There was a reply soon. It said: I have asked Zhu Qing and Zhu an to prepare. Please wait a moment. I'm waiting for my wife's reward. Liuge'er then led the letter into the arms of Dushi, then looked at Dushi with a bad smile and said, "you just wait for him to come back and ask for your reward."

Dushi chases liuge'er and starts to fight. Her sister-in-law is really nosy. She doesn't look like an adult at all. However, with her, Dushi becomes much more innocent. She can fight like a child without any scruples, which is a good thing for her.

Within half a cup of tea, Zhuqing and Zhuan came over in a carriage. Their mount was a strange beast with wings, and their body was also very strong. They were gray, with rhinoceros face, and their muscles were very obvious. Qin Qingyun warmly greets them: "long time no see!"

They all grinned cordially. Liuge'er was very interested in the strange animal, so he wanted to reach out and touch it. Unexpectedly, his nostrils sniffed and gasped, and he turned his head to one side, as if disdaining liuge'er's touch.

Zhu Qing scolded in a low voice: "Daniel! What's the matter? This is my wife's friend. I've made my wife angry. You'll feel better! "

Then he and Zhu an respectfully walked up to Dushi and bowed to salute. Dushi jokingly said, "who gave her a name? It's too vulgar to call it Daniel, isn't it? "

Daniel is a psychic beast. When he hears Zhuqing calling Mrs. twilight, he already knows a lot about it. He has to please his wife so that he can be appreciated by his master. So he looks at the twilight timidly and stomps on the ground like a coquettish.

It seems that she is blaming Muxi for not saying its name is vulgar. Muxi looks at this big gray beast and shakes her body. She can't stand such an attack. She gets on the car quickly, and Qin Qingyun and they follow.

Liuge'er is in a good mood when she looks at the spacious appearance of the car. She says to Dushi with a smile: "my brother-in-law is really powerful. His mounts are different from others. He flies in the sky, but why doesn't he tell you the location of the burning palace? And how does he know we're here? "

Zhu Qing listened to their conversation outside and shook his head. He must know why the palace master didn't tell his wife. As for the temper of the palace master, he must want his wife to be around all the time. Naturally, his wife doesn't need to know. Even when the palace master is not around, his wife should contact him actively to go back, otherwise she can find her, I can't get in touch with the palace master.

However, what Mu Xi thinks is that Bai Li Fen Jin knows her position. When she thinks of this, the corner of her mouth is twitching. She still remembers that Bai Li Fen Jin has a dragon scale mark on her soul. As long as he pinches his fingers, he can know where Mu Xi is.

But I didn't expect that this could work in the temple. Feng Jianxiong suddenly said with a silly smile: "I didn't expect that I would be able to sit on the mount of the burning palace. No wonder we don't know the trace of other people's burning palace. They all fly in the sky."

Dushi looks at Feng Jianxiong with a smile and says, "I didn't expect you to be so interested in the burning palace. My grandfather is also in the burning palace. I remember when I was in fenglincheng before, you could talk with him. If you go, he won't be bored. When I cure your poison, you can stay in the burning palace with my grandfather. You don't have to worry about fengqingyue, We are all training outside, and your elders have company with each other. "

Feng Jianxiong looked at dusk in surprise and said, "really? Can I really live in the burning silence palace? I'm so lucky. "

Zhu an, who was driving, broke in with a smile and said, "of course it's true. Our palace master's wife has all opened her mouth. There can be fake. You don't know that in this burning palace, the biggest one is not our palace master, but the palace master's wife!"

"Zhuan, do you want me to tell you what you just said to your palace master? You are more and more bold," she said with a smile

Zhu an said, "madam, don't worry. Let's say it boldly. Our palace master will believe the pillow breeze you blow." Moreover, he felt that the palace master would like his wife to talk to him more, communicate with him, especially complain. If the palace master listened, he must feel that he was being spoiled.

Twilight night helplessly shook his head, now ah, her status is really lower and lower, even Zhu an dare to make fun of her, but her heart is still a little happy. "How is my grandfather now?" she asked

Zhuqing respectfully replied: "the old man's body has been burning in the palace. He has been taken good care of. It's getting better and better, and his strength has increased a lot. But he misses his wife and your elder brother very much. I just told him that he would come to meet you. He's very happy. He's probably waiting to meet you at the door now."

At dusk, the corners of her mouth start a big arc. Her relatives are the softest ground in her heart. She can't help but feel happy when she thinks about it. She is also looking forward to meeting her grandfather. Daniel's speed is very fast, especially now that he knows it's carrying his wife, his speed can be described as fast and stable.

In a short time, they arrived at the gate of the burning silence palace. Qin Qingyun came here for the second time. Although he was not as surprised as he was when he first came, he could not help but praise them a little, not to mention liuge'er, fengqingyue and fengjianxiong.

They just enjoyed it at the door for a while, while Mr. Qin Ying went straight to dusk. He looked at dusk with a smile and said, "my dear granddaughter, I'm willing to come back to see my old man. I'm getting moldy here."

Dusk Xi looked at him with a smile and said, "grandfather, don't laugh any more. Now, you look like a teenager with a radiant face."

Qin Qingyun looked at Qin Ying discontentedly and said, "grandfather, you're so eccentric. When you come, you run straight to my little sister. I don't know. I thought I picked it up!"

Qin Ying glared at him and said, "how old are you? If you don't look like an adult, you don't know how good it is to learn from your younger sister." Qin Qingyun said to himself that you are the only one who thinks that my younger sister is good. Even if you see that she has poisoned others, the old man only worries about whether the poison will hurt her!

Dushi looks at Qin Qingyun with a bad smile and says, "grandfather, you know, my elder brother is very powerful. I went out to school and brought you a granddaughter-in-law. I'll call her to show you!"

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