She raised her smiling face and said to the boy, "it's two hundred seventy-two taels of gold, isn't it? I'll pay, and then we can go up? "

The boy snorted and said, "of course, you can go up after you pay the money, but you also have to pay for the goods. What was said just now is good. Now, everyone is fighting each other. What's good for you?"

The evening evening night starts to hook up the lips Cape way: "yes, you say total how many money silver, I have money."

The little guy was blinded by the friendly attitude of Dushi. He looked at the beautiful face of Dushi and the smile on her face, and immediately felt embarrassed. He coughed twice and said, "a total of three hundred taels of gold. For your face, girl, I'll pay you for the meals these days."

Dushi smiles and throws a space bag into his hand. The guy opens it and finds that it's just three hundred taels of silver. The smile on his face comes back again. He says to Dushi with a smile: "girl, I think you are beautiful and have a good character. Let's move these things to the warehouse for you."

Then he began to command the guards and moved the two boxes under the deck. Dushi just looked at them with a smile and didn't refuse, but she didn't miss the expression on the faces of the guards. It seems that the ship is really not simple.

The boy spat when he passed liuge'er, and then said, "if you don't have money, you have a good temper. Don't fall on me in the future!"

Liuge'er rolls up her sleeve to argue with him. Dushi stops her and shows her not to act rashly. Xiao Si said to Mu Xi with a smile: "your rooms are all on the third floor. You have a good view. This is the room I specially chose for you. Most people don't want them to live in."

Dushi smiles and nods to show his thanks. After the boy goes away, Zhuqing whispers to Dushi: "madam, do you want me to see the situation on this ship? There seems to be something wrong with the people on this boat. "

"Let Zhuan come with you, pay special attention to our things," he said

Zhu Qing and Zhu an immediately began to take action. In terms of their execution of burning the palace, this little thing should not be difficult for them. Liu Ge'er looks at the dusk with an unhappy face and says, "why do you want to give him money? Look at him like that and I want to fight!"

Dusk Xi snorted and said, "if you look around, don't you think there's something wrong with them? Besides their ship, are there any other boatmen? Now that you are in conflict with them, what good can we get? Remember, never spend time on things that you can afford to solve. "

Qin Ying stares at dusk, and then says to song'er softly, "Xi'er is still young and doesn't understand. Don't take these things to heart. You should get along with each other."

Dusk also discontented to see Qin Ying one eye, and then alone quickly on the third floor, find her to live in the room, fengqingyue also quickly follow up. Although the ship is very big, there are few people coming up. The price is not affordable for ordinary people.

At dusk, standing by the window of the third floor corridor, she looks at the scenery. It's blue outside. The occasional sea breeze and the slightly fishy damp smell of the waves make her feel like she's back to the modern times. Fengqingyue comes to her side, and the sea breeze blows their hair at the same time.

Will not appear scattered, but a little bit more disorderly wanton beauty. Feng Qingyue said, "are you in a bad mood recently?"

Twilight night smile, forehead scattered broken hair gently swaying with the wind, she looked at the sea said: "no ah, very good."

Feng Qingyue didn't retort, but said to herself, "your grandfather is a general of Fengrui kingdom. His son and daughter-in-law died in the battle, leaving only your elder brother and your three descendants. Your sister Qin Chaoyang still doesn't know where he is, and he's not easy to live. When he's in the general's mansion, the woman who is willing to marry the general's mansion is not an ordinary person, If your husband dies in battle, they will be widowed all their lives. So it's understandable that your grandfather is kind to your granddaughter-in-law. "

Twilight night gently smile, and then said: "thank you for comforting me, but you understand wrong, I'm not because of this matter and upset, but thank you, I'll go back to my room now to rest for a while, see you later."

After that, he turned around, walked through the corridor and chose the most side room. Feng Qingyue watched her back for a long time and couldn't recover. He looked at her for a long time. Until she came into the room, he said with a bitter smile: "really, it's not easy to decide to give up and be a friend. In order to make you happy, in order to let you have no pressure, why are you unhappy now?"

As soon as she entered the room, she collapsed on the big bed. She knew that her attitude today was not very good, but she couldn't control herself. She didn't want to admit that it was because of Bai Li burning Jin that she became like this. When did she start? She became so concerned about Bai Li Fen Jin.

She rubbed her swollen head, then gave a soft thud, forcing herself to practice. Anyway, this place is full of sea, which is the best place to practice water spirit power. Thinking of this, she released the ice sword in the space.

Because ice sword can be regarded as the entity of water spirit power. As long as it is released, it can absorb power by itself, even if it doesn't need to be controlled by dusk night. And dusk night also has great benefits. It's equivalent to that she has cultivated two parts by herself, which is twice the result with half the effort.

When she devoted herself to the cultivation, she could not remember the time around. A knock on the door interrupted her cultivation. She opened her eyes, vomited a mouthful of turbid Qi, and ended the cultivation. Then gently push open the door, found standing outside the door is Liuge er.

She was embarrassed and scratched her head with her hand. She said, "twilight, you know I'm a man with a bit of a bad brain. Don't worry about it. Although I'm older than you and still your sister-in-law, I'm not as good as you in many things. I think you're right. Don't listen to your grandfather."

When she heard the last sentence, she couldn't help laughing. She said with a smile, "where am I so mean? I can't say that I'm in a bad mood because of love? I want face, too, OK? But you are really the only one who has won my grandfather's favor. I don't know how he will feel when he hears what you just said. "

Liu Ge'er also said with a generous smile: "it's good that you're OK. Although Bai Li Fen Jin is excellent, you're not bad either. It's a big deal. If you kick him, it's not so complicated!"

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