The evening night takes him to have no way, push also push not to open, scold also scold not to walk, so she resolutely gave up, she again opened just now of topic, doubt of ask a way: "you in the temple of position can also leave of, that evil realm how to do?"? Can the temple hold without you? "

Bai Li Fen Jin said frankly: "in fact, I don't quit this position, it should be a vacation. When you go to the temple, I will take up my post again. But with the strength of the temple, it's no problem to hold on for another ten or twenty years. Besides, with your talent, it won't take that long. "

Dusk Xi speechless looked at Bai Li Fen Jin, she really has no way to take him, she whispered: "you are really idle..."

Bai Li Fen Jin said with her mouth: "it's not all forced by you. Who makes you always want to open the distance between us? If you step back, I'll step forward. Until you don't have a way back, we'll never be separated. You don't know how long it took me to deal with those old guys and how much effort it took to be with you all the time..."

Before he finished his words, twilight night blocked his lips. Before, it was liuge'er's attitude that inspired her. Maybe she needed to take the initiative in getting along with Baili Zhenjin, and let Baili Zhenjin pay all the time, which was unfair.

But also let her feel very guilty, this time, hundred Li burn Jin in order to shorten the distance with her, to her here a big step, how to say she should be more active. The action of dusk night undoubtedly makes Bai Li burn Jin unexpectedly and excited.

After all, he never took the initiative to kiss him before dusk night. He was so happy that he didn't know what kind of expression to put on. When dusk night saw kissing him for a long time, he didn't respond. He thought he was not happy. Just as he was about to stop, Bai Li Fen Jin said with trembling: "this time you took the initiative. I don't care. I want enough."

With that, he kisses Dusk's lips. There is no gap between them. They haven't seen each other for a month or two. He thinks she can't sleep at night. Now he finally has a chance to kiss Fangze. He won't let dusk go easily.

And dusk night instant regret, to hundred Li burning Jin this overbearing and paranoid temperament, where need she to take the initiative ah, even if she does not take the initiative, hundred Li burning Jin will not give her back, ah, it seems that every couple have different ways to get along with each other.

Blindly listening to other people's advice, still can't play any role, but now it's too late for her to regret, Bai Lifen Jin has taken off her clothes to her shoulders, her clean and thin shoulders have been exposed, and even continue to go down.

She quickly resisted Bai Li Fen Jin and said, "be rational. Let's talk about it on the wedding night."

Bai Li Fen Jin, who is kissing Mu Xi's neck, is stunned for a moment. Then she stops and takes a bite of Mu Xi's shoulder. She says, "you are really bad. You can touch my heart and my desire so easily. I really don't know what to do with you."

Dushi slowly arranged the clothes, and then said shyly in a low voice: "it's said that the wedding night is OK... Now I'm not ready..."

Bai Li Fen Jin chuckled and said, "OK, I must have enough on my wedding night."

Listening to his ambiguous and domineering tone, twilight night has an indescribable feeling in her heart, just like the feeling of sheep entering the tiger's mouth, which makes her dare not continue to think about it... But after that, Bai Li Fen Jin is very good. She doesn't use her hands and feet. She just gently hugs Twilight night and goes to sleep.

This sleep is especially sweet for him, because every night after that, he can go to sleep with his arms around twilight, and no longer have to endure loneliness without her. When they wake up, it's time for them to get dressed.

But hundred Li burn Jin is a pair of not slow appearance, evening night looking at his appearance, hasten a way: "hurry up, they may want to start a case."

Instead of taking it seriously, Bai Li Fen Jin takes Mu Xi back to bed, hugs her and says, "what's the relationship between them and us? Can't we just lie down? "

Evening night helplessly glanced at him, said: "you can lie down, but you don't pull me, I still have something to do."

Bai Li Fen Jin just got up with Mu Xi in his arms. He served Mu Xi with a very fast speed to wash and eat breakfast. By the way, he also cleaned himself up. This speed was admirable to Mu Xi, and he was very careful.

"You are more powerful than a servant girl. Where did you learn all these things from?" she said with a smile

Hundred Li burn Jin funny looking at the evening, said: "from you here, ah, who let my wife will not do anything, then have to let for husband, as time goes by, don't do fast and good?"

Dushi looked at his proud face, rolled his eyes and said, "cut, it's like I enslave you. If you don't want to do it, don't do it. You should put the responsibility on my head."

"Who said I didn't want to? I'd like to, my little lady. I want to serve you like this all my life. "

Dusk Xi was so scared by his numb words that she trembled. She didn't see each other for so long, and she was not used to Bai Li Fen Jin's sweet words. After cleaning up, they go to the city master's mansion together. When Feng Qingyue sees the figure of Bai Li Fen Jin, she is just a little surprised, and instantly returns to her normal look.

Bai Li Fen Jin and Mu Xi really match each other. Walking on the street, that's the 100% rate of turning back. Especially today, Mu Xi makes Bai Li Fen Jin wear a sky blue robe, slim and straight, and the whole person looks handsome and extraordinary, just like the star king in the heavenly Palace.

Dushi himself is wearing a sky blue dress, with sky blue pearls dotted between his hair. He carefully ties up a hairstyle, smart and elegant. They are wearing lovers' clothes, which makes them look like they are walking in yaochi. Dusk Xi smiles and looks at Bai Li Fen Jin, remembering the scene of dressing this morning.

Twilight night looked at the bed with a hundred Li burning Jin black and gold robes, blinking, brain is in the rapid operation, she carefully called Zhuqing, and then told him: "in the street to buy all the styles of men's wear back."

Zhu Qing asked curiously, "madam, do you want to dress as a man?"

Dusk night white, he said: "I'm so good-looking, why should women disguise as men?"

"What do you want men's clothes for?" asked Zhuqing

In an instant, an idea came to his mind.

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