Twilight night said with a smile: "I'm not difficult for you, after all, you are not him. As long as I don't open these betrothal gifts, it means I didn't accept them. In case he falls in love with other girls later, I will give them back to him. Ah, by the way, isn't there a Chu Xinyao in your temple? This time he may go back for her, so it's normal that he doesn't care about me. "

Bamboo green and bamboo don't know how to comfort, can only anxiously look at, don't know what is good. They are ignored at dusk, but they just choose the betrothal gift for liuge'er. After all, Qin Qingyun's marriage is more important now. Qin Ying also regards them as a little fight between lovers, and they will be fine in a while.

So Mr. Qin looked at liuge'er with a smile and said, "you can choose whatever you like."

Liuge'er was dazzled when she looked at so many things. She was embarrassed and said, "I can do anything, but my father may not be easy to get rid of, but he pays more attention to strength."

Qin Qingyun raised his eyebrows and said, "although my strength is not as good as that of a little pervert like Dushi, I'm more confident than other people. Anyway, I won't let your father down."

Qin Ying asked housekeeper Wang to buy all the big and small things in the wedding gift list. He picked out some jewelry, natural materials and local treasures and took them with him. There were also several large boxes of these big and small things out. He couldn't help smacking when he saw so many things at dusk.

This is enough face for liuge'er. It's a great blessing for her daughter to marry to the general's residence. When Zhuqing and Zhuan look at dusk, they sigh again. They feel that they have done something wrong. Anyway, when the palace master comes, they will be punished again.

Wang Bo Ruo looked at these betrothal gifts thoughtfully, and then stopped saying, "general, young master, I saw him grow up when I was young, just like my child. He's going to star array this time..."

Looking at Uncle Wang's embarrassed expression, Qin Ying said generously, "do you want to go with me? Just in time, let's go together to cheer Qingyun up and let them feel the sincerity of our general's house. "

Wang Bo looked at Qin Ying happily and said, "thank you, general! I'm going to tell you all about the affairs in the house. I'll follow you immediately! "

This trip to the mainland of star array is very impressive. Thanks to Daniel's strong body, otherwise he could not pull so many people and so many betrothal gifts. There are enough two carriages. Dushi couldn't help laughing and said, "sister-in-law, do you think it's good to marry to our general's house? Now, you've occupied my place in my grandfather's heart."

Liu Ge'er said with a smile, "that's because I'm very good. Everyone loves me."

Twilight turns her eyes and doesn't talk to her anymore, because Qin Ying and Wang Bo are discussing Fengrui's domestic affairs. Suddenly, a conversation attracts twilight's attention. Fengyunxuan seems to be married to fengyunqing. I really don't think these two people will have feelings.

Fengyunqing is more tenacious than ordinary women, but she doesn't give birth to a good family, and fengyunxuan is more tolerant than Dushi imagined. At least he doesn't care about fengyunqing's past. He can marry fengyunqing as the king of a country, which is unexpected.

It seems that they are really true love. Thinking of these, even Dushi didn't find the longing and tenderness on her face. When she thought of Bai Li Fen Jin, her smile solidified in her mouth. She thought that he would tolerate all her willfulness and temper. Unexpectedly, he was tired now.

As Zhu an said, he didn't care about himself as much as before. Even others could see that. She controlled herself not to think about it. Instead, she put herself into the state of cultivation and quietly cultivated herself in the carriage. Even with Daniel as a means of transportation, it will take half a month to get to the mainland.

Considering the length of time, this time they travel by land, pulling two boxes of betrothal gifts is very conspicuous. Because of the protection of Zhuqing and Zhuan, they arrived at the junction of Fengyun continent and star array continent.

The two continents are separated by a vast ocean, and there is a boundary over the ocean, so it is impossible to fly through this area. Dushi asks liuge'er curiously, "aren't you from the mainland of star array? You should be familiar with the past, right

Liu Ge'er shook his head helplessly and said, "I'm a student of Xuanyuan University, so I didn't need to take this waterway. I went directly from the teleport array at that time. It's a common rule of the three continents. Except for the students who enter the University, no one else can use the teleport array of the University."

Dusk Xi nodded and said: "yes, if everyone uses the transmission array, it will be a mess. Now let's think about how to get there? "

Qin Qingyun and Feng Qingyue, looking at the boundless blue, feel that their hearts are much broader, especially Feng Qingyue, who has his own unique understanding of this vast scene, which is also his unique cultivation realm and his own cultivation road.

Qin Qingyun pointed to a big ship at the dock and said, "let's go there and have a look. Maybe we can get in."

All the way in his direction, we saw a huge ship, made of solid wood, with three layers on the deck, which can hold hundreds of people and a lot of goods. A little boy by the boat, looking at the large group of people at dusk night, hurriedly went up and said, "do the guests want to cross the river?"

Dushi nodded. Looking at so many people, he said with a smile: "a guest needs to pay 30 liang of gold to get on the ship. There are nine of you, so it's 272 liang of gold. Originally, these goods also need to be paid for, but it's not necessary because of the large number of you."

On hearing this, Liu Ge'er immediately pointed at him and scolded, "is there thirty taels of gold for one person? Why don't you grab it? Really, it's easy to kill the guests because of the large number of us? Believe it or not, I beat you all over the place

The boy was not afraid, but more arrogant. The smile on his face gradually disappeared, replaced by disdain and anger. He clapped his hands, and suddenly there were a lot of heavily guarded guards around him. He pointed to liuge'er and said, "if you can't fall in love, don't hinder us from doing business. If you can't pay this silver, it doesn't mean others can't, If you can't afford it, get out of here, or I'll be rude! "

In an instant, Qin Ying and Qin Qingyun are angry. Bullying liuge'er is equivalent to bullying them. Besides, they are still courting, but Dushi stops them.

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