He quickly knelt down to the side of the evening, kowtowed and said: "I'm wrong, I dare not, please spare my life!" Dushi ignores him, but looks at him with great interest. She knows that Fang Ziming is unpredictable and will rebel whenever she has a chance.

Before, he would treat him thousands of times, so the poison she had poisoned before was Gu poison. This is also the experience that Mu Xi learned from master Yun. She knows a little bit about it. Ordinary poisons can hurt people, but Gu poison can make people excited.

Once the poisoned people have the idea of harming the poisoned people, they will be backfired. Ma Ruyu has never seen Fang Ziming like this before. He has always been servile to Fang Ziming. He has never seen him kneeling on the ground begging for mercy.

This also makes Ma Ruyu more determined to follow the idea of dusk. The evening evening picks eyebrow to say to Fang Ziming: "you get up, you still have some use value to me, I won't kill you. But I'll tell you that if you have any idea of hurting me, you will be attacked. After two times, you will be killed directly. Just now, you have used it once. "

Fang Ziming is stunned, which is equivalent to a knife hanging on his head. Although he has a deep hatred for twilight, he can't do anything to hurt her, otherwise he will die with him. He not only can't revenge, but also obediently help Dushi do things.

Think about it, he feels very depressed, but he can't show it. Just as they were about to leave, the guard stopped them again and said to Ma Ruyu carefully: "Mr. Ma, you know the rules of the city. You can't enter the city for riding things, so as not to hurt pedestrians, so..."

He pointed to the bull who was carrying the betrothal gifts and looked at Ma Ruyu in embarrassment. Ma Ruyu also whispered to Mu Xi: "it's a rule in Linhai City that all the horses that can't enter the city are put in the stables for feeding. Nothing will happen. They will be taken away when they leave the city."

"I didn't expect that the Lord of Linhai City was considerate of the common people," she said with a smile

Ma Ruyu said to Dushi quietly, "I heard that the reason is that the Lord of the city especially likes fast horses, so he built such a place for him to choose. But I don't think the Lord of the city will like you, so there's nothing to worry about. "

It's true that Daniel stepped on the land and just recovered from seasickness. He has lost a lot of weight. Now he's no different from the ordinary mount, and he's much uglier than the ordinary mount. In principle, as long as he's a normal person, he shouldn't pick Daniel.

But Daniel doesn't think so. He's the mount of the burning palace. He's a strange animal, but ordinary animals can match him? So when he heard Ma Ruyu belittle himself like this, he stood up to him and dropped Ma Ruyu to the ground with his own horn.

Ma Ruyu looks at the cow staring at him in horror. He thought that the identity of Dushi is mysterious enough, but his mount is so unexpected. Dusk Xi looks at Daniel with a smile, and then says to him, "since someone doesn't believe you, go over and let the city master have a good look. How powerful are you?"

As soon as Daniel listened to the praise from twilight, he immediately became shy. His head was low, and he didn't dare to look at the direction of twilight. He also rubbed his front leg on the ground. The appearance of Daniel scared Ma Ruyu.

How can a mount be so extraordinary? It's not too much to say that it's a person. Dusk night funny looking at Daniel shy appearance, said: "well, good to go with them, remember, must give them good-looking ah."

As soon as Daniel heard this, he immediately ordered him to walk to the guard. He also urged the guard to take him to the place quickly, so that he could start his performance. The guard is also the first time to see such a spiritual mount.

He hurriedly led Daniel to go, but Daniel coquettishly avoided his hand and followed him around, laughing. He thought how could it be willing to be led by such a little guard? Liuge'er looks at Daniel and finds it funny.

But she could not help but worry: "do you think it would be dangerous for Daniel to go there?"

Zhu an half jokingly said to the song, "dangerous? I think the man in the stable will be in danger. I'll tell you that even you can't beat our Daniel, not to mention his thick skin. "

Liu Ge'er looked at Zhu an in disgust and said, "how can you compare me with Daniel? You look down on people. "

Zhu Qing also said with a smile: "you can't even compare with Daniel. It's good to say that Daniel."

After they handed in Daniel, they went into the city gate at dusk. All the betrothal gifts were put into the space bag. When they wanted to propose marriage, they took them out to find someone to carry them and support the scene. They are particularly prominent in Linhai City, because Linhai City is a small and remote city. How can we see such refined people? Besides, there are so many of them.

Many people even pointed to them and said, "you see, they must be childe brothers and young ladies from the imperial city. Such good looks are not what we can raise in a small city like ours."

However, this is not the taste in Fang Ziming's heart. He and Fang zishuo have been to Linhai City before, and no one has ever praised them. How come there are so many people praising when these people come, but no one will pay attention to his broken thoughts.

As soon as he entered the city at dusk, he went straight to the biggest herb shop here. As soon as he was guided by Ma Ruyu, the owner of the herb shop immediately trembled like chaff when he saw Ma Ruyu coming. It was neither open nor closed.

Dusk Xi quickly went to him and said with a smile, "don't be afraid, old man. We are here to buy medicinal materials. He won't do anything to you."

With a look in his eyes, Ma Ruyu immediately understood. He quickly said to the boss, "boss Zhang, I'll apologize to you. I was confused before, but I'm not a human being. Now I follow this girl, and I won't hurt you."

Although boss Zhang doesn't believe Ma Ruyu's words, he believes that Dushi, who is so old, can recognize people. A girl with extraordinary temperament and friendly like Dushi doesn't look like a bad person. So he stroked his beard and said with a smile, "girl, what do you want to buy?"

Evening night looked around for a while, said: "you just prescribe a pair of medicine for wind heat, and then all the fresh herbs you have here will come to one or two." Boss Zhang rubbed his ears.

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