He thought he had heard wrong. He first handed the wind heat medicine to Mu Xi, and then asked again, "we have wind heat medicine here, but there are so many fresh herbs here. Are you sure you want everything?"

Dushi nodded, then handed the medicine to the woman holding the child, and said, "take this, and the child's illness will be better. I'll give you another fifty taels of silver. Go home. "

The woman looked at the evening with tears in her eyes, knelt down to thank the evening, and said: "girl is really a Bodhisattva's heart. I'm so lucky to meet a good man like you."

Dusk Xi embarrassed to help her up, to tell you the truth, so warm gratitude let dusk Xi some at a loss. Ma Ruyu said to the woman, "go away quickly. I've given you all the silver."

As soon as the woman saw Ma Ruyu talking to her, the color of her whole face changed. She quickly nodded, took the silver and left. Dushi gives Ma Ruyu a playful look. She thinks this person is very interesting. She is sensitive and delicate. She can detect other people's psychological changes and know how to help others.

I have to say that Ma Ruyu is really suitable to be a subordinate. Moreover, he is by no means a thing in the pool. He knows how to judge the situation. For him, it is not that he is not loyal to his master, but that he will choose a more powerful master, and twilight is his choice.

Most of the time, you can't blame the betrayal of your subordinates. Instead, you have to reflect on whether you have the ability and courage to let others follow you to the death. Boss Zhang naturally saw Mu Xi's action. He suddenly decided to say to Mu Xi, "girl, you can convince people like Ma Ruyu, you have a kind heart, and you have the ability to help others. You are very suitable for me. Well, I'll take you to my pharmacy. There are all kinds of herbs in it, but you can only go in alone, and your friends can only rest outside. "

Feng Qingyue immediately looked at the boss with alert eyes. Dusk night comforted him: "it's OK. For doctors, their own medicine garden is very important. It's understandable that he won't let you in. Besides, with my strength, don't you believe it?"

After that, she followed boss Zhang to the second floor of the herb shop. However, when she got to the second floor, it was empty. Dusk was surprised, so boss Zhang went to the center of the house and said a mantra. His hands were also changing different gestures.

After he said that, the whole room showed a huge disc with complicated patterns, also emitting bursts of golden light, flashing dusk can't open your eyes, in a moment, the scene around her changed, the dazzling light also dissipated.

Boss Zhang just looked at dusk with a smile and said, "you see, this is my medicine garden."

At dusk, I was surprised to see the scene around me. It's not a medicine garden. It's just a grassland with the fragrance of herbs. It's not the scale of an ordinary medicine garden. No wonder he said that there are a lot of herbs.

Looking at the surprise expression of dusk evening, boss Zhang couldn't help but say with pride, "you see, it's my hard work for many years. It's not common people I don't let him in."

Dushi squatted down and looked at the herbs gently. He praised: "boss Zhang, you are really powerful. You are the person who has the largest number of herbs in my life, and you also take good care of this herb garden. No wonder there is nothing on the second floor. You can't put so many things down at all."

When boss Zhang saw the gentle movement of Dushi, he knew that she was also a lover of herbal medicine, so he waved his hand and said, "I have so many herbal medicines. You can pick one of them. I think you are a good child."

Dushi blinked at boss Zhang and said, "really? You are so generous and kind. I almost admire you. "

Boss Zhang glanced at dusk and said, "if you don't want to talk about it, you should get something quickly, or I'll change my mind later."

Dushi quickly takes out the tools she carries to dig herbs and starts to work. Boss Zhang also helps her. One of the main purposes of her visit to star array mainland is to collect herbs here. I didn't expect that she would get such a big harvest when she first came here.

At least, boss Zhang also has most of the herbs in the mainland of star array. She dug up half of the herbs in the evening after working hard for most of the day. When she was digging, she also asked Xiao Yao to pick all the herbs in the space. She wanted to give them to boss Zhang. After all, it was reciprocity.

When she stood up to hammer her waist, boss Zhang took a space bag and handed it to Dushi, saying, "girl, here is the other half of the herbal medicine. Put it away."

Dusk Xi took the space bag with a smile and said, "thank you, boss Zhang. I also have some herbs here. I've given them to you. Thank you for being so generous."

Boss Zhang looked at the space bag handed to him by Muxi in doubt. He gave Muxi herbal medicine because of congeniality and not because of reward. He shook his head and said, "girl, I've got your heart, but I can't accept your things."

Twilight night drops to slip an eye to say: "you see what thing is inside to make a decision first, OK?"

Looking at the mysterious appearance of Dushi's face, boss Zhang could not help but wonder what was in the bag. When he opened the space bag, he found that it was full of herbs with rich aura, most of which were from Fengyun mainland. He had not even seen many of them with his own eyes, but had seen them in ancient books.

Although there are many herbs in his medicine garden, they are not as rare as those given to him by Dushi in terms of their rarity and aura. Although he was very jealous, he still shook his head and refused: "girl, I can't accept your things. It's too expensive. Compared with what you give me, my herbs are nothing at all."

Dushi said to him seriously, "I sent these herbs to you because of my affinity with you, and you were so generous to me just when you met me. First, you brought me to your precious medicine garden, and then you let me choose at will. Who am I not going to give it to? If you don't take it, I won't take it either. "

At dusk, boss Zhang scratched his head and said with a big smile, "I'll be more respectful than obedient, but why are most of your herbs from Fengyun mainland?"

Dusk night mischievous looking at him and said: "because I am the spy from Fengyun mainland."

She didn't expect that her joke made boss Zhang take it seriously. He frowned and said, "detective, since that's the case, don't be afraid. You can stay with me and make sure that people in the city can't find you!"

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