Then she called liuge'er over and said, "sister-in-law, please come and see my grandfather. Let my grandfather see you. How about that?"

Liu Ge'er is enjoying the scene outside the burning palace. Leng Bu Ding is startled by the sound of dusk. Then she shouts: "what's your name! I haven't seen it. I'm glad to see it! " As soon as she finished, she saw the old man Qin standing beside him. She quickly covered her mouth and looked at him in amazement.

Dushi looks at her, and she can't close her mouth with a smile. Unexpectedly, liuge'er, who is not afraid of heaven and earth, is afraid of meeting her elders. To be exact, she should be afraid of meeting Qin Qingyun's elders. After all, she has never been afraid of her own emperor's father.

Liuge'er coughed gently, pretended to be virtuous and virtuous, and walked towards Dushi with small steps. Then she respectfully saluted Mr. Qin, and then said with a voice: "little girl, liuge'er has seen general Qin. General Qin is really hale and hearty, dignified, magnificent, prestigious and famous all over the world..."

Liuge'er dares to bet that she has said all the good things she can say in her life. Muxi stands behind Qin Ying with her mouth covered and laughs. However, Qin Ying is very interested in listening to liuge'er's good words from her mouth. He doesn't interrupt, just caresses her beard.

When liuge'er saw that the old man was still interested, she continued to talk. At last, there was nothing she could do. She couldn't think of it. She looked at Qin Ying and Dushi wrongly. At this time, qinge'er said with a smile, "are you finished?"

Liu Ge'er immediately said, "no, no, I'm really a little girl with little talent and learning. I don't have so much ink in my stomach. General, I can't tell you all about your advantages in three days and three nights."

The old man couldn't help laughing. He pointed to liuge'er and said, "you're such a ghost girl. No wonder that bastard will take a fancy to you. Why does our daughter-in-law in the general's mansion need so much ink? If you can have a baby, don't pretend to be a lady. You can come as you usually get used to it. "

The evening evening "cuts" one to Qin Ying to say: "you say this words, seem to marry to our general's mansion, as long as can have a child to go, this also too despises the woman, I to my sister-in-law request is very high, at least must grow a little brain, otherwise later my nephew niece daughter may teach not good."

As soon as liuge'er hears this, she immediately reaches out her hand to fight twilight. However, she takes a look at Qin Ying and puts it down again, but her eyes are still staring at twilight, and twilight is smiling and making faces with her. Qin Ying held her beard and said, "girl, if you want to fight, what are you afraid of! As a granddaughter, I just don't want to fight. Don't mention you. Sometimes even I want to fight her. As it happens, you are her sister-in-law. In the future, you can teach her to accept her bad temper. "

Liuge'er's eyes are shining immediately when she hears the words. She is quite recognized by the old man. In the future, she will be able to teach Muxi a lesson, and she won't have to be bullied by Muxi any more. In the future, she will only be bullied by Muxi!

Think of here, her mouth is a burst of uncontrollable smile, but many years later, she knew, to bully Dushi, she may not be able to wait for the next life... Dushi frowned and said to Qin Ying: "grandfather, you are not authentic, you just come to a sister-in-law, you don't spoil me, who is more intimate with you?"

Qin Ying snorted and said: "there's that hundred mile boy here. Who else can bully you? Especially I've been in the burning palace for so long. Through my servants, I know about that boy almost. Do you still lack my general grandfather?"

It dawned on dusk that her grandfather was out of balance. She said to Qin Ying with a smile, "don't worry, grandfather. You are so powerful. I'm the daughter of the general's house. I can't pour this basin of water."

Qin Ying gently reprimanded Dushi and said, "nonsense! I think that hundred mile boy is very good. Don't wait to stay in the general's mansion when you are old. I'll drive people out myself then! It's not that I said that it's good for your elder brother to ask for his daughter-in-law. You should treat her well! Yes, yes, yes! I have to go and tell that boy Qingyun! "

With that, Qin Ying goes to Qin Qingyun and leaves dusk alone in the wind. She can't help but smoke. Does grandfather have any misunderstanding about the descendants of the general's mansion? It's clear that all of them are dragons and phoenixes among the people. How to get to him seems like nobody wants to.

Liu Ge'er couldn't help bumping into Mu Xi's shoulder and said weakly, "I think he's still very enthusiastic, just a little too enthusiastic..."

However, when the four of them arrived at dusk, master Qin couldn't help but have a moment to spare. Especially when he looked at Qin Qingyun and liuge'er, he was as fierce and nervous as he wanted to grasp military and political affairs. Even Feng Jianxiong couldn't help asking, "what's the matter with you, master? These two children are very good, and they didn't make any mistakes..."

Qin Ying said solemnly: "it's no mistake, but I want to make a decision on the marriage of the two children, so as not to make any mistakes in the future. You see, the boy of Baili is doing very well. He is engaged to Xi'er of our family, so he is waiting for Xi'er to get married."

When she heard this, she took a sip of tea. She thought it had nothing to do with her today. Unexpectedly, the old man mentioned her first. She was wiping her mouth, and the old man glared at her again.

This one eye, let Dushi can't help but shrink for a while, Qin Ying said: "your marriage is ordered, your elder brother's has not been settled, can you have a little heart! We have to go to the general's house to propose marriage. You have to prepare for your elder brother. You'd better ask Baili how he does it. Do you understand me

Qin Ying's last voice roared, which instantly made Dushi feel back in the barracks. She immediately stood up from the stool, saluted bravely and said, "I understand! Please obey my grandfather's instructions! Absolutely make the engagement of big brother a priority

Qin Ying nodded with satisfaction. He looked at Qin Qingyun and said, "you are the party. You should be more attentive. The most important thing for you now is to get this thing done."

Qin Qingyun looked at Qin Ying dully and said, "what?? But isn't cultivation the most important thing for me now? Now we should not consider this matter... "

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