dusk, Feng Jingping thought it was a certainty. He even saw a lot of gold, silver, jewels and a large number of soldiers in front of him. What do you think of my son? If you like, I can be the master for you. "

Feng Qingming on one side is ecstatic. He thinks that Feng Jingping is talking about him.

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