As soon as Qin Ying heard this, she clapped the table angrily. He glared at Qin Qingyun and said, "listen to what you said! You know the most important thing for you now is to practice. Are you still with other girls? Now that you are all together, of course you have to be responsible for others! Otherwise, you will damage the girl's reputation. Anyway, you are also my grandson. That's what I taught you when I was in the general's mansion? Is it not responsible to be with others? "

Qin Qingyun was just about to cry. He could only explain: "I'm not irresponsible, but if I get married now, it's a little early."

Mr. Qin pointed to him and said, "you're twenty or thirty this year, aren't you? Why is it so early? Besides, you can't get married now, but you have to get engaged, right? You have to let other girls know you, right? I'm not satisfied with you

Qin Qingyun said with a sad face: "OK, OK, we are not engaged yet? But you have to ask her where her house is first, or how to get there? "

Qin Ying glared at him, then said to Liu Ge'er with a smile: "girl, where is your home? You can rest assured that we have to propose marriage to your family. Our family will never treat you badly. "

Liuge'er likes Qin Qingyun a little more. She also wants to settle the relationship quickly. As long as she proposes and gets engaged, no matter Qin Qingyun goes to the ends of the earth, she will have to come back. So she excitedly said: "our family is in Yunding country, the mainland of star array. I'm the princess of Yunding country!"

After hearing the speech, Qin Ying was stunned at first, then frowned and thought deeply. Seeing his expression, Qin Qingyun thought he was going to retreat, so he whispered: "grandfather, you see, the star array mainland is so far away, do you want to wait for some time to go?"

As soon as Qin Ying heard this, he got up and pointed to Qin Qingyun and said, "how can you just muddle along like this? How can you be scared by such a little difficulty? How can I have a grandson like you? What do you want to send when I want to ask for marriage? What a shame

Seeing that there was going to be a quarrel between them, she said: "grandfather, first of all, think about what dowry we are going to give. My elder brother and I will go out and ask Bai Li Fen Jin how she did it at that time, so that we can learn from her experience, don't we?"

Seeing Qin Ying nodding, dusk evening pulls Qin Qingyun out of the door. Liuge'er and Feng Jianxiong are in the room discussing the engagement with Qin Ying. Dusk evening and Qin Qingyun are strolling in the garden of the burning palace to relax.

Qin Qingyun has nothing to say along the road. His eyes are staring at the flowers on the roadside, but his mind is very confused. Seeing him like this at dusk, he can't help but say, "don't you want to marry Liuge er?"

Qin Qingyun first nodded, then shook his head and said, "I don't know. I don't know. I don't think my mind should be on getting married. I'm far from it."

Dushi stroked the flowers in the garden with her hand and said with a smile, "do you think you look like I was forced to marry Bai Li Fen Jin before? At that time, no one wanted to open you up like I do now. In a word, you have to think well. If you don't want to get married, you have to make it clear to liuge'er. If you want to get married, don't treat her with this attitude. Just like my grandfather said, you should be responsible. "

Qin Qingyun gave a wry smile and said, "I don't dare to promise anything now. Look at me now. In terms of strength, I can't compare with you, let alone Bai Li Fen Jin. He dares to engage you and promise you because he has the capital. What about me? What do you have now? Besides the name of the general's mansion, what else do I have? Tell me, how can I give her happiness? "

As soon as she heard this, she couldn't help laughing. She patted Qin Qingyun on the shoulder and said, "so you think so much. Why do you think so much? According to your principle, all people with poor strength should not marry. How long has Bai Li burned Jin practiced? How long have we been practicing? Why do you compare with him? Be confident. Only you can afford her happiness. "

Qin Qingyun just lowered his head and thought, but he didn't open his mouth. Dushi wanted to stimulate him, so he shook his head and said, "since you don't want to marry liuge'er, you'll have to wait many years for you to cultivate Baili Huojin. At that time, liuge'er will marry a long time ago, and you won't have to worry about it, Others will give her happiness. "

Qin Qingyun had some reaction, he said aloud: "no! Only I can give her happiness, others I don't trust

Dusk Xi then said with a smile, "well, what are you waiting for now? If you don't hurry up and discuss the betrothal gifts with your grandfather, you should be careful that the betrothal gifts are less. The emperor of Yunding is not happy

Qin Qingyun raised his neck and said: "if he doesn't like it, he has to give it to me. Although I can't compare with Bai Li Fen Jin and you, I can still compare with other people. Anyway, I'm a genius, right? I don't believe that he has no eyes and doesn't like me

The evening clapped hands and said, "that's right! This is my big brother! This is like the grandson of the general's mansion! "

Then Qin Qingyun hurried back to dusk. Seeing the way they came back, Qin Ying stroked her beard and asked, "what's the result of your discussion?"

Dushi just remembered that they could not find an excuse to return to Yuanyuan now, but she said in a hurry: "Oh, I suddenly remembered that I haven't seen the betrothal gift given by Bai Li Fen Jin at that time, but you must have gone too far and put it in the general's house, or let's go back and have a look?"

Qin Ying cut and said, "he's the master of the burning palace. Can he give less betrothal gifts? At that time, boxes were moved to the general's house. I went through the list of gifts. I haven't seen anything yet. Can we compare with others? We can't afford that much. "

The corner of dusk Xi's mouth smokes. She finds that master Qin has been brainwashed since he lived in the burning palace. Now his favor for Baili burning Jin is rising. He is the best grandson-in-law in his heart.

Dusk Xi can't help swallowing her saliva again. It seems that she will quarrel with Bai Li Fen Jin in the future, but she can't find someone else to complain. She squeezed out a smile and said, "anyway, his things are mine. You can take them as you want. It must be enough to take them out to support the scene."

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